Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 647: Reunion

Chapter 647: Reunion

2After that terrific explosion, the figure of two girls could be seen lying on the ground in the middle of a crater. Naturally, it was Artemia and Gracier; their clothes were in tatters.     

Despite feeling exhausted, Artemia still raised her upper body and sat with difficulty.      

''Ouch! This girl has become stronger. I have no choice but to acknowledge that. My body hurts like hell, but I guess it's my win as she is still unconscious.''     

Looking over her shoulders, she saw Gracier lying unconscious there. Artemia sighed and immediately flicked her fingers, sending Gracier into the lower floor.      

''Forgive I truly have no choice but to do this. Don't worry, I will follow you soon.'' She said those words to the disappearing Gracier.      

Immediately after she sent Gracier away, Artemia heard a voice inside her mind telling her that she had finally succeeded. She smiled, extremely happy to have received because there was something among those rewards that excited her, it was not the + 2 levels she gained, nor it was the silver necklace that let you recover your mana faster but the ability to let her go to any floors if she selected the person she wished to see in her mind.      

While she was forced to take this job, this reward made all her efforts worth it. She had already decided where she would go, who she wanted to see. A certain young man's face had constantly been haunting her dreams, so often that the lonely would do anything to be able to talk to him, touch him. However, after the fight against Gracier, Artemia changed her plans, if the first time she couldn't do anything as there was still one challenger to take down, this time she couldn't close her eyes as she didn't know in what kind of situation those she sent back unconscious would be, Maria and Gracier were like her sisters, they are from the same family. So, because she couldn't watch Gracier suffer, the princess decided to go after her.      

Closing her eyes, Artemia imagined Gracier, and immediately she felt connected to her before something pulled her, an unknown force, she didn't resist and let herself be pulled, soon the princess disappeared, immediately after her disappearance, the floor reverted to its original appearance. Still, this time a man was floating in the air; if Alex were here, he would have been shocked because he had seen this man before when he teleported to an unknown floor, it was the dragon who fought the nine-headed hydra.      

The man looked in the direction in which Artemia disappeared and sighed.      

''They are not bad. Let's hope that as the tower master planned, the boy can inherit that thing.''      

If those who knew this man were to hear these words, they would be shocked because this man was known never to compliment someone no matter how gifted this person was, it was to say that his standards when it comes to judging people were too high, so naturally for such a man to praise some juniors, this must mean that they satisfied all his requirements.      

After saying those words, the man didn't linger too much on this floor and disappeared; he was sure that soon he would see them again. At that moment, he would be testing the man whom everyone had been waiting for.      


Back in Alex's location.      

Alex and Maria continued with their honeymoon and finally arrived on a big island; this island was thrice the size of other islands they have seen until now.      

Immediately after the airship landed, Alex and Maria departed; they received a lot of gifts because of what happened that night. People congratulate them, wishing the two everlasting love.      

''People on this floor are more likable than any other floors I had been on. I almost wish to spend a few more days here just because of how hospitable they are.'' Maria, who was holding hands with Alex, commented while looking at how people would smile and greet each other as they passed them.      

''You are right. I would have liked to rest here, but as you know, we don't have much time left. While Mysthia might still be peaceful, we must hurry up and clean things over there before leaving toward higher worlds. I'm already tired of Mysthia. I want to experience new challenges in a world filled with danger. Although Mysthia is dangerous, the current me could be placed among the strongest of Mysthia; this is not enough, I want a new world where Demigod will be like a weakling, I know out there, they existed world like this, so I want to go there because after all, I vowed to become the strongest, to achieve this goal I must visit a lot of worlds, at least the strongest world.''      

Looking at Alex's eyes shine as he said those words made Maria reflect, she thought that in order to help her man achieve his dream, he must become stronger faster. While it was impossible to catch up to him, she must at least not be too far. It was not because she was afraid of being discarded because of the gap, but simply because by being strong, she could take some of his burdens. Alex didn't like showing it, but he was slowly getting tired as a lot of expectations were placed upon him. To help him deal with all these expectations, his loved ones must take some of his burdens.      

''Don't worry, we will try to reunite with the others and ascend as fast as possible,'' Maria said while squeezing Alex's hand.      

''You are my angel.'' Alex declared, but Maria teased him back.      

''Well, although I'm happy, I'm not your only angel.'' She said Alex had nothing to say; he stayed silent and began whispering to hide his embarrassment.      

Maria was amused seeing Alex unable to offer a response, she smiled. It might be because of the side effects, but the current Maria likes to joke, to smile often. People like to say that you will change once you fall in love, maybe it was why she changed, her sisters would be surprised to see the current Maria.     

''Alex? Maria ?"      

Suddenly, a voice reached the two stopping them in their track; they simultaneously turned their heads in the direction the voice was coming from to be shocked.      

Standing some fifteen steps away in the middle of the crowd were Artemia and Gracier; Gracier was on Artemia's back.      

''Long time no see, Princess.'' Maria was the first to recover; she approached Artemia and said those words, but Artemia was not in the right state of mind to respond as she could not believe that the person she wished to see would appear right before her eyes. She felt like fate was playing some joke on her. For a moment, she even hated the possibility that this was a dream. Still, she immediately discarded this thought as there was no this was true, not many could bypass her strong mental world to plant an illusion inside her mind, so it means that it was a reality.      

Immediately after confirming this fact, Artemia's figure blurred and reappeared before the startled Alex and sealed his lips.      

Time stopped, people around them were shocked, those who were inside the same airship with Alex and Maria expected to see a drama unfolding but to their surprise, Maria's face didn't change, on the contrary, she embraced Alex, Artemia, the unconscious Gracier together in a family hug.     

〖What a woman. Master must never let her go. As a woman myself, I couldn't stop myself from getting jealous even if it was for a moment seeing another woman embrace my man knowing that he had other women in his life, but this woman is perfectly fine; there is no jealously to be felt from her.〗Silveria commented after analyzing Maria's behavior, Nyx nodded. She also felt that Maria was a good woman. She might have been the one to put the idea of Harem in Alex's mind, but being perfectly fine with this was another story entirely; not many could achieve this.     

Finally, after hugging each other for a moment, they got separated, with Alex wiping away the tears around the princess's eyes.      

''Let's find somewhere calm to talk.'' Alex proposed as they couldn't stand in the middle of the crowd like that. Maria decided to help Artemia and took Gracier and put her on her back before the four departed.      

Fifteen minutes later, they found a good Inn and booked two rooms. One was for Alex, while the other was for the girls. After leaving Gracier in the girl's room, the three reunited inside Alex's room.      

Sitting on his bed, the three shared a drink Alex took out before he asked.      

''What happened?"      

Artemia chuckled; she had expected this question; it was not a secret that Alex is extremely protective of his sister; some called this siscon if she remembered correctly. Shaking her head, Artemia told Alex everything, from the beginning until now, and as the two had expected, Alex's first words were.      

''As expected of my sister.''     

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