Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 595: The Truth behind the Quest 2

Chapter 595: The Truth behind the Quest 2

0Once upon a time, there was a man so talented that everybody thought that he would succeed where his predecessors had fallen. Because he came from an extraordinary family, many expectations were placed on him, but despite all these heavy burdens, the man never once complained as he knew that everything happening was for the greater cause; everything was done for the ascension.     3

There is a truth most players didn't know, which is that not only players could climb the tower, even floor could climb it. Let's put it this way; floor number 1 can ascend and switch place with tower number 2 or 3, the purpose would be to climb until they reached the highest level where an extremely awesome gift awaits, some say it was freedom, the floor that would succeed would be granted freedom, would be free from the cage known as Exodus.      

Even though it was just a rumor, it was enough to entice all floor; till this day, the highest level was still free, waiting for the rightful owner to come to take it.      

Eliard, the mayor of Sigurd city, looked at the black mass forming in front of him with emotionless eyes as if the thing inside it wasn't his daughter, the rumored ill princess.      

''How are the preparations?" Eliard asked; it was as if he was talking to empty air; however, soon, it changed because a shadow materialized and answered the city's lord question.     

''Yes! My Lord, all the preparations are complete. We are waiting for you to begin.''      

''It's that so?" Eliard said with a deadpan face before saying.     

''Let begin then. The revolution.''      

Eliard lifted his arms and began chanting.     


Immediately following this chant, the entire forest rumbled, and the dark fog receded. At the same time, deep underground, a formation covering the whole forest shone crimson and began collecting every drop of blood that ever fell onto the ground.      

Tuk! Tuk! Slurp!     

Like a greedy baby, it keeps sucking, those fighting stopping because they noticed something was wrong, blood was dripping excessively from their wounds.     

''What is this?''      

''What the hell is this?"      

''I can't heal my injuries. Healing spells aren't working?"     

''What the fuck? Shit! I smell something bad; let get the hell out of here."     

Here and there, you could hear players and NPCs shouting hysterically; finally, they became aware that something wasn't right. So they immediately decided to escape, but how will this be easy?     

Suddenly, the sky above them darkened like something huge was flying above them.     

Countless descended from the sky like grim reapers.      

''What the fu-"      

The man who was about to swear this got the chance to finish before his head was removed from his neck and blood flowed from the neck like a fountain; this blood was immediately sucked into the ground, and before the slain man's body could vanish, it became a dried-up corpse because all the blood had been sucked out of it.      

The others players' faces turned pale, their instincts kicked in, and they launched attacks on the ground.      


Immediately a huge explosion occurred that obstructed the men in black vision; the players tried to use this opportunity to escape; unfortunately, they were soon caught and what followed was a massacre. The men in black were really strong; none of their attacks worked on them. The men in black easily dodged before they massacred the twenty survivors; the ground was died red with blood, blood which was sucked underground to fuel the giant crimson formation.      

After killing the twenty-one players and NPCs in this area, the men in black looked in a certain direction; in that direction, they felt the presence of players, strong players, which means high quality offered. High-quality offerings are a lot worth than normal ones, those twenty-one players and NPCs eliminated were part of the normal group.     

Suddenly, the ten men in black stopped because they could feel another presence extremely strong than the one they felt earlier. However, instead of rushing toward this presence, they waited because they could feel something ominous coming from this presence, something extremely dangerous which they must not approach; however, they didn't really have the choice and just as they were struggling with what to do, they felt another strong presence, unlike the second one this one was dangerous. Still, they felt like it had bloomed yet; this was the perfect chance.     

Immediately upon feeling this third presence, the men in black decided, two went to the first location while five went towards the second strongest presence, as for the remaining three, they headed to the third location where the third was.      

In another location, Alex, who had just blasted a huge hole in the nearby mountain, continued to advance toward the black mass in the sky; he felt a chill down his spine because of the ominous feeling he had, in the beginning, increased to an alarming degree.     

''What going on?" Alex, whose divine sense could not be used, not even Sleipnir's special ability, he was helpless in this situation; he could only turn toward the siblings to get an answer.     

''Sil, do you know what is going on?"      


''Sil, Silveria, do you know what is going?" Alex hoped to get an answer, but like the first time, he received nothing.      

''SILVERIA!" Alex shouted inside his head, and finally, there was a reaction.      

〖Geez! Master, can you be a little bit patient?〗Silveria asked with a playful smirk; if Alex had seen it, he would have spanked her ass once more.     

''Please tell me what I want to know. I'm not in the mood to joke.'' Alex said, his voice was a bit cold, as he said he was not in the mood to joke, the situation was dangerous, it increased with each step he took. He had the feeling that a beast was somewhere watching him and was about to wake; it would spell a terrible catastrophe if this were to happen.     

〖Sigh! There is a huge formation underground; this formation enveloped the entire forest. You have been lured here like that brat had said, the purpose is?〗     

''The purpose is?" Alex asked while gulping; he felt like he was about to uncover a huge secret.     

〖The purpose is to draw your blood to fuel this formation whose goal should be the awakening of a terrible monster. You have two solutions.〗     

''Listen, please,'' Alex said after hearing Silveria's explanation.      

Silveria did not immediately answer but came out instead; she stood in front of Alex with two of fingers raised.     

''Your first solution is to destroy this formation which is impossible for the current you,'' Silveria said while lowering one of her fingers.     

''I know, just tell me the second solution. I have the feeling that only the second solution could work for me.'' Alex said after a sigh.     

''Good! I like your answer. As you have guessed, the second option would be to kill the caster or destroy the vessel that is about to carry the monster they are trying to awake.'' Silveria explained while lowering her remaining finger.     

''This is more dangerous and almost impossible like the first one, but this time, I'm not alone,'' Alex said while recalling the small white-haired girl's proposition.     

''Bingo! You can use them.'' Silveria had no shame as she proposed to Alex to use both Eri and Incursio; she didn't like them to begin with.     

''I see. I will cooperate with her; with this trio, we might create a miracle; after all, that monster is part of my team; I will temporarily put our feud aside and cooperate to eliminate this dangerous enemy. What do you think, Sil? Huh! Silveria?"      

Alex exclaimed because Silveria standing beside him stood up with a blank expression on her face; Alex wondered what was going on.      

''What are you-" Alex couldn't finish his words because Silveria gripped him by the collar and jumped into the sky; immediately after she jumped from the ground, three dark red tentacles with disgusting mucus on their tips emerged from the ground wanting to swallow Alex.      


Immediately upon seeing the three dark red tentacles, Alex groaned, he felt like vomiting, and he quickly swallowed back his breakfast, threatening to come out.     

''Dirty worms!" Silveria shouted angrily before tapping in the air as if she was on the ground.     

Boom! Boom! Kaboom!      

Two sonic waves were launched toward the ground and exploded into a beautiful silver explosion.     

The giant crimson underground trembled for a second, and the city's lord Eliard sensed it from where he was.     

 During this time, Alex, who had caught sight of three shadows, immediately ordered.     

''Let me go!"      

''As you wish," Silveria said with a smile before throwing Alex toward the ground, and the strangest thing was that he made no sound because an invisible silver shield was wrapped around him.      

The three men sent to deal with Alex had no idea that a missile was coming when suddenly he arrived.     


Swoosh! Bang!      

Alex immediately punched the nearest man while he summoned two silver guns and aimed them to his left and right.      

BANG! BANG!      

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