Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 541: Sakuya's meaning of Strength and the Unexpected Gift

Chapter 541: Sakuya's meaning of Strength and the Unexpected Gift

2Deep in the night, the two pale moons in the sky were still bathing the land underneath them in their beautiful light.      2

In a courtyard, the silhouette of two people could be seen; they sat there around a table enjoying a tea, a rare moment of peacefulness while bathing in the moonlight; the silence continued for a long moment before Alex, who remembered something couldn't help but ask.     

''I say back then, why did you add Lilith, Pandora, Eris, and Kuina in your meeting?"      

Sakuya brows furrowed; it was an unexpected question, but thinking about it now, it was to be expected; as the master of the house, it was natural that Alex knew what was happening inside.      

''Just because we feel like it. By the way, have you never considered creating your empire?"      

This was an obvious attempt to change the subject, but Alex decided to play along.      

''Not really; I'm not too fond of politics, you see,'' Alex replied.      

''I see. But let's say, for example, that your enemy is an entire empire, a really strong empire. Will you go against it with you alone?"      

Facing Sakuya's question, Alex pondered for a moment before answering.     

''Well, it would be hard, but with my special forces and a bit of infiltration, maybe I can face them.''      

''I see; while what you said is doable, but it will be extremely hard. If you have your empire, it will be easy to control a huge force. I'm not saying to create one now as Mysthia's world is a temporary stop; we will leave this world, maybe soon, into higher worlds where the danger lies everywhere, where strong people, strong empires, and kingdoms existed. Having one yourself can be considered a strength as I believe that being the strongest can be interpreted as having a bunch of kingdoms, and empire under one, this is also a part of your strength.''      

Sakuya stopped for a moment and prepared another tea for the two to drink, and after pouring another one to Alex, she poured into her cup as well, took a sip of it before continuing.     

''It's like on Earth where the richest persons have lots of companies under their name, this made them richer, so why not apply this to strength as well? The strongest should not only be strongest in the universe; he also should have the strongest empire; this would boost his strength; this empire would be his haven where his loved ones, his children will grow. To me, this truly what becoming the strongest entails.''      

Alex stayed silent to ponder about Sakuya words.      

〖What that black-haired girl said is not wrong; you should consider it; a true powerhouse needs a strong foothold.〗     

Unexpectedly it was Nyx who interjected; she seemed to share the same view as Sakuya; it could be said that if Sakuya had not suggested this, she would in the future as only she and Silveria, as one of the survivors of that apocalyptic battle, knew that facing an enemy capable of moving several worlds at the same time alone was tantamount to suicide, their previous master had made this mistake, maybe if he had his empire which was strong enough his words would have more impact and maybe the final impact would have been different. So, not to repeat the same mistake, his successor should take a different path to create a different future.      

Upon seeing two women he cared about to suggest the same thing, Alex began to consider this option seriously; the more he saw that their words made sense.      

Just as Alex was lost in thoughts, Sakuya said something that made him easier to decide what to do finally.     

''Well, you can create one, but let someone who is more fit to govern it while you would be the guardian; however, you must be the first emperor, even if it's only for a few years.''      

''That is it.''      

Alex said and immediately disappeared when he reappeared again. Sakuya was within his arms; he put her on his lap and kissed her.      


The kiss was unexpected, making Sakuya surprised; however, her surprise didn't last long as she also began to reciprocate, refusing to lose. What should have been a simple reward kiss ended up becoming a fierce battle kiss where the contestants refused to admit battle; however, soon, they were forced to stop as nobody could stop breathing for an extended period, not even a God.     

''Ha! Ha!''      

''Ha! Ah!"      

Both panted as Sakuya face flushed red, gently caressing her face as if she was the most priceless yet the most fragile piece of jade in the world, Alex declared.     

''Thank you, Mio.''      

Alex said while putting his forehead again her forehead; he knew that this name held certain importance in her heart, that it was dear to her, so he decided to use it from now on when they would be alone.      

''It's a blessing to have a fiancee such as you. I'm not perfect; I'm still learning; I'll be happy to have you lighten my life, my road with your presence and advice, like this, we will build a world where we would be happy. Truly thank you.''     

If his first words had stirred something inside her, his second speech sent her in euphoria; finally she had been acknowledged. Sakuya was extremely moved, so much that tears began to fall.      

Alex saw it; his expression didn't change, just that he lowered his head and licked her tear.      


This sudden gesture made Sakuya produce a sound that sounded like a moan; her body was spasming; she felt extremely weak at the moment.      

''It's tasty yet filled with happiness which makes me happy. Here's a humble gift, please accept it as a token of my engagement, the real thing is coming soon,'' Alex said while taking out a beautiful necklace with a dragon pendant; the strangest thing was that the dragon was shaped in S form as if to say Sakuya.     

There was a silence before Sakuya, overwhelmed with emotions, finally opened her mouth.     

''Oh! My, it's extremely beautiful, truly a wonderful gift, I really love it.''      

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