Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 559: Before Departure 3

Chapter 559: Before Departure 3

4While Alex and Sakuya were fighting, back to Maria, Eri, and Kuina side, after they came back, the mayor told them that he had a quest, a special quest where death was almost inevitable; however, if one were to succeed, the rewards were pretty amazing, the participants would receive 3000 Fame points, artifacts and an increase of 2 levels and talisman that would send them into the first floor of the Sky Tower.     

The girls put on a troubled expression and asked for some time to think it over; naturally, the mayor gave them some time to think about it.      

After the three girls left the room, Shadow appeared and stood beside the mayor; she didn't say anything as something kept bothering her; there seemed to be some inconstancies in her memories, but no matter what she did, even going into the temple for a blessing changed nothing. She could only slump her shoulders dejectedly and come back.      

Although the mayor had noticed the unusualness surrounding Shadow, he didn't waste his time asking her what happened as he could read her and knew that whatever was troubling her was unknown; if not, she would have first consulted him. Although he didn't ask anything, he decided to say a few words.     

''Don't worry, whatever troubling you will disappear once we get that thing.''      

Shadow was brought out of her reverie; she nodded before asking, something was bothering her     

''Are you sure that they would accept? Ability wise I must acknowledge that those three was strong but-"     

The mayor cut Shadow mid-sentence and said.     

''Don't worry, they will accept as the reward was too enticing. Well, I have taken the necessary precautions after all.''      

Upon hearing the mayor's words, Shadow immediately thought of something.     

''Don't tell me?" She didn't dare to believe it, so she asked.     

The mayor nodded with a broad smile on his face.      

''When I felt those two powerful energies, I ran towards them and witnessed the end of the fight, at the same time as I was taking them back with me I used the fame stone, to rob them of their fame points, although they could still see their fame points, it is nothing more than an illusion. They will soon find out and would have no choice but to accept my offer and once they succeed, hehehehe! I shall imprison them and turn them into a breeding machine.''      

Looking at the mayor laughing without dignity and with a vulgar expression on his face, Shadow shook her head, feeling pity for the three girls.      

Speaking of them, the three were talking at the moment. Their expressions weren't looking good as they finally noticed that their fame points were gone; even Kuina, master in the art of the illusion, was shocked as she had seen it coming, nor did she notice anything unusual.     

''That man is scary,'' Kuina said with a sigh.     

''I know, but-" Maria nodded and stopped speaking; there was a cruel smile on her face. However, under that state, she couldn't remember everything; she remembered one thing, the Ice phoenix controlling her body at that time had taken some precautions, not only she sealed Shadow's memories, she also robbed her of her fame points because she didn't regularly check her fame points as there was no need to do that, she didn't notice anything.      

Maybe because the mayor gave her some Fame points for safekeeping, the amount of Fame points she had was enormous, 12000 fame points, and currently, Maria had them with her.      

While still wearing a smile which made Eri and Kuina unconsciously tighten their ass because of the ominous feeling that smile gave, Maria whispered her plan to them; the two eyes widened before they began laughing in turn with a malicious smile on their faces.     

''Eri, check the position of the mayor's wife and daughter, especially the daughter. I have something in mind.'' Maria ordered, and Eri immediately did as she was told, the feud should be put aside now for the greater cause.     

Soon, Eri managed to locate where the mayor's wife and daughter were; she informed Maria, who smiled as the situation was favorable, almost as if the Gods wanted the vile mayor to suffer today.      

''Great, let's proceed with the plan then. Kuina, please use your strongest illusion.''      

Upon hearing Maria's order, Kuina nodded and asked.     

''What do I need to create?"      

Maria smiled before declaring, ''The mayor's daughter pierced by my dagger crying for help and please cloak our position first.''      

Kuina nodded and immediately did as ordered; inside the mayor sturdy, he frowned at the sudden situation; he could not detect the girls' location anymore.     

''Something is not right.'' the mayor said as he stood up.     

''Huh?'' Shadow was surprised.     

It happened at that moment; from the outside, a cry filled with anguish reached the room.      

''Hiiiiiii! Father save, the black-haired g-girl has gone crazy, she stabbed me, father, hiiiiiiiiii!"      

The mayor immediately blasted the door open to rescue his sweet daughter; Shadow followed while feeling that something wasn't right.      

Outside in the hall leading to the study room, Maria clutched the mayor's daughter's neck while she stabbed her leg; upon seeing the mayor arriving, she smiled a devil smile.     

''Welcome thief!"      

Blood rushed straight to the mayor's head; his rationality was thrown out of the window, he immediately shot toward Maria, intending to kill her.     


''Wait, it's a trap."      

Finally, Shadow noticed what was wrong and tried to warn the mayor, who had lost his rationality; however, it was already too late.     

The mayor arrived behind Maria, who showed a surprised expression this made the mayor happy; he moved one hand went towards his daughter. At the same time, the other one sharped like a knife chopped toward Maria's neck at frightening speed; however, something unexpected happened, the mayor hit nothing but empty air.     

''What?" He cried out in shock. Shadow, who appeared beside him, told him.     

''It's a trap.''      

Immediately upon hearing this, the mayor got a pretty lousy feeling; he abruptly spun around and started running toward his sturdy; however, the three girls were already inside it and took his treasure chest.      

The mayor and Shadow stood frozen, looking at Maria, Eri, and Kuina grinning at them.      


The mayor roared, and his full power burst toward them; simultaneously, Shadow moved and arrived before the three girls.     

Unfortunately, they were too late; the girls had long been prepared; Eri, who still had the most mana, crushed something; a golden light enveloped the three; it was inviolable, the mayor and Shadow could only watch helplessly as the three started to disappear.     

''Thank you for your hospitality, but we shall pass on your offer. As for you in black, your fame points will be used for a greater cause. Farewell.''      

Shadow's eyes widened in horror, and she immediately checked her status but ended up regretting it.     

''Gone, gone, everything is gone.''      

Hearing Shadow's broken words, the mayor knew what this meant and became crazy.     

''Bastarrrrrrrrrd! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"      

That day the mayor of Kellen city became crazy and blasted his mansion apart, almost killing his wife and daughter.     

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