Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 664: Information about the other side 2

Chapter 664: Information about the other side 2

4Alex and the others waited patiently for Eri to talk; among them, there were two people extremely excited; it was none other than Artemia and Lilith. They were closer from getting news about their hometown. Their ultimate wish when they tried to open the world door back then to end up awaking a disaster was to find a way home.     4

While for their dead comrades, it was because of adventure, for those two, it was because their real roots existed outside of Mysthia, so in order to unveil who they truly are, they wanted to ascend.     

Unfortunately, they couldn't, but fate was giving them another chance; it was even generous by sending someone to give them so information before they could manage to ascend.      

Completely oblivious to the fact that those two took her as some kind of information bringer, Eri opened her mouth and began explaining.     

''The races that existed on the other side that I know of are the following:      

The High Human they rule the human race. The Dragon race, the Angel race, the High Elves, the Demon and devils, the beastmen. As for who is the strongest currently, it is the High Human, they possess strong physics almost comparable to the dragon race, but they mana capacity is outrageous, sometimes surpassing the dragon; the angel race should not be underestimated either, especially those from the Fallen clan.''      

Lilith's breathing quickened, her heart started pounding; she almost shouted, that's it, I've finally found a lead, but in the end, she succeeded in controlling herself.     

Alex's blood began to boil uncontrollably; he wanted to rush forward and immediately ascend because only in such a world would he be able to fully awaken his potential and soar, standing at the apex.      

Meanwhile, Silveria frowned; after hearing Eri's information on the existing races on the other side, she couldn't help but think that this lineup looked exactly like the truth original world lineup. Was there someone trying to reproduce the original world? If it's true, then what this person's goals are?      

Silveria had a headache just by thinking about those things; she massaged her forehead, trying to calm down her throbbing head. Whether this person was playing or was serious, he must know that he was bound to fail because the original world could not survive back then, she didn't believe if by copying the world which had failed once they had a chance winning, besides there was a truth this person probably doesn't know or if he knew and were still trying to merge the worlds then it would mean he had never once taken into account the survival of the races.      

''Sigh! How troublesome!" Silveria mumbled before stopping thinking about those kinds of stuff. Alex, who had been paying attention to her for a moment, wondered what happened to her face to change so drastically.      

''Sil, what happened? Is there any problem?"      

Silveria felt warmth spreading through her chest; she knew Alex was asking this out of concern for her, not because he wished for more information.      

''Don't worry, it is nothing to worry about, at least not now you will know once we ascend.''      

''I see. Go rest then!" Unexpectedly Alex did not push her for more; he understood that he would learn more soon once they successfully ascended.      

Silveria did not say anything; she simply nodded before vanishing, leaving the girls surprised for a second before they started bombing Eri with questions      

Among them their questions, one of them caught Alex's attention; he was about to leave but stopped upon hearing Noire's question.      

''Miss Eri, who the strongest of all, the one governing the other races?"      

Eri stayed silent for a while before shaking her head to others' disappointment.      

''I don't know.''      

''Tch!" Gracier clicked her tongue in annoyance; she was about to throw a few insults at Eri when she suddenly froze, feeling an intense gaze on her back. She didn't need to turn around to know it was her brother; she gulped and immediately remembered what had happened earlier. While her brother does cherish her once he became angry and asked her to behave, then better behave, or else he would become angrier and ignore you.      

''Eri, please continue!" Gracier asked politely.      

Eri nodded while inwardly chuckling, thinking only the big bad wolf the only capable of subduing the little devil.      

''As I said, I don't know; nobody seemed to know that person's identity. This person is too mysterious; the only thing known about this person is that he is extremely powerful, so powerful that a lot of people are afraid of him.''      

Suddenly Alex, who was listening to Eri's explanation, turned his head towards the entrance where Lilith could be seen leaving; he looked at her departing back then at the others who were busy listening to Eri's tales, he decided to follow. He wished to talk with her for a while.     

Outside Lilith sat on the rooftop and left her feet dangling in the air; she was not surprised by a presence coming from behind. While Alex was checking on her when she was leaving, she was also checking on her almost as if she was deliberately luring out.      

''Welcome, Alex. I was waiting for you.'' She said with a smile; she seemed to be following Alex's suggestion back then, he had said to smile often, and she never forgets, smiling had become something natural no,w and like usual, her smile was beautiful, especially when it let it show the mole near her cute mouth.      

Alex sat beside Lilith and watched the stars in the sky; he couldn't help but mutter.      


Lilith knew he was talking about the stars, so she nodded.      

''Indeed beautiful, but they still die.'' She said, and Alex chuckled.      

''Like everything else.'' He added.      

''You are right. Alex, I'm not the one to beat around the bush. I want your help.'' Lilith suddenly declared while directly staring into Alex's eyes; he didn't avoid her eyes; he calmly asked.      

''It's about the curse, isn't it?"      

From the moment he cured Maria, he had expected such a question; Artemia was not in a hurry to ask for his help because she knew he would help her once the time arrived, but it was different for Lilith.      

''Yes!" Lilith nodded without hesitation.      

''I see, I understand but at only one condition.'' Alex declared with a smile on his face; Lilith's face did not change; she was ready to do anything if it meant she would increase her chance of ascending.      

''Tell me.''      

Alex smiled even more and lowered his head and whispered something into her ear; her eyes widened before she burst into laughter and declared.      


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