Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 681: Toward the Frontline

Chapter 681: Toward the Frontline

3Sera brought Alex and the girls to the highest floor, where Kuina was waiting on the sofa.      3

''Welcome back!" Kuina greeted them the moment they walked in.     

Alex and Eris smiled and greeted her back.     

''It's good to see you, Kuina.''     

Only Eri stood there dumbfounded; this woman had changed yet again; it was not only because Kuina was more beautiful than her exuding mature charm but also because she gave her feeling of danger. Eri felt a single misstep would result in her losing very badly. Therefore Eri was wary of this fox lady. She didn't like her in the past, but this feeling intensified now that Kuina had grown stronger; Eri couldn't see through her at all, making the redhead frown deeply.     

''Eri, I hope you are fine; it's good to see you too.''     

Finally, Kuina said a few words to Eri, who harrumphed, not saying anything.     

Kuina only chuckled; seeing Eri's reaction, she teased her.     

''You have grown up, physically and on a level. It's a pity that area is still undeveloped.''     

Alex frowned and glared at Kuina to tell her not to stir up trouble; however, Kuina stuck out her tongue before falling silent.     

On the other side, Eri, who had secretly vowed not to lose her composure, couldn't keep after Kuina's merciless words; those words stabbed where it hurts the most.      

Just as she was about to burst, Eri unexpectedly managed to reign in her emotions; taking a deep breath, she calmed down.      

Eri's reaction was beyond everyone's expectation, Kuina even more, she felt defeated, she couldn't only sigh after shaking her head.     

Suddenly, Alex's voice rang out, allowing her to relieve some stress.      

''Where is your future husband?" Alex asked with a smile yet not a smile. Eris and Sera exchanged a look but said nothing.      

Meanwhile, Kuina laughed upon hearing Alex's question; she could feel a bit of jealousy mixed in Alex's voice; she was elated, she decided to tease him with her next question.      

''He is a busy man. Why do you ask? Are you perhaps jealous?"      

She expected Alex to deny this fact; the usual Alex would have done that. There was no way he would admit that he was jealous because admitting it would be equivalent to admitting that he held some feeling toward the fox lady. Everyone except Eri thought it would happen until Alex opened his mouth and said.     

''Yes, I'm jealous. I'm going to make you mine.''      

Silence, extreme silence.      

Kuina was so shocked that her jaw nearly fell onto the ground; she had expected many things but not this kind of response; she was completely caught off guard. The same goes for Sera and Eris, the former thought that Alex was indeed a womanizer while the latter was jealous of Kuina.     

The reason why Sera wasn't jealous was that she had faith in herself; she was the first woman Alex decided to go after; other girls might have gained a head start, she was not really afraid. There is a saying that vengeance is the best dish served cold; Sera believed that love was the best dish when gradually built. Once she officially became Alex's woman, she would have a solid foothold, a solid foundation than most women in the harem; it was sincerely what she believed.      

Sera may not talk most of the time and remain as an observer, but deep down, she was a calculative woman; assassins are calculative beings, to begin with, be it is on the battlefield, on a mission, or in love, you better be calculative.      

Unaware of all of this, Alex chuckled, seeing Kuina's reaction; it was priceless. Women like Kuina loved to control everything, and they rarely lost composure, so seeing her losing composure after his response, Alex couldn't help but praise himself. What he said was no joke; he became conscious of this woman; he didn't want to let another woman have it; he would make her his.      

While in a normal situation, most males would have said, you are mine; Alex didn't say that because Kuina was not a property, she was not his woman yet. It would be arrogance saying otherwise.      


Suddenly, Kuina, who had managed to control her emotions, burst into laughter; she laughed for a while before admitting that Alex got her good.      

''You got me good. Okay, I'm looking forward to how you will subdue me in the future; know that I will not be easy.''      

''Don't worry, I will succeed. I'm already in your heart. I to completely make you fall for me while I learn to love you.''      

Alex's reply was like a bolt of lightning striking Kuina's mind; she trembled many. Remembering something, she shook her head.     

When a woman was curious about a man, it was only a matter of time before she fell in love with that man.     

Just as Kuina was about to say something, she felt a human-looking arrow shoot toward Alex at extreme speed.      

Alex didn't even look back before throwing a punch above his head; his punch was powerful, forcing the surrounding space to vibrate.      


When two fists collided, it generated a small explosion whose shockwaves sent both men staggering on their feet.      

''Hahahaha! As usual, your body is tough, more than Beastmen. I wonder how it became like this?"      

Alex ignored Leon's question before giving him a bear hug.      

''It's good to meet my friend after so long.''      

''Yeah! It is good to see you too, Alex.'' Leon responded; after getting separated from Alex, he sat beside him while his gaze swept on the others, momentarily stopping on Eri before moving.     

''There is your classmate, Leonardo, in a cell. We got caught together until Kuina rescued me.'' Leon explained, his voice as he said those words sounded bitter, and Alex was smart enough not to probe.     

Upon hearing that Leonardo was here, Alex's eyes turned complicated but only for a moment before he declared.      

''Let's wait to see how we can use him.''     

The room turned silent again, except for Eri and Eris, who had no idea what was going on, Kuina, Sera and Leon exchanged looks; it was unknown what they were thinking. Alex acted as though he hadn't seen the weird look they gave him.      

To change the subject, he said.      

''I heard about something called the frontline. Can you tell me more about it?"      

As he was saying those words, his eyes were locked on Sera, who among them was more fit for collecting information if it was not her, a top-level assassin?      

Sera sighed before recounting what happened, and after hearing the whole story, the frontline, the hydra aside, the old man that suggested them to head into the Ares Dungeon was probably the same old man he encountered in the unusual realm. This could mean only one thing; their expedition was about to come to an end, the reason why he came to Exodus into this tower would be revealed soon.     

Instead of being elated, Alex frowned deeply; the feeling of dancing under someone else tune doesn't leave a good aftertaste in his mouth, but currently, there was nothing he could do apart from submitting. In the grand scheme of things, he was nothing, at least not now; one day, he would become the one that decides everything, the chess player with his own rules but for better lay low and continue to use the plot armors those in the background were sending him.     

''So, to leave this floor, we must join other forces on the frontline and kill or seal that beast?"     

Leon asked to be sure if anyone shared the same thought as him.      

''Well, it's exactly what we will do. However, I don't know if the other party would welcome us. We have been guided here.'' Alex said.      

Leon nodded, thinking that Alex did make sense.      

''Where are Maria and the others?" Leon could not help but ask this after remembering the girls.      

''Maria, Gracier, and Lilith are on another mission while I don't know where Luna is. I sent one of my subordinates together with Alice search her and you; however, I have encountered you, guess they would search for her.'' Alex explained.     

Upon hearing that Maria was nearby, Kuina's complexion changed; she and Maria were like fire and oil. They dislike each other for no reason, it was just instinctual, but now that Alex openly declared he would be going after her, the conflict would escalate, so Kuina believed. She had no idea knowing that since a long time ago, Maria had already known that she would end up becoming Alex's woman, if not because of that, she would have never left Kuina to attend the gathering where they discussed Alex's harem, it was just that Maria wouldn't have expected to be this soon.     

''Let's rest for today and depart toward the frontline tomorrow with Leonardo shackled. At least he could serve as a meat shield.'' Alex said before disappearing.      

His words were merciless, but no one said anything; only Eri was curious about what kind of hatred was between them for things to grow to this extent? In the past, it was not like this. Shaking her head, Eri also left, leaving the others to discuss among themselves.     

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