Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 603: Into her World

Chapter 603: Into her World

1While Incursio just ended her fight by killing the first clone, in Eileen's world Alex was about to give her his answer when she interrupted him with a joke.     

''It's not like you really have the choice; you took my first time anyway.''      


Just as Alex was about to ask Eileen what she meant, he remembered the dark spirit forcibly kissing him with Eileen's body; their wild kiss was still undergoing.      

''Your joke is not funny, but well, I guess you are right. I don't have the choice I'm in. You want to use me, and I'll do the same. Let's get over it.'' Finally, Alex gave Eileen his answer, which made Eileen smile; she was happy to have gained an ally; with Alex's help, she would be able to get her revenge.      

''Okay, with the last bit of strength I still have, I'll stop her momentarily; you will use this opportunity to break free not to escape but to go to your inner world where your Gift is. I'll send you there.'' Eileen explained what needed to be done, and Alex nodded.     

''Let's do it!" Alex said, eager to finish things up; nobody would like to have his body toyed with even it was by a beautiful woman; Alex wasn't into S&M play, and he's not an M.      

However, what Alex didn't expect was Eileen pouting; he was confused.     

''Why are you still standing there for?" He asked, not understanding why she was acting like that.     

''Sigh! You're not a gentleman at all; at least you should show concern about such a beautiful girl risking her life to help you. I may die, you know? Knowing this, don't you feel anything? Don't you have anything to say to me?"      

''What?" Alex exclaimed; his face at the moment was a funny sight to behold.     

Nevertheless, Alex finally understood that Eileen, although adult still has the mentally of a child, maybe it was because she spent most of her life indoor with little to no contact with the outside world that she didn't know that throwing tantrums like a five years child wasn't something an adult should do.      

''Please give a break,'' Alex mumbled while massaging his forehead; even though he was in the soul form, he felt like he would have gone crazy if he didn't do this.      

''Yeah! Yeah! I'm extremely anxious about our cute Eileen risking her life. She's such a brave girl. Let's get going.'' Alex said enthusiastically, but even three-year-old child could see that he was faking it, but even though she knew Alex was faking it, she was still happy because it showed that someone cared about her after her father and the great baba even it was fake.     

''Unh! Let's go.'' Eileen said while wiping away her tears, and for a moment, Alex felt sorry for such a girl who had gone through so much but still had the will to smile; compared to his past self, she was really strong, and Alex had no trouble admitting this.     

''You are really strong.'' He had said, and Eileen froze upon hearing those words, but she quickly regained her composure and smiled.      

''You are strong as well, and because of this, I might leave you another gift before leaving,'' Eileen said before pulling out Alex from her world; he didn't get the opportunity to ask her what she meant before they disappeared from her world.      

Outside, the main body was shocked by Incursio's move; obviously, she didn't expect her to win against her clone after the latter had received a boost from her. From what the main body could tell after analyzing the element used by Incursio, she concluded that her two swords might have served as an anchor for her to be able to use Infinite re-petrification, which she believed to be a mix between earth element, water, and wind element, without the two swords Incursio could not use this element, the central body hypothesis was right on the mark, indeed without her two swords, Incursio could not use the special element that let her petrify everything around her.      

Just as the main body was about to say something after Incursio's victory, she was forced to stop because she felt discomfort spreading all over her body, starting from her inner world.      

''What?" She exclaimed because her body momentarily stopped functioning, and Alex immediately used this to break free before doing something the doing something that shocked the main body; he kissed her back while putting his tongue into her mouth, the clueless dark spirit was shocked at first, but because began to respond clumsily, she became engrossed in this new sensation that she had forgotten that this might a trap.     

Alex used the moment where the main body was distracted to enter his inner world and what he saw was endless darkness until a silver sun appeared. He landed inside a forest, and in the distance was a simple mansion; Alex immediately began walking toward that mansion; after walking for what seemed to be an eternity, Alex arrived before the simple mansion, it was a two-story mansion, and after repeatedly knocking on the door Alex got no answer. Still, because he didn't want to waste his time coming here, he walked forward and pushed the door open; the other side looked like a haunted house, Alex didn't hesitate before walking in, and the moment she did, everything around him changed he was brought into another dimension, a child chamber where Alex sad the small version of Silveria, the maids were taking care of her, today was a special day because of her father who often present was coming back today, she must welcome her. The scene changed to another one, Silveria waiting for her father in her princess dress while the other children wore extravagantly.      

And when her father came back, he immediately embraced her sister, whom he lol loved more than anything; for the ten years old Silveria at that time, it was extremely hard to swallow; no matter what she did, she never succeeded in getting her father's attention, not even once, she did not remember how many times she had repeated this scene, not walking toward the future, she had thought that everything was finished until he appeared.     

''Silveria, no Nemesis, I'm here for you.''      

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