Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 586: Vampire Hunt 2

Chapter 586: Vampire Hunt 2


Eri was the first to notice Alex disappearing into the alley behind them, and when she was about to follow him, she was stopped by Celestine.     

''Don't go; we will continue ahead because I believe that there's more than one of them. Your friend- I mean a partner is more than capable of handling one vampire, I believe so.''      

"I guess you're right. I wanted to ask how many vampires are there?" Eri asked a question she had wanted to ask a while ago.      

Celestine took a deep breath before replying.      

''Truth be told, even I don't know. More than thirty if I can make an estimate.''      

''I see, it's not a lot, but there are troublesome to deal with,'' Eri mumbled; her words didn't go unnoticed, which drew Celestine's attention.     

''Are you talking because you have experienced something like this before?"      

The normally reserved Celestine couldn't help but get curious all of a sudden. So, she did something she usually doesn't do.      

''I wonder,'' Eri responded, not explaining anything more; she continued to walk forward.      

''As I thought. It would have been too easy if you responded otherwise.''      

Celestine, who didn't have her hope too high to begin with, said. From the moment her curiosity got the better of her, and she raised that question, she instantly knew that Eri wouldn't have answered her anyway but still tried; this could be called false hope.     

''Forget it, let's go!" Celestine said before taking the lead; she followed the other trace she felt; it was another vampire; it was not one vampire responsible for the carnage here.      

Meanwhile, in another location, Alex, who followed the track of one of the vampires, ended in a dead-end, but he knew that the enemy was hiding.     

''Won't you come out? We are both adults, so there's no need for hide and seek.'' Alex said with his arms crossed.      

Suddenly there was a disturbing laugh that echoed through the whole alley.     

''Jie~ Jie~, it thought it was a group of hunters coming after me, and I was ready for carnage, but I only ended up disappointed because it was a sightly lone wolf. I wonder what gave you the courage to come after me. Could you tell me?"      

Following this, countless bats appeared before transforming into a man wearing a dark suit.      

Alex shrugged his shoulders in response.      

''Well, I wonder.''      

''I see, still cocky after seeing the great me.'' The vampire with his fangs out said in a threatening manner, but it didn't have the desired effect on Alex, smiling, facing the man full killing intent.     

''I see, you are quite something. Then let's there a carnage, it will start from you.'' the vampire declared while opening his arms.     

The vampire acted as though he was on set, making Alex laugh.     

''There will be carnage but not on our side. I'm going to massacre every one of them. It's what she wanted; it has been a long time since she was this furious after all.'' Alex said, but the last part started inaudibly; even the vampire with enhanced hearing could hear anything.     


Alex fired a normal bullet at the vampire; it also did no damage, the damage it dealt got immediately healed.      

''What? Were you trying to tickle me? I felt nothing. Even though you have an unusual weapon, it couldn't deal me any damage; how disappointing.'' The vampire spat out before his expression changed.     

Alex disappeared, and when he reappeared again, he was already before the vampire. To a vampire to whom speed was a natural thing, he couldn't help but be surprised by how fast Alex's speed was.      

'Fast,' The vampire concluded; however, it was only that he was not afraid of Alex even when he possessed a slightly better speed than him; after all, speed isn't everything.      

However, the vampire expression changed because Alex's fist toward his face stopped, and a gun appeared inside his other hand.      

Instinctively, the vampire knew that this time was different; his instinct told him that he would die of nothing; therefore, the vampire immediately used one of their innate abilities, transforming his body into a mist to escape Alex's Aurora bullet, the white bullet passed through the mist, this made Alex click his tongue in frustration.      


''Hahaha, it's what you get acting cocky; I'm from a superior race; there is no way a mere mortal can beat me. I'm a ch-''     

The vampire couldn't finish his words in the next instant; his mist form disappeared as though forcibly canceled; he couldn't believe it.     



The startled vampire didn't get the opportunity to ponder about what happened before another white bullet burst out from the silver gun and sliced through the air; time seemed to have slowed down; he could see the white bullet moving in slow motion yet couldn't do anything, his body seemed to have been locked and couldn't move no matter what he did.      

Finally, he saw his life flashing before him. He couldn't remember what he was doing before getting transformed into a bloodthirsty demon, but one thing was sure, which was that after becoming a vampire, his life had become a lot more exciting.     

'I guess this is the end; either I do not regret what I have become. Long live, Oh sovereign, I'm rooting for you and-'      


Finally, the white bullet reached its destination and pierced through the vampire's head, time resumed for the frozen vampire, immediately after his body began acting as though it was electrocuted, white mist poured out of the vampire seven orifices before,     


The vampire body exploded into a beautiful white light which disappeared soon after.     

Alex, who killed a level 125 vampire, showed no emotion as if it was just a casual thing he had done.     

''I guess Aurora Bullet is the most effective bullet to deal with them. A vampire is an undead-type monster, after all; no wonder Aurora Bullet worked on them. It's time to clean up some trash. While I'm at it, better make it big, a bigger evaluation will have me earning more fame points and a good place on the next floor.'' Alex muttered, immediately going after the next vampire; tonight, the hunter would become prey because they met Slayers.     

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