Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 573: Bungee Jump

Chapter 573: Bungee Jump

4Alex and Sera entered a café to take a rest.     

"… Fuu, I'm tired." Sera smiled happily. Although she was not really tired, she acted as if she was.     

Alex knew he was joking but still played along; he held her hand tenderly. "Sorry about my past behavior, Sera. I must have hurt; I do something apologizes; I'll pay more attention from now for you not get snatched away. Although it is selfish of me to still want you with all I already have, I'm a selfish man, and I can't let you go."     

Sera smiled gently. "Mm, don't worry. I won't go; I will stay with you.''      

This declaration made Alex smile; however, Sera had not finished speaking.     

''But it is unknown whether you can make you fall in love with you. Maybe our relationship might stay forever as Boss and subordinate who knows.''      

''Hahaha!" Alex laughed hard upon hearing Sera's words.      

Sera was not offended by Alex's action as she almost found her words a bit funny; she lacked confidence; if you were to ask her whether she was hundred percent sure that their relationship while stay at a Boss and subordinate, she would shake her head as herself doesn't believe it. She had begun to change, slowly. The actions she did, which made today date possible, was only possible because she began to have a feeling for Alex; somewhere in her heart, Alex held a special place, so his words became more impactful, and because he didn't act upon his word, she was disturbed, she became restless and did what she had done if she was still the normal Sera, the cold Sera whose feelings weren't affected she wouldn't have cared whether or not If Alex had continued to court her.      

''From your expression, it seems that you're thinking that you might succeed?" Sera, who was trying to hide her embarrassment, said.      

Alex merely laughed, not saying anything; seeing him so full of confidence somehow made Sera annoyed. She snorted ignored Alex until they exited the cafe.      

''Let's go into that tower.'' Alex pointed at the tower in the distance, which resembled Tokyo Sky Tree. Sera nodded; she had been curious the first she had seen it, although not comparable to the gigantic tower which pierced the sky at the center of the capital, the tower Alex pointed at was tall as well. Sera didn't get the opportunity to visit nor tour the capital because since the moment she came; she had been busy making plans; however, now that she got the time to relax, she must enjoy herself and do things previously she hadn't done.      

Sera nodded before crossing her arm with Alex as they went to that tower, whose name was Skyline. It looked like Tokyo Sky Tree; there was a restaurant, a shopping mall, even an arcade room. Naturally, Alex and Sera visited every one of them. Alex was surprised to find out that the Skyline had an elevator but unlike the ones on Earth, the ones here were powered by magic; it was beautiful.      

Finally, Alex and Sera stood at the highest point; from here, they could see the whole capital, and truth be told, it was truly vast, twice the size of Avalon. Standing at 1968 ft (600 meters) from the ground made the two feel like they were overlords overlooking their subjects underneath them; this feeling could be intoxicating.      

''Humans are truly wonderful creatures; they live, procreate and create wonderful things.'' Alex suddenly said while looking down at the capital.      

''I agree, but to me, the ones who are more incredible are our creators. They are incredible to have created the universe, the worlds and the things that lived in those worlds.'' Sera said after a moment of silence.      

Alex stopped watching the scenery outside and stared at Sera in silence; the latter began feeling uncomfortable, so she glared at him and asked.     


''No, I don't think that those who created us are the ones that created the universe; normally, they should have been birthed by the chaos,'' Alex explained, which made Sera chuckle.      

''You are too hilarious, Alex. Birthed by the chaos, you better become an author then; authors spout these things of craps. Although I don't know if what you said is right, there must be someone who created the universe.''      

''I see, you do have a point if this is true, then the person who created the universe who created him and who created the person who created him-"      

''Stop, stop, stop.''      

Sera said it thrice. Alex stopped and waited for her to continue. After inhaling, Sera looked at Alex and suggested.     

''Let's not go into that subject because it will be endless; it's an endless topic. Let's enjoy our date.''      

After Sera's reminder, Alex nodded.     

''Indeed, let's continue our date.'' He said with a smile, which gave Sera a chill, yet she chose not to dwell on why she felt that chill.     

''So, where are you going next? What are we going to do?"     

Alex smiled and responded.     

''Oh! That? We are not going anywhere. We are right where we should be; the next exciting adventure was about to begin."      

''What?" Sera exclaimed; she immediately had a bad feeling; she tried to ask Alex what the hell he had planned; however, before she could, it happened.      

Something moved like a snake and latched onto her right foot; before she could check what that thing was, the floor under her feet disappeared, yeah it disappeared, and Sera began to free fall for 600 meters. No matter who you might be, you faced such an unexpected situation, especially when you have no idea of this happening.     


Sera screamed like a helpless maiden while Alex feeling the caress of the wind against his cheek, was laughing.      

''H-how is it? Cool, isn't it?" He asked while readjusting the goggle which magically appeared on his face.      

Sera ignored him; first, it took her a bit of time before she managed to squeeze out a few words.      

''Alex, you're dead!"      

Alex, who had thought he would end their date with something exciting, froze in the air when he saw that it was possible to bungee jump from the highest floor, secretly subscribe for them; however, it seemed that it was a bad idea.     

That evening Alex returned home with two hands imprinted on his face; when he was asked what happened, he said nothing; at the same time, Sera was pale looking, unexpectedly, Sera had a fear of height, more precisely jumping from a sky was a no go.     

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