Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 611: Dark Lesser Dragon Vs Dark World Wolf 1

Chapter 611: Dark Lesser Dragon Vs Dark World Wolf 1

1Ferīr shook her and immediately attacked; it was just a casual punch, yet this seemingly normal punch traversed at sonic speed and arrived before Eileen's face; everything happened so fast that one would think that she could not dodge nor would she be able to block such godly punch, however, Eileen moved her right so casually that she didn't seem too preoccupied with the punch coming straight to break her head, she blocked the blow with her palm.     

She diffused the shockwave and sent it behind her; this shockwave traversed through the air and produced a terrible explosion behind.     


The two moved at fast speed and exchanged hundred of blows in less than five minutes.      

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom!      

Every time they clashed, it would result in a terrible explosion that would sweep the surroundings and make the sky darker; people in the city felt like the end had come they kneeled and began to pray to whatever gods they believed in; meanwhile, Eileen and Ferīr where inside the clouds fighting, every time they moved on the ground people would see two lighting moving and clashing, they thought that was the Gods who had become furious because of their repetitive failure, an upper floor fallen into the lower levels since hundred years without much progress to regain its former place, no wonder the Gods would become furious.     

While Sigurd's city habitants were lamenting over their fates, Ferīr and Eileen kept fighting; they fought for another few minutes before stopping, they stared at each other for a moment before saying.      

''You are not bad for a recluse person; you are sure strong.'' The first to talk was Eileen; Ferīr chuckled in response.      

''You are strong as well for someone who has her power source cut off.''      

Ferīr words dealt more damage to Eileen than she had expected; she glared at Ferīr before suddenly summoning her plasma ring; six stars were completely lighted proof that she was close to the Fake God level.      


The sky above the two rumbled, and lighting fell; Ferīr looked at Eileen whose appearance was more majestic more threatening as she stood in that silver armor with the plasma ring above her head, she seemed like a God descended upon the mortal world, even afar the feeling of majesty could be felt because those who were kneeling started to tremble and they put their heads against the ground while reciting a prayer.      

''Oh! Mighty Gods, please be more merciful and bless this floor to ascend; we shall offer our souls as compensation for this wish.''      

Immediately following this declaration, a small ball of energy escaped from their body and rushed into the sky; a part of their souls disappeared as an offering; those offering entered Eileen's body, who spread her arms wide seemingly to enjoy this.     

Ferīr frowned upon seeing this; she understood that this happened because of the plasma ring above Eileen's head; she was like a God, so naturally, the offerings would go to her. She could not let this situation continue because after receiving thousands of energy, the plasma ring above Eileen's head began to shine more brightly. The shadow of a seven-star began to manifest. However, it was still extremely far from an actual star, the fact that it appeared was not something to celebrate; if she were to condense a half star, this floor would be destroyed as its current level could not contain a being of such level, she must stop her at any cost.      

Ferīr sighed; she didn't really want to use her full strength as she didn't recover from their last fight; using her full strength, she would end up in a vulnerable state afterward, she knew that she would win but being weakened afterward doesn't sit well with her as she didn't trust the humans yet, someone among them might try something.      

'Ah! It's not like I have the choice, beside it's time for this floor to move to the next level; all preparations are complete; I'll use you as fuel to ascend, sister.' Ferīr said inwardly as she watched Eileen absorb more of the energy coming from the ground.      

Suddenly, there was another rumbling sound; this one was so strong that the whole floor shook, not only Sigurd, the center of the floor but other cities and villages located deeper, they began shaking as well, every city could feel the terrible beings in the sky, like in Sigurd city they kneeled and began to pray, sending a small part of their energy to the sky as an offering.      

Ferīr stood in the sky with majestic silver armor, two wolf tails, two horizontal mark on each of her cheeks while a big plasma ring appeared above her head, like Eileen, six stars were lighted with a faint seven one, the current Ferīr was not different from Eileen, and because she activated her plasma ring after using her full strength, the offerings were divided into two, one part went to Eileen. In contrast, the second part entered Ferīr's body.      

Although she felt a sickening feeling when she received those energies, she could grit her teeth and bear it because her hidden injury was slowly healing; she must end the fight as soon as possible if not every soul on this floor would be drained of their energy.      

At the same time, Eileen was thinking the same thing but slightly different; she wanted to quickly deal with Ferīr to concentrate on absorbing more energy to get stronger and escape this floor toward the upper level where she could get more energy to get her revenge.     

Eileen opened her mouth and roared.      


It was a dragon roar so powerful that it shook the whole floor and created rays of light; those rays did not follow a straight path but curved at different angles.     

This resulted in attacks coming from all sides around Ferīr with no way of escaping     


A terrible explosion occurred, which swallowed Ferīr within; however, soon this explosion was cleaved into two with Ferīr standing there completely unscathed. The fight had begun.     

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