Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 683: Temporary Unsealing

Chapter 683: Temporary Unsealing

0Alex and the survivors watched with lingering fear what had just happened. The mountain on their left was gone; the ground burned like magma.     

As they feared the monster had been holding back, even the big werewolf whose level was close to the Demi-God level was shaking; he was gravely injured, he knew what the current aura coming from the monster meant, she was finally unleashing her full power as proof the three heads were regenerating at speed visible to naked eyes.      


The sky rumbled as a mighty aura descended upon everything trying to force them to kneel; those weak-willed were forced to kneel, breaking their kneecaps in the process.     

Alex and the others resisted with all their might; it was when they saw the werewolf pointing at the area behind the Hydra there was the remnant of a big temple, black lightning bolts crackled above the temple while it emitted a terrific aura.      

The moment Alex led his eyes on this temple, even though it was still pretty far away, something changed within him; he heard a call, his blood began to boil so violently that his heartbeat accelerated.     

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

〖So this the final destination?〗     

Unexpectedly Silveria's voice echoed inside Alex's mind, but he was not in the mood to answer; the moment he saw that temple, he understood what he must do, he must acquire whatever was inside but to do that, he first must kill a monster thousands failed to kill, a demigod existence, a monster beyond anything he had faced until now, nevertheless the black prince was smiling, a crazy smile.     

''You must have gone nut. I'm leaving-" Leonardo had not finished his words before feeling a cold sensation on his neck.      

''I dare you to leave without doing what have been assigned to you.'' Sera's cold voice reached his ears.     

Unprecedented feelings of fear arose and Leonardo felt his scalp blistering. He had goosebumps all over his body. He had never faced this girl before; therefore, he was unaware of how scary Sera could be; today was his first time experiencing Sera's murderous aura. There was only one thing he had in mind. 'Better not mess with this woman; she is the second most dangerous woman I ever faced.'     

The first one would be Incursio; if Sera knew she had received such high praise, she would be happy.     

Meanwhile, Eri, Eris, Kuina had readied their respective weapons, ready to fight, when suddenly there was a blinding light forcing them to close their eyes for a second. The next moment they were shocked by what they saw; hundreds of strong monsters appeared in front of the hydra; she was like their queen, those monsters glared at Alex's group before charging toward them.     

''Attack!" Kuina shouted before charging toward the monster; the others except Alex followed her. Leon was secretly shocked because Kuina immediately summoned her Gift, and soon the sound of a bell ringing echoed through the battlefield. For an unknown reason, Eri, Leonardo, Sera, and the remaining survivors felt immense strength w they felt like they could fight for three days and three nights without rest.     

Meanwhile, Alex observed everything from the back; he couldn't help but praise Kuina's gift, to think it would have such an effect, increasing allies' morale and stamina, what a great support skill.      

The reason why Alex didn't join them was that his opponent was the big monster; the big werewolf was going to sacrifice his life with an ultimate skill while Silveria gave him a suggestion.      

Boom! Boom! Boom!      

The battlefield was filled with the sound of multiple explosions, but Alex stood at the back motionless; in reality, he traveled to Nyx's world. At first, he couldn't enter, but finally, Nyx let him in.      

Alex immediately appeared in a black room; the only thing present in this room was a black throne on which Nyx was chained; seeing this, Alex's face contorted in anger, he wished to tear apart those damn black chains immediately but knew that he couldn't help given his current strength.      

Two pairs of beautiful ice-blue eyes lock onto Alex making him freeze; the pressure coming from the frail girl was ten times that of the five-headed hydra with full power. Alex couldn't help but wonder how strong Nyx was in the past? An answer he would not know in a long time.     

''I know what you want to do. I can't stop you.'' Nyx's cold voice brought Alex back to reality.     

He smiled; he was not surprised that Nyx knew what they were about to do. Those black chains restraining Nyx's body could be considered magic chains; while he was unable to erase them, he could temporarily seal them using erase; this would have Nyx for a minute, thus making it possible for Alex to use the black. It was a gamble but judging from Nyx's reaction; it was worth trying.      

Alex didn't hesitate; he immediately summoned the silver gun; the moment the silver gun appeared, the black chains seemed to have sensed something, their numbers immediately increased.      

Nyx's face was unchanging, even with several chains increasing and squeezing her body tightly. Alex's eyes turned cold, pushing all his mana into the silver gun, a beautiful silver bullet was created.      

Click! BANG!      

The beautiful silver bullet left the muzzle spinning at extreme speed; time seemed to have stopped, the black chain's number increased, seemingly afraid of this silver bullet.      

The silver bullet arrived before the black chains and,      

Bam! Boom!      

The sound of something cracking apart followed after the explosion; those black chains were cracking, it started with a small fixture, but soon it grew larger until all the black chains broke apart, setting Nyx.      

She stood up; the moment she did, the pressure Alex was feeling increased twofold, making him almost kneel; if not because Nyx happened to control her power, he would have kneeled.     

''Let's go,'' Nyx called out; she knew she had a best one or two minutes of freedom, but it was more than enough.     

Back in the real world, not even a minute had passed since Alex's immersion, when suddenly there was a huge explosion coming from Alex's body, causing everyone's eyes to fall on him. They witnessed black light bursting from his body; a chill ran down everyone's spine. The hydra eyes narrowed dangerously; she understood that she must get rid of this human or else endless trouble awaited her.     

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