Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 575: Luna's Buff Skill

Chapter 575: Luna's Buff Skill

4Alex's date with Maria ended the late evening, after which Alex went on another date together with Luna and Gracier; it was just accompanying the girls as they brought clothes and others necessities.      3

Exhausted, Alex sat on his bed and heaved a sigh of relief.     

''Women are scary. They refused that I mustn't store what had been brought into my item box. I was forced to carry all these things; how scary; I wonder why they did that?"      

〖Well, you can blame us more fun this way, besides letting others see what we brought is a way to tell others that our man is not a pauper; he knows how to spend on his women. Man that spend on their woman is respected, so it seems.〗Silveria explained.     

''I see, but how are you so knowledgeable on this matter?" Alex asked with a smile.      

〖Humph! I have a lot of boyfriends in the past and a ton of friends, so naturally, I know those things.〗Silveria said, trying to sound calm, but her words were false as she was stuttering when speaking.      

Before Alex could tease her, saying that she was boasting, another person intervened.      

〖Virgin〗Nyx said without caring for her sister's feelings. Silveria froze and refused to talk afterward, making Alex laugh to his heart content; from today's interaction, he came to learn that Nyx was not completely expressionless as she could also joke and tease others, even it's only toward her sister. He did not know that his presence had begun affecting people beside him; Nyx wasn't an exception. She was slowly changing.      

''Ah! I'm tired. Gotta sleep!" Alex said before letting his body fall into the bed and soon fell asleep.     

The following morning the gentle rays of the rising sun peered their way through the light curtains. They provided a serene light in the room, shinning upon Alex's figure; his six-packs and well-defined body were visible, producing a picturesque view; if Luna were here, she would have wanted to immortalize this moment by drawing Alex picture.      

Normally, by this hour, Alex should have been up, but he showed no sign of waking up as he was still tired; he wished to sleep some more; however, he knew that he didn't have so much leisure time to waste.     

At this thought, Alex got up from the bed, strolled to the window, and looked outside. He just looked at the scenery outside before finishing his morning routine; after he was done, he went to the first floor, where the others were already waiting.      

''Greeting everyone.''      

Maria, Luna, and the others nodded. Alex sat on the highest seat and ate; after finishing the breakfast, Alex watched the others looking at him; they were waiting for his orders; as the leader, he ought to say something after his first day of work. Alex sighed, he was not good at those kinds of things, but he knew that humans are creatures that learn and adapt.     

''We will form a team that will go hunting for two days before alternating between teams to increase the Synchronisation rate,'' Alex ordered after a short moment of silence.     

Sera and others nodded their heads, acknowledging his order. The teams were decided shortly after. Maria, Eri, Sakuya formed one time, Kuina, Pandora, Zwei formed another one, Sera, Gracier, and Drei formed another one while Alex, Luna, and Alice formed the last team. It was not a three-person team, but the core was centered around those three; other players from the guild had been added as well.      

Having formed their respective team, they secretly departed not to let other guilds eyeing them from the dark know what they were preparing.     

Alex's team headed to a newly discovered dungeon, and the moment they entered, a notification window popped up.      

[Welcome to Lexie's dungeon, a proud magician in the past but somehow ends up on the dark side. It was said that an incredible treasure awaited the destined soul in the dungeon's depth.     

Dungeon grade: Extremely hard.]      

Alice was the vanguard, while Alex, the midguard he could also act as vanguard and rear guard depending on the situation; Luna was stationed in the rear.      

The first floor of the dungeon was plain filled with normal monsters such as goblins, slime, and kobolds, Alex's team had no trouble dealing with them as they progressed to the second floor, where they faced rare species; with their strength, they had no trouble dealing with the monster on the second, things continued like this until their reached the tenth floor where they faced their second boss, however, unlike the previous one, this one was a three-star Boss.     

''Get into formation, I don't know why such a strong monster appeared here, but it doesn't matter. Let fight it.'' Alex declared while summoning his guns; two silver guns appeared in his hands and were pointed at the seven-meter-tall gray wolf before him.     

[Gray Wolf]     

[Level 120]      

[Abilities: Vanish; Howl; Wind Tornado]      


Suddenly, the gray wolf disappeared, Alex immediately tried to locate it. Still, before he could, Luna had acted because the Gray wolf, instead of targeting Alex, Alice, or Luna, decided to target the weakest of the team, a player with the assassin job; he was also their scouter.      

However, before the wolf could pounce on the man, a golden barrier appeared and surrounded the man; the monster claw was bounced back, the monster immediately twisted its body to dodge Alex's bullet; however, he saw Alex smiling, which gave him chill, finally, aware that he had forgotten someone, the monster tried to use vanish again, but before he could, Alice sword had pierced its heart again, the gray wolf died on the spot.     

The group continued but to advance until they reached the thirtieth floor, and even before entering this floor, they could feel an ominous feeling coming from the other side of the door; the structure of the dungeon had changed into a flesh wall, this flash wall wriggled as if alive, it was truly disgusting.      

Giving one last glance at this flesh wall, Alex's group walked past the door; there they came face to face, a beating heart.      

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

The heartbeat accelerated as they walked in; Alex immediately signaled to his team to be on their guard as he could feel the ominous feeling lingering inside the room; the group ignored the shinning golden chest at the back of the room as they knew that they would not be able to reach that golden chest before the final boss would appear.     

Suddenly, the heart stopped beating, giving Alex a dangerous feeling.      

''Protect your eyes!" He ordered, immediately the seven men and women followed his instruction, then the heart which stopped exploded into crimson light that swept everything in its wake; however, thanks to Luna's timely assistance, no harm befell the group.      

After the light disappeared, Alex felt a chill down his spine, a feeling of danger like when he faced Incursio reappeared again.      


Before Alex could give another other, the sound of a gunshot rang.      

BANG! BANG!!!      

Three unlucky Alex's team members died before they could try defending themselves.      

Somehow, a White-haired Alex armed with a silver gun appeared; he used the same ability as the original, the consequence three players died.      

''Shit!" Alex cursed when he saw the carnage that took place; he couldn't do anything; he felt ashamed of himself; this clone was faster than him.      

Before Alex could move his switched place with his white clone through shadow shift, for the first time, Alex felt what it looked like to be at the other end of receiving; it was not a good feeling.      



Although Alice was surprised by Alex's clone, she still defended his attack again; the phantom bullet was cleanly into two; however, somehow, those two parts disappeared and reappeared before the fourth team member, he put his shield forward, but he wouldn't be able to make.      

Just as Luna was about to assist, she froze in place; the white-haired Alex had used his time to stop on her.      


Getting played like this left a sour aftertaste inside Alex's mouth; he moved his two hands, a homing bullet flew toward the two divided phantom bullets.      


Fortunately, Alex succeeded in rescuing his team member at the last moment; however, he was not done; from his second hand, a knife was launched, it sliced through the air and arrived before the white-haired Alex, who had no trouble taking care of this knife, however, by doing this he was momentarily busy, Alice used this opportunity to attack him, yet he was still able to deal with her attack perfectly.      

Meanwhile, Luna, who had been forgotten, made a move; she raised her staff she had summoned and tapped the butt against the ground while chanting a spell.     

[Buff Effectiveness Amplification AOE: SAINT GLORIA!]      

White light burst out from the staff and was transformed into a white unicorn, which entered Alex's and others' bodies; they saw their stats increase, the white-haired Alex's stats decreased. From there onward, the fight became easy, with Alex's team winning in the end.      

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