Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 569: The Result of the meeting

Chapter 569: The Result of the meeting

4''So, you mean to say that this Incursio or whatever is the leader of the God's hand, the first guild?" Maria asked after Sera told them of whom they should be wary of.      1

Sera and Alice nodded their heads; both had grave expressions on their faces; no Sakuya expression was even more severe than the two as she had tasted firsthand how powerful that small girl was.      

''Sakuya?" Maria and Luna noticed Sakuya's unusualness, and they couldn't help but be concerned about why she was reacting like this.     

''N-No, it's just that this girl is dangerous, truly dangerous, it's not something any of you can face,'' Sakuya said, stuttering.     

This shocked Maria; from Sera and Alice's words, she had deducted that Incursio was dangerous, but having never faced her, her judgment was bound not to be accurate; however, from Sakuya's reaction just now, there was a need to reevaluate the one named Incursio.      

To let them know how scary Incursio was, Sakuya briefly recounted what happened, how the three of them couldn't even handle the minor white demon, they lost, only Alex lasted a while but was about to lose, no he lost. Incursio was truly dangerous; she didn't use half of her power when they fought against her.      

''This is going to be troublesome,'' Maria mumbled while repeatedly tapping on the table before her.      

Silence permeated the meeting room as everyone was lost in thoughts; finally, Eri couldn't take it anymore; the silence was becoming suffocating, so she said.      

''Why are you hung up? She might be strong, she might have a guild with her, but does this mean we are alone? Don't this room is filled with women more amazing than the other? So what are you afraid of you? Don't you believe in yourself? In your so-called friends? We are not weak; if we unite before everyone goes down, we might kill this Incursio. Don't forget that there is still that Alex whatever and some your comrades coming, together we will be invincible.''      

Eri's words were like a huge splash of cold water over them; they finally noticed that they had been acting unnaturally, so they quickly got of themselves.     

It was a bit of shame to be reprimanded by Eri, Maria thought, but she was not someone that didn't know when to recognize the other work even though she didn't like her.      

''Nice words, Eri.'' Maria genuinely praised Eri as her words had opened their eyes. However, as she had anticipated, Eri was surprised; she was not the only one though, the others were surprised as well, but if Eri had stopped there, it would have been perfect. Unfortunately, she didn't do that; after her initial surprise, she covered her mouth and said.     

''Oh! My, care to repeat what you have just said?"      

Naturally, Maria ignored her as she was not in the mood to entertain her, somehow she regretted what she had done; however, there was no turning back; it had already happened.      

Turning her head in the other's direction, Maria said.      

''I will let Sera decide what to do in Alex's stead, but I do suggest that we create some method to let others that would arrive to know that we are here, that they must join us. The Holy Daughter aside, I bet some of them would gladly accept joining our guild. How does this idea sound?"      

Maria waited for the others to tell her their thoughts on this matter; she looked at Sera in particular, the latter although she was maintaining a poker face outside, inwardly she was surprised by Maria not competing with her for the post of temporary guild leader as she was sure that she would have done it.     

'Has she changed? Turning over a new leaf?' Sera thought for a moment before quickly shaking her head, discarding such absurd thought, she wouldn't be Maria if she did otherwise, sneakily glancing at Maria, Sera felt chill down her spine when she saw her smiling innocently at her like she was the most innocent creature in the universe.      

Shaking her head again, Sera secretly thought that this must be some ploy and she would not fall for it. Sera decided, firming her belief that Maria was surely planning something. However, none of what she was thinking was real. Typically, Maria should have been competing for Sera's place but she decided against it; from the most normal place, you can do incredible things, shine than anybody when you play the right cards. She doesn't need to be at the top to shine; besides, this place has been earned by the other through hardships; it would have been unwise to try to snatch it like that; it would create hostility between them which would not be healthy for the Harem, as the future head of the Harem she ought to take the other party wellbeing in consideration, all of this was to build a good relationship and long-lasting harem life which would not blow up midway. She must be a good leader, not a tyrant that nobody would like, that everybody would be wary again. Maria had so decided.      

If only the girls, particularly Sera, knew what Maria was thinking about, how far her thoughts and plans had gone, they would have said she was terrifying worthy of the title of Empress.      

Pa! Pa!      

Luna clapped twice to draw everyone's attention; having got them, she said.      

''It's what she said; what do you think, Sera? Is Maria's idea worth implementing?"      

Facing Luna's question, there was no need to hesitate; Sera immediately gave her opinion.     

''I do think that Maria's suggestion is a good one. The Holy Daughter aside and the others can be used, but I think we should prioritize The Lionheart Empire crown prince, the Wolfang princess, the demon's princess, the third princess, Pandora, and others.''      

Nobody refuted Sera's plan; they all nodded their heads, and together, they thought of a plan to lead the others toward this guild. Finally, they found something which they were sure would work, drawn on the guild recruitment posters was Alex's gun; the moment Leon and others would see this, they would automatically head to the guild as they knew that Alex Gift is unique, it was Gracier who came up with this idea.     

Like this, the meeting came to an end. They ignored Eri, who at the end asked.     

''Who is this Alex who had a gun from Earth? Where is he?"      

It never occurred to Eri that this person was the once youngest billionaire in their school; soon, they would meet.     

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