Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 544: Boom! Boom! BOOOOM!

Chapter 544: Boom! Boom! BOOOOM!

1Inside a big hall, the True End members and other few survivors of the other two guilds have gathered; they were waiting for the sole survivor to come and share the information she acquired during the quest.     

Sitting on the highest seat, the guild master of the True End Guild was waiting patiently for Sakuya to arrive; to be sure that the enemy had not infiltrated their rank, he ordered the search time members except for the leader and the one who brought Sakuya to be stationed outside in the bar which had been evacuated just in case.      

Suddenly, the door was opened, making everyone focus their attention on the people that entered.      

Not too attention was paid to Barbarossa and his men; all eyes were on the girl with the handcuffs.      

Although her body was weakened due to the blood loss, this didn't make her beauty shine less; even though she still had the fox mask on, everyone present could say without hesitation that she was a beauty behind that mask.     

Barbarossa's men stopped not too far from the table, both surrounding Sakuya from the side; like this, they could react just in the case she attempted something.      

''Remove her handcuffs and her mask.'' The guild master of the True End Guild ordered, the guild master of the Blood Chalice sitting on his right, gripped his armchair with a bit of strength, almost breaking it; he was too impatient to acquire information about the man responsible for his current situation.     

Barbarossa's men did as they were ordered; they removed Sakuya's handcuff and mask.      

The moment her mask was received, a collective gasp was heard for the simple reason that Sakuya beauty surprised them; even though they had expected her to be beautiful, their expectations were greatly surpassed upon seeing what lay behind the mask, black hair and black eyes that suck one in.      

It took them some time before they regained their calm.     

''Cough! Cough! Introduce yourself first before telling us everything you know.'' the guild master of the True End Guild ordered.      

Sakuya looked at them with dead eyes as if furious about the treatment she had received; those present except for the guild master of the True End Guild frowned upon seeing Sakuya's reaction.      

Both the guild master of the Blood Chalice and Barbarossa spoke simultaneously.      

''Speak, how dare you to ignore us. Quickly start speaking; how do you think you are?"      

The guild master of the True End Guild frowned upon hearing these words thinking that they were too harsh but decided not to comment; however, even faced with so much hostility, the girl kept her composure as if nothing could bother her.      

Sakuya's unusual behavior made him frown as an uneasy feeling started bubbling inside him, making him stand up.      

Simultaneously, Sakuya, who had not talked since the beginning, finally spoke; her words sent a chill down everyone's spine.      

''I'm the Grim reaper wife.''      

Immediately following her declaration, a golden talisman appeared in her hand.      

Upon seeing this talisman, the bad feeling he got was increased ten folds making Jason shout.      

''Stop her.'' The guild master of the True End Guild shouted as he shot forward like a rocket to intercept Sakuya before she could use the teleportation talisman; unfortunately, he was a step too.      


The golden talisman in Sakuya's hand exploded into a brilliant golden light that blinded everyone.      


The next thing they heard what the sound of something falling on the ground after Sakuya disappeared; then, mysteriously, a man with a fox mask appeared. However, he wore a fox mask the eyes behind the mask couldn't be concealed; he had different eyes, the one on the left was green while the one on the right was blue.      

Immediately upon seeing the man with heterochromia eyes, everyone present had one thought.      

'It's him.'     

At the same time, Alex made an exaggerated bow and announced.      

''Greeting to you all, I'm Alex Grim.''      

Jason knew how dangerous this man was, although he couldn't understand how he entered inside even with all precaution he had put in place, that beautiful woman must have been his accomplice, but all these things didn't matter as Jason knew that he must do something like all the hairs on his rose telling how dangerous this man before him was.      

Without the once of shame, Jason dragged the leader of the Blood Chalice close to him before tossing him toward Alex.      

Everything happened too fast; the guild master of the Blood Chalice didn't have the time to react as he flew in the air.     


Even Alex was shocked by Jason's unexpected action; still, his goal hadn't changed; he immediately used his trump card.      

''Time Stop''     

Time stopped radius of five meters; however, Jason managed to escape before Alex's time ability could work on him.      

Barbarossa and other executives of the True End guild suffered under Alex's Time ability.      

Alex stepped forward and grabbed the Blood Chalice Guild master's head.     


He thrashed his face into the table, which was broken, then his face hit the ground, bursting it with pieces of stones and concrete. As he had his time frozen, he couldn't emit any release any sound; Alex pulled him out and tossed him into a specific direction before taking out another golden talisman who looked exactly like the one Sakuya had used; he crushed it.     

Alex's figure vanished from the meeting room. Immediately following his disappearance, time resumed.      

''What happened?" Barbarossa was the first to regain his mobility, so he shouted; however, he received no reaction; following others' gaze, he saw the Blood Chalice guild master's bloody figure falling at the end of the room where a magic circle shined.      

''Fuck! Retreat.'' Barbarossa ordered before using his life-saving trump card.      

Before the others could unleash their life-saving item, from outside, a big and invisible wind meteor fell on the True End headquarter.      


The wind meteor destroyed the bar at the front before destroying the first floor of the underground palace; at the same time, the bomb Alex had hidden inside when he infiltrated started detonating; it was a chain reaction.      

Boom! Boom! BOOOOM!      

The whole True End guild crumbled under the terrible explosion that occurred one after another, Sakuya who was floating in the sky not too far observed everything; she felt an inexplicable joy upon seeing such a scene; however her expression changed when she detected a presence not too far from her position, using mana to improve her sight she able to see three men and women, one of them was Barbarossa. In contrast, the woman was the one that dragged her body against the ground. Sakuya had always wanted to pay her back for what she did, and she hadn't thought that the occasion would soon come for her to enact her revenge.      


Sakuya's body descended from the sky and impacted the ground heavily.      

''Eh?'' Barbarossa was surprised upon Sakuya's arrival.      

'Time to use my newly created movement skill.'     

Sakuya mumbled, ready to use her newly created skill.     

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