Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 572: Two Days Off

Chapter 572: Two Days Off

2The sun rose, announcing the start of a new day and the end of peace for those still sleeping.      0

Alex woke up and did his usual morning routine, and after he was done, he freshened up before heading downstairs where the others had been waiting for his arrival.     

''Greeting everyone!" Alex greeted those present before kissing his sister on the forehead.      

Sitting on his highest chair, Alex ignored Eri, who was glaring at him, obviously still displeased with what happened last time.      

''I think we should form teams to undergo rigorous training, this would help build harmony between the team, they will become more synchronized as they fight together, to face this enemy which is strong we need not only strength but perfect coordination. So, let's immediately think about forming those teams and begin the training.'' Alex suggested; he waited for the other's opinions; Kuina, Eri, Gracier, Leon, Alice, Pandora, and her time show no reaction to saying they were ready either way; however, the remaining people weren't enthusiastic others. Maria and Sakuya looked at Alex with a pitiful face; they shook their heads, making Alex frown.      

Meanwhile, Luna was pouting, obviously dissatisfied with Alex's plan to immediately start the training right away; as for Sera, whose face stayed passive, Alex knew with the short time spent with her that the Queen of the underworld wasn't happy, although it didn't show on her face.      

Finally, catching on to what was going on, Alex heaved a long sigh before changing his words and suggesting another thing.      

''Ah! Let's take a day off!"      


Most of those present cheered at Alex's announcement; they were tired of constantly fighting, their lives lately could be resumed at sleeping, fighting, and then sleeping before fighting against, an endless circle, something to ought to change your routine or else your life would be monochrome, dull and boring.      

Looking at them cheering like they had won a lottery, Alex sighed yet again; thinking about it, he could understand. However, he had taken a day to rest; it was not resting considering that immediately after he came here and wanted to continue fighting ag, ain which could be considered boring.      

''We will take two days off, use them to rest and finish your unfinished business because after those two days we will be busy. Let's hope that in those two days, the others, especially Artemia and Lilith, who are not present would be here. The meeting is dismissed, Sera, please stay behind.'' Alex ordered; Maria glanced at Alex for a moment before leaving with her sisters and Gracier; Eri glared at Alex one more time before leaving; Alice, Pandora, and the others left after Eri, leaving only Sera behind.      

For a moment, nobody talked as the room turned silent. To dispel the awkward atmosphere, Alex coughed and said.      

''Sera, do you have anything planned for today?"      

Sera stared at Alex without saying a word for two minutes before answering.      

''I don't have anything planned? Why do you ask this? Are you planning on inviting me somewhere?" Sera asked with a smile yet not a smile; she knew the answer, yet she still asked, women, are mysterious creatures indeed.      

''Yes! Let's go on a date; I miss going out with you. Although it was only one time we went on a date which couldn't be considered as a date, I still enjoyed it, so let have some fun.'' Alex declared while staring directly into Sera's eyes. His words were sincere, although short that period the two shared before coming to Avalon, Alex truly enjoyed it, so he wanted to feel that feeling again while at the same time decreasing Sera's anger because he knew she was angry at him not making any move on her despite his initial words to pursue her.      

''I missed it too. Okay, I accept your offer. Even though I know that you are doing this to decrease my anger because this couldn't be more obvious, I shall follow you because I'm happy with your intention, you know what you did wrong, and you know what to do to be forgiven. Let's go.'' Sera responded before standing up, giving Alex one last glance she left to get prepared for the date.      

Alex watched Sera leave before slumping into his chair and sighed in relief.      

''Ah! That was safe; I have almost made a blunder. Thanks to the girls, I didn't shoot myself in the foot. Ah! I must cherish them.'' Alex declared while closing his eyes.      

〖Yes you must but also add a new girl to unlock your ability; you must hurry up.〗Nyx said.      

Despite Alex's surprise because of Nyx's unexpected intervention, he paid no heed to her words even though she was saying that for his good, just for the sake of unlocking an ability which he was not sure would be worth it, Alex could begin collecting woman left and right, he was not some kind of collector, nor he had the stamina for that, his waist would break if he had too many women to care of.      

Seeing Alex not wanting to follow her suggestion, Nyx didn't force him, at least for now; she left him to have his way until the day he would see that her words must not be taken as a joke nor taken lightly.     

Two hours later. The date had begun.     

Currently, Alex and Sera were not dressed as they normally dressed. Most people would think that they were two noble children on a date. Only a few people looked at them twice, but none of them realized the truth. They were disguised, with Sera's identity, it would have been hard not to draw a commotion; therefore, they decided to disguise and enjoy a simple date.     

Alex and Sera visited many places, starting with a small restaurant to eat breakfast and then going to a clothing store and finally the market.     

He bought her a necklace and put it on her neck. Sera's despite being foreign to the emotion she felt at that time, still smiled and accepted the gift, and her eyes were filled with gentleness after that. Her anger seemed to have decreased a bit.     

It had been a long time since the last time Alex and Sera were together, so he decided to ignore everything else and focus on the date. He even ignored the people tailing them (Luna and others) after losing them so that they would not interrupt their date; Alex and Sera entered a café to take a rest.     

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