Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 612: Lesser Dark Dragon Vs Dark World Wolf 2

Chapter 612: Lesser Dark Dragon Vs Dark World Wolf 2

2Reflecting the light of the sun, two figures encased in a shining silver metal hovered domineeringly above everything.     

Ferīr and Eileen stared at each other with a smile on their faces; in the short exchange they had, neither of them managed to get the advantage of the other.     

Eileen summoned her scythe, and with it, she slashed forward; it was a simple attack, yet it was devastating as it sent mana; this move is called Mana burst. This attack just consisted of pumping as much mana as possible through a weapon into a single attack. Some might call it rough, but when you're at a certain level, the simplest attack could become the deadliest, for example, the current one.      

Boom! Boom!      

Even before Eileen's attack could reach Ferīr, it was already causing damage destroying space as it moved forward.      

Suddenly, Ferīr broke space apart, and from inside she brought out a rapier, it was black in color emitting ominous energy, just with its presence alone, the surrounding space was shaking, it was a helpless lamb facing a terrific predator, even Eileen's face darkened upon seeing this weapon, she seemed afraid of it even though she put on a serious face, how could she not? When it was this same weapon that injured when they fought last time, she was forced to admit it, but Ferīr's Gift was superior to her own, her death scythe although it sounds scary with just the name, it was not that impressive as it falls short to Ferīr weapon.      

Ferīr did not give Eileen the time to think before she attacked by thrusting her black rapier forward.      

Swoosh! Puh!      

Eileen, who detected the attack, could not completely avoid it as she got her neck pierced; it was why she hated this weapon; even if you detect it, it was simply impossible to avoid it completely, you will, without doubt, end injured by this weapon, its speed was so fast that it surpassed anything Eileen (the lesser dragon had faced until now), not even with her exceptionally sharp senses she was able to avoid the blow.      

And because of the dragon strong vitality, even though she was just a lesser one, she still possessed their strong vitality, the wound quickly healed as she jumped back and slashed with her scythe, the scythe cut space apart and disappeared to reappear behind Ferīr; however, she didn't even turn back before flicking her fingers, her rapier acted on its own and absorbed Eileen's attack before sending it back.      

That attack came back so abruptly that Eileen did not have the time to dodge; she gritted her teeth and was swallowed by her own attack; However, she was injured, she used this opportunity to absorb some of her attacks, converting it into strength, she was able to create this technique because of Ferīr and Incursio, those two had weapons capable of absorbing the enemy attack before reflecting it.      

Eileen called this move Counterattack.      


It was Ferīr's turn to be surprised as she had never expected Eileen, the lesser dragon, to copy her skill and create one that resembled her skill; a dark beam hit Ferīr in the stomach, sending her flying, she quickly pushed back the blood rushing toward her mouth. It was Ferīr's first time suffering such injury since the beginning of their fight. They moved the fight to the ground.     

Eileen tried to follow up with another attack but stopped because she sensed something deadly; she immediately stepped on the side and managed to dodge a laser beam fired from Ferīr's rapier.     


The moment this dark beam landed, it was as if a cannon had gone off. The ground caved in and created a five meters wide crater.      

A veritable torrent of sand and dust flew high in the air and acted as an impromptu smokescreen. Eileen switched her scythe into a defensive posture and managed to block Ferīr's rapier in the nick of time.      


  Although she managed to stop Ferīr's rapier, she could not stop the force behind it; shockwave spread through her arm before she was sent flying in the air.      


Ferīr followed by sending five powerful thrusts forward who caused an explosion as they pierced through Eileen's body; one of them claimed her right eye leaving behind a huge hole where you could see the other side. Still, as usual, because of the strong dragon's vitality, the wounds were healed instantly.      

Eileen glided across the ground and forcedly stopped her fall by putting more strength into her legs; they pierced through the ground. She immediately opened her mouth and roared.     


Eileen dragon's roar was so powerful that it sent ripples through the air; the shockwave destroyed the surrounding, uprooting the trees and leaving a terrible crater on the ground.      

