Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 554: Sometime it's better to relax

Chapter 554: Sometime it's better to relax

0Back to Alkan's City, Alex's starter village.      0

After successfully killing Jason and eliminating the remnants of the dark guilds, Alex decided to take a pause. Because he was busy since his arrival in this city, which had nothing with a village, Alex didn't enjoy what the city had to offer; no, he didn't get the opportunity to enjoy Exodus yet.     

Alkan, although not comparable to a big city, its size wasn't small either. This city was a mix of modern and fantasy worlds. As he had passed through the whole city when trying to get rid of the dark guilds, Alex had a pretty good idea of what the city had to offer, the most attractive spots, among them was something Alex had not thought he could have encountered here, Alkan possessed an amusement park, as ridiculous this might sound it was true. At first, he found it ridiculous, but after a bit of thinking, Alex understood, it wasn't only earthlings that know how to think or create things; what have been created on Earth could be created elsewhere as everywhere you go, no matter what world, humans or any other species can imagine, and with imagination, one can do a lot of things.     

That time because he was on the run, Alex found it unnecessary as going alone in an amusement park would be boring; however, now that he had someone with him, it would be enjoyable to go with her, this could be considered as going on a date, for two people going out, sometimes this kind of activity could bring you two together as through it you could nurture your feeling for each other. Sometimes in love, the simplest things are the most effective, so Alex believes.      

While being lost in thoughts, Alex heard a rustling sound which brought him back; he immediately spun around to face the direction from which the sound was coming, and soon the one responsible for this sound came out, immediately Alex had his breath taken away.      

Sakuya wearing a long dress was too beautiful.     

Her long black hair matched perfectly with the long white dress.     

Even though the dress was very white, her skin remained as white as snow. It was unknown how or he hadn't paid enough attention to it; either way, it was beautiful skin, Alex thought.     

The long white dress complemented Sakuya's exquisite figure.     

Her neck was slender. Her waist was narrow and curved. Her skin was tender and white.     

She looked like a fairy in a painting.     

Suddenly, Sakuya blushed a little while blinking her extremely agile eyes, which has killed many people's hearts.      

Alex immediately rolled his eyes at her as she knew that she did that intentionally; those fools who weren't aware of her true self would have taken her as your fragile village girl needing protecting if weren't because of the cold air Alex radiated, a lot of annoying flies would be coming bothering them.      

Thinking about what would have happened if they did this, Alex's lips curved up to form a grin; he quickly killed it and focused his attention on the main character of today even.      

''You look gorgeous in this dress, you should often wear a dress like these.'' Alex honestly said this, and Sakuya could see his honesty and, at the same time, his wish. He didn't want to impose himself saying you must wear this type of dress because I like it but instead said it in the form of suggestion; Sakuya could have chosen to ignore it but decided not to as she felt an inexplicable sweetness growing within her heart, this made her wonder if Luna does regularly feel this? If it's true, no wonder, she was like a maiden in love every time she was with Alex. It was an addictive feeling, she wanted it, yet she was scared at the same time.      

Shaking her head, Sakuya replied.      

''Thank you, I will wear them from now on but just for you.'' She ended her words with a beautiful smile coming from the heart.      

As if numerous invisible arrows appeared the moment she smiled, they struck men and women hearts alike.     

''She is an angel.''      

It was unknown who among the customers shouted this, but when it reached Alex's ears, he almost exploded with laughter.      

Before this could get more annoying, Alex and Sakuya decided to leave the store.      

After asking someone to pack the clothes they bought, Alex stored them inside his item box. Sakuya was still dressed in a white dress when the two left the clothes store.      

Seeing how attractive Sakuya, next to him was, those jealous started whispering.      

"It's good to see such handsome men and beauties. But that handsome man is probably a womanizer; he must have won her over with his looks.''      

''You are right.''      

Alex, who heard those words, couldn't help but chuckle; he was not offended; if he got offended by such remark, he would have long since beaten everyone that talked ill of him.      

Looking at Alex, who didn't lose his cool, Sakuya was happy; no, what made her happy was that Alex wasn't using the God mask but was using his real face; this alone made Sakuya smile while thinking that Alex was rather handsome, especially today.      

"What are you thinking about?" Alex asked with a smile after having seen Sakuya smiling endlessly.     

''Ah! Nothing, I just thought that my man was handsome that I wanted to mount him like a horse, slapping his little ass as he moves on all fours, fufufu! That would be for the best.''      

If at first Alex was happy to be praised, Sakuya following words broke this happiness as her sadist side took over.      

Alex heaved a sigh as he knew it would not be easy to cure Sakuya sadistic tendencies, no need to cure it; he just had to find a way to reign it, and Alex believed that he could do it. For now, better enjoy this date.     

''Let us go. I will take you to the amusement park." Alex said.      

Upon hearing this, Sakuya's eyes widened; because of her childhood, she hadn't gotten too many opportunities to visit an amusement park, but now she can; this made her happy as she was looking forward to it.      

Entwining their fingers together, Sakuya urged Alex to head towards the amusement park. Seeing how eager she had become, Alex couldn't help but burst out of laughter, finding the current Sakuya cute.     

Soon, the two of them arrived at the amusement park in Alkan's City.      

Sakuya's eyes shone upon seeing that it was really an amusement park; she sauntered forward, leaving Alex behind; he chuckled before following the impatient girl.     

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