Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 678: Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 678: Unexpected Meeting

4After walking inside the thick fog for almost an hour, Alex finally arrived before the majestic city of Dragone. They were shocked; they immediately refuted that this was still the Ares Dungeon.     

''Maybe, the Ares Dungeon is the portal toward this floor?" Eris speculated; Alex and Eri could only nod their heads sharing the same idea.     

''Well, I don't mind appearing on another floor, but this city is tightly guarded. From what my instinct is telling, humans are not welcomed. It has been a few minutes we stood here observing, but no single human could be seen, only half dragon.''      

Alex's words, the girls double check again, after a few minutes, they could only nod. Eris being a beast woman, possessed sharper senses; her hearing was the strongest between the trio; making use of this, she overheard a conversation going between two guards, she felt their loathing toward the other races, but strangely their prince was about to marry a fox, she was beautiful with five beautiful tails. The moment she heard this, she immediately thought of her friend; it must be her; Eris was sure of this.      

Turning around, she recounted what she had heard to the others.      

''I see. The fiancee is probably Kuina.'' Alex said, but for an unknown reason, hearing that Kuina was getting married to another man did not please him. He was uncomfortable that she would be marrying another man while he didn't love her; maybe unconsciously, he had seen her as one of his women. Either way, his current mood was not a pleasant one.      

''Knowing her, she must be playing around or was being threatened. If not, she would never do something like this.'' Unexpectedly Eris said those words.      

Relief washed over Alex instantly; his lips couldn't help but curl up.     

''It is that so?"      

Eri was watching everything from the side; she didn't say a word as she felt like her opinion was unneeded, she might have a low EQ, but she was sensitive enough to know that the current conversation had nothing to do with her.      

Meanwhile, Eris was trying to calm Alex as she could, his emotions bubbling even when he was trying to hide how he felt upon hearing news about Kuina. Suddenly, Eris had a strange thought.     

'How would he react if one day he learned, I'm getting married to another man? Would his emotions become reckless?'      

This thought disappeared as fast it appeared in Eris' mind; she shook her head, trying to hypnotize herself with the thought that it was because of her father's suggestion, and yet this argument could not completely convince the wolf princess; there was something else, something she had yet to acknowledge.      

Unknowingly Eris's green eyes were fixed on Alex's handsome face; she remembered everything that happened between them, their first encounter, her brother's death, the words he said to her after returning from the demon's continent. Everything was still vivid inside the princess's mind, as if it happened yesterday. Her gaze softened, her eyes turned misty while her heartbeat accelerated.      

Eri became annoyed; she was about to shout, go flirt somewhere else, you assholes, but Alex acted faster.     

''Hahaha! I know that I'm handsome, but if you keep staring at me like that, even I can blush, you know?"     

Alex's words awoke Eris from her trance, and she immediately rolled her eyes; Eri did the same. The thick-skinned Alex chuckled.     

''Joke aside, let's infiltrate the city. I guess by now, the girls must have reached their destination. We must be inside before they come. Like this, it will be easy for them to sneak in.''      

The two girls nodded their heads. The trio had no way knowing that currently Maria and others were experiencing something similar. Standing before them was another majestic city, not grandiose as Dragone but not too far. The city's name is Wolfang. What shocked Maria and the others was that just as they arrived, a beautiful carriage left the city escorted by three hundred guards.      

''Protect the Priestess until we reach the frontline.'' The strongest werewolf shouted; he was the head guards.     

It was not the most shocking thing; the most shocking thing was the priestess's identity. It was someone they knew, the Holy Daughter of the Holy Crux empire, Cecilia Adelia Crux.      

''What the fuck? Isn't it that bitch who is trying to kidnap my sister-in-law Luna?" Gracier couldn't help but swear.      

''Kids shouldn't swear.'' Maria rebuked Gracier before cursing in turn.      

''Indeed, it's that bitch. That bitch is up to no good. Let's follow her.'' Maria aborted their initial mission.     

Lilith massaged her temple; she almost shouted, 'You refused that child shouldn't swear yet you are doing exactly what you refused to the other not to do. You two are children in my eyes.'     

But she refrained from saying that as she was afraid of being called old lady if she were to say those words.     

Having changed their initial plan of killing every single werewolf, but after seeing the majestic city, they knew they could not accomplish their goal; fortunately for them, Cecilia appeared to become their target.     

Inside the carriage, Cecilia had no idea of being followed. She was busy thinking of a plan to succeed in her mission. She had lost all hope, but unexpectedly heaven didn't forget her and offered her another opportunity. She appeared in this city by coincidence, and at the same time, she happened to stumble upon an opportunity she could not miss out, an evil spirit was possessing the werewolves creating havoc, as someone from the Holy Crux empire; naturally, she knew a lot of skills effective against the evil spirit. In no time, she killed the evil spirit freeing the werewolf who coincidentally happened to be the crown prince.     

The werewolves were grateful; their initial dislike for humans vanished, at least in Cecilia's case w they felt like it was their God that sent her over. She became their priest; it was then she learned about the frontline and Luna's whereabouts. She would use this chance to capture her.     

''This time, I will not fail,'' Cecilia vowed with her fist clenched tightly.     

While Maria and others began following Cecilia's carriage wanting to know what she was up to. Alex's group, which had no idea about this, were preparing to sneak into the city, but because the sun was still high, they could not immediately attack. They decided to wait for the night to arrive before acting.      

The trio found a quiet place to rest. Alex pretended to be resting while, in fact, he was trying. Although Nyx had shoved in out of her training ground, Alex was not discouraged ; he remembered that there was still Silveria there. He hadn't visited the Illusionnary Battlefield for a long time now.     

Immediately after entering the Illusionnary Battlefield, he rushed toward the tall tower in the distance, on the third level.      

He restarted the trial from the beginning. He lost all his strength and was back to being a normal mortal. Facing him was his alter ego wielding two knives. The moment the two eyes met, the alter ego rushed toward Alex; arriving before him, he executed a double-cross slash; however, Alex, who had spent thousand years training inside Nyx's space, was not normal even after turning into a normal human. His reaction exceeded that of a normal human; he calmly responded by sliding his knife into his alter ego gap; he couldn't react in time before.      

Puff !      

Blood sprayed out from his mouth; his eyes widened in disbelief, not believing what had just happened. Alex's knife pierced his neck, with the end of the knife protruding from the other side. The alter ego's body turned limp as he slumped onto the ground before vanishing into light particles that entered Alex's body. Alex felt no real difference, but he was sure that something had changed or there would be no meaning behind setting up such a tower.     

Alex walked calmly toward the next floor; he arrived in no time. On this floor, he faced two alter egos, but the result was still the same; armed with his knives he easily dealt with them, killing them in less than twenty minutes. Then he moved to the next floor, where this time, he faced three alter egos. He prevailed, but with difficulty; on the next floor, the difficulty skyrocketed; instead of four, he faced five, and even with his thousand years of training, facing five men with just knives and limited strength, it was proven to be hard. He won but at the cost of one arm, and a wounded body.      

''Hah! Hah! I think I should stop for now. I have spent seven days fighting against those five; the most frustrating thing was that they had different type weapons, as though mocking me that I can only use guns and knives.'' Alex mumbled with a dark face.      

''Forget it, let's leave.'' Alex shook his head and dragged his tired body out of the tower. Next time he would begin from floor six. After waiting for his injuries to heal, Alex departed. Outside night came; it was time for infiltration.     

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