Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 580: Alice in Wonderland ?

Chapter 580: Alice in Wonderland ?

1Gracier sat on the ground to catch her breath; after using the meteor skill, her MP was half depleted, but she still managed to move despite the feeling of exhaustion; she knocked the arrow, which took the revived Maddog life.       2

Following the guardian's death, a notification rang out announcing the completion of the trial.     

[Congratulations to player Red Queen Alexandra for completing the Trial of Illusion.      

Reward: Illusion Flame]      

Following this announcement, a small flame switching between a myriad of colors and sometimes invisible yet visible appeared before entering Gracier's chest. Despite her immunity against the fire element, Gracier still feels a scorching sensation burning her inside after the small flame enters through her chest.     

''Ugh! I hurt. I haven't felt a sensation like this for a long time, so long that I have forgotten what fire can hurt so much.'' Gracier said while standing; she dusted herself.      

Although the reward for completing this trial was only an illusion flame, Gracier was not disappointed with the reward gained. She believed that there was no useless reward but useless user; if this flame meant what she thought, then it would become a massive boost in her strength. She could use it to do many things; she was already overflowing with ideas.      

Gracier called out her status window; nothing changed much except for the addition of a new skill. Illusion Flame Level 1.      

Reading the description of the illusion flame pretty much confirmed what Gracier had thought.      

[Illusion Flame: Through flame, control what you wish the others to see. Alter reality as you wish with the power of the flame.     

Level 1     

Range: ten meters. Time limit: 15 minutes]     

''I see, not bad. A lot of things can be done in fifteen minutes, and it's not like the time limit, and the range would not increase as the skill's level rose.'' Gracier mumbled before closing the skill's window and began checking her surrounding in search of the other's presence. Unfortunately, she found nothing, which made her switch method.      

Beautiful crimson flame wings appeared on her back; flapping them, she took the sky; the crimson wings coupled with her long red hair was truly beautiful sight to behold.      


Meanwhile, in another location, a place was a few away from a waterfall. This place was revolved around by trees, sounds of birds chirping rang out, and the fragrance of fragrant flowers drifted around the air. This place was a pretty good secluded paradise, a wonderland. Alice, with her expressionless face and beautiful white hair, stood in this paradise.      

The moment she passed through the gate that would send them to the first floor, she somehow ended up here, she walked until she found this waterfall, she getting sick of seeing the same scenery over again and again, if she loves things like this maybe she would have enjoyed it but obviously, she doesn't.      

Suddenly, Alice, whose face showed no change in the past hours, finally changed into what seemed to be a grin; however, because usually, she didn't make that kind of expression, the result was. that her grin didn't look like one.      

She waited patiently, and a few minutes later, from the other side of the waterfall, five men came; on their chests were the emblem of the first guild, the God's hand.      

Immediately upon seeing Alice, those men knew who she was.      

''Wow! Pretty lucky, if I must say. We found one of the scums from the God's may cry guild, a pretty chick, that is. Let's enjoy ourselves.'' A vulgar man standing in the middle of the others shouted; he didn't care if his voice was loud or not because he believed that he was superior to others; his guild was the strongest in the world. However, there are other cities, capitals because the tower was located in their capital, it could be considered as the strongest of all Exodus. Their previous guild master was a cautious man with a lot of regulations; however, the new guild master was not like that; she let them do whatever they wanted with the premise that when she ordered you to do something, you ought to do it without questioning her.      

However, unlike Pussy, (Yeah! It's his name nobody wanted to know the reason behind this choice), the other four were of nature cautious; they were wary of Alice standing there with what they could call grin after searching what kind of expression was that after a long time. They concluded that this girl before them was really dangerous, that they must treat her with caution. However, their leader didn't share this view.      

He stepped forward while licking his hammer; he was ready to say something when.     


Pussy's pupils dilated as at the exact moment as Alice appeared before him and grabbed his head before he could finish his words and then,     


She thrashed her face into the ground. Before the others beside him, Alice thrust her sword piercing through a surprising man throat; it was instant death, she quicked the others, sending them flying, she did all of these things while looking Pussy's head against the ground; finally, he wanted to cry however he could release a cry, Alice pulled him out and tossed him into the air.     

She followed her in the air, her knee crashing into her belly.      

Pussy's mouth fell open, and blood sprayed out.      

He tumbled to the ground, his body convulsing with pain.      

"Ple…please spare me!" Finally aware of how dangerous this girl was, he begged. The pain had wiped out every once of arrogance he had alongside his lust, replacing it with the sensation of approaching death.     

"And why would I do such a thing?"      

Alice asked as she slowly approached Pussy like the grim reaper. To him, Alice might not be wielding a scythe, but that only made her appear far more menacing.     

Before the others could move, Alice pointed her fingers in their direction, and fireballs flew out of them and crashed into them; they were swallowed before they could even move, Pussy watched helplessly as the white flame devoured any sign of life from his subordinates before they died.      

''D-Don't come closer!" He said, stuttering, however, his wish wasn't granted Alice disappeared. The next she reappeared it was where she previously stood, she sheathed her white sword, simultaneously Pussy's fell on the ground, his eyes were wide open as he couldn't understand how he died, he didn't feel anything, what a sad way of dying he thought.      

Silence returned to the wonderland; however, it didn't last long as Alice opened her mouth and declared.     

''Won't you come out?"     

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