Ferīr's expression changed, facing the incoming roar; she knew that she must not take this attack too lightly. If not, she would suffer greatly from it.      

''All seals open!" Ferīr declared.     


A huge of mana exploded from Ferīr's body following her declaration; Eileen was pushed a couple of steps back, her face turned dark, she felt an unpleasant feeling rising from her heart.      

''So you were still hiding your strength?" She asked with a dark face, but Ferīr paid no heed to her face and shrugged her shoulders.      

''Who knows!"      

Eileen decided to use an appraisal on Ferīr to see her current status.      


Class: ????     

Age: ????     


Race: ???? Dark World Wolf     

[Rank 15]     

Level 163     

Experience Value: ?????     

HP: 50000/50000     

MP: 25000/25000     

SP: 45000     

Magic: Dark/Fire/Wind     

Attack: 8000     

Defense: 8000     

Agility: 8000     

Intelligence: 5000     

Luck: 4000     

Gift: ????     

BP: 0      

SP: 0     



'Shit, she becomes stronger than men. I will kill her and swallow her core.'      

'Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!'      

Like a broken marionette, Eileen kept muttering those words, the plasma ring above her head kept spinning non-stop, and the six stars began to shine brightly before they lighted together into a single star.     

Ferīr's pupils dilated as she could feel the change her long-time friend went through; she immediately tried to attack, but it was already too late.      

''Dark puppet,'' Eileen shouted.      

A shadow slowly expanded as three meters tall puppet stood in front of him.      

Before he could take a breath, the three lifeless puppets changed into liquid metal and fused with the frame of the fourth one.      

The previously streamlined design vanished, leaving place to hulking monster-like steel doll. The pressure that thing was emanating was off the chart.     

While those who didn't know Eileen, whose real name had been lost, would think that she only possessed the Dark and Fire element, Ferīr knew that she possessed another extremely rare element; not many had this element, the metal element.     

The four giant dark metal puppets attacked Ferīr at the same time, their combined attack level half of the Desolate forest.      



Ferīr opened her mouth and emitted a world-shaking roar. From her mouth, a sonic boom was shot, which collided against the incoming attack.     


Eileen's attack was split apart, so was her puppets, two were destroyed but soon was transformed into a metal liquid that combined with the other two puppets to form a gigantic steel puppet who still surpassed that on Eileen, to perfect things; Eileen was swallowed by this steel puppet who immediately attacked Ferīr.      

And what followed was a beat down on scale Ferīr never went through.      

The giant knight was mercilessly pounding her as if she was its personal punching bag.      

Ferīr was rendered entirely helpless; she couldn't escape, the giant puppet fists were faster, his kicks stronger, and they seemed to possess a certain property that locked her in place, unable to do anything. Ferīr did her best but failed, her right hand was useless, and the bones in her left hand were about to break even with her strong physical that is able to rivalise that of a dragon.     

Ferīr's forehead was bleeding heavily, and her vision was impaired. She was vomiting a little blood, which meant nothing good. She was pretty sure that he looked like shit currently.     

Meanwhile, her hits could barely dent the near-indestructible armor she was facing. They were not completely ineffective, but it was far from enough to change the outcome.     

Secondes trickled by, and the situation only became worse.  The bitter truth was, she was being completely outmatched.      

'I have underestimated her; it is not only me that progressed, she has progressed as well, not only in those hundred years, she also sucked more than three hundred players energy to boost her strength. I have been too full of myself, although I don't wish to use my true form first, I guess I don't have the choice.'     

''Wolf roar!''      


A roar that shook the lower floors was heard everywhere. Ferīr, who had used her true form status, changed drastically.     


Class: ????     

Age: ????     


Race: ???? Dark World Wolf     

[Rank 1??]     

Level 165     

Experience Value: ?????     

HP: 50000/60000     

MP: 22000/25000     

SP: 45000     

Magic: Dark/Fire/Wind     

Attack: 9000     

Defense: 8000     

Agility: 10000     

Intelligence: 5000     

Luck: 4000     

Gift: ????     

BP: 0      

SP: 0     



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