Death Guns In Another World

Side Story: Girl's Meeting 5: Harem Discussion 2

Side Story: Girl's Meeting 5: Harem Discussion 2

3Silence permeated the meeting room for a good time before Sera opened her mouth to say something.     1

''Maria. I honestly respect you very much, but I'm not too fond of your insinuation. Although you knew him before us local, this doesn't mean that you should flaunt this considering that there was someone who knew him before you did and has a deeper relationship with him.''      

While saying this, Sera stared at Luna, who chuckled, not offering any reaction.      

Maria frowned; among all the people sitting here, she had not expected Sera to be the one to confront her directly. As for the information about Luna knowing Alex before her, Maria was not surprised as she knew what exactly Sera does for a living and how impressive she was; she had often used her services to crush various competitors since taking over the Golden Spoon.      

''Cat got your tongue, heh?"     

Kuina snickered when she saw Maria becoming silent after Sera's little attack. The person herself never considered this as an attack, just stating a fact.      

''So, the fox princess is trying to seduce Alex and at the same time take the harem lead?"      

This unexpected attack came from Lilith. Kuina became speechless, having not expected this attack.      

''Say the Demon's princess eyeing Alex like a hawk.'' Sakuya immediately attacked Lilith making her frown; the atmosphere turned tense like gunpowder that was about to blow up.      

But, just as the gunpowder was about to explode, Eris, who had been silent until her first words, finally spoke; her eyes were sharp.     

 "I will report everything I see and hear to Alex."     

Immediately, the seemingly explosive situation stagnated before all the pressures receded so fast it seemed like a lie.     

"*Ahem* No need to go so far, is there? We are all civilized adults. Why don't we start from the beginning?"     

Sakuya tried to salvage the situation.      

Maria shook her head, "Let's be honest. Most of us do not care about each other except for a few among us. As Luna said, our only common point is Alex."     

"Alex wishes for us to get along well, but as things stand now, that is impossible. Perhaps things could change in the future. But the situation is what it is now. What's more, there will most likely be more of us in the future, something sincerely I do not wish for it to happen."     

Everyone aside from Pandora nodded at this.      

They already knew that Alex would attract more women as he became stronger. What's more, he also planned to add a certain guild master.     

So it was a given that there would be more of them.      

"The main reason Alex is so worried is mainly that he fears that we might harm each other. Which, from what just happened, shows that he was right to be worried."     

Maria chucked while Kuina coughed.      

After all, she knew clearly that she was the trigger for this reunion. Since her arrival, she had constantly fought with Maria, and most of them had something with Alex.      

''I know that everyone one of you wants to have his child, but it's not possible right now because we are not united. Although factions have been formed, we must distinguish between our priority over Alex's wellbeing. To help him, we must be united; this would make him worry less. Our rivalry should be put on the side for a more important reason; those with more information should help those with less information unite the whole harem instead of fighting every time. I do not deny that it's impossible not to have someone, but as a figurehead, competitions are bound to happen because we are sharing the same man; competing will help us to have stronger bonds, but there must be a limit, understood?" Luna said with a harmless smile, but for some reason, her words seemed absolute, making others feel incredible pressure; even Maria was looking at her friend, her sister, with incredible eyes thinking maybe among us it's you who have absolute control over the situation.      

Luna continued, ''Some of might be thinking it's unlikely that I fall in love with him, but my woman intuition tells me that most everyone present would end up becoming his women, it may not happen today, not tomorrow, not even here but what is sure is that it would happen. Let's talk peacefully; this is our first meeting after. It must end up with a positive note.''      

Everyone present nodded before Maria coughed.     

''Cough! I do apologize for my early rudeness; I'm Maria Alexa Rosares, former daughter of a Mafia boss; I had encountered Alex when I was eight before re-encountering him a few years later. I'm interested in him, but as a prideful woman, I tried to bury these emotions. There was another reason I did not show more interest in him; it was because of my best friend, my sister Luna who had been in love with him since they were children.''      

This declaration hit Luna hard; she stared at Maria with incredible eyes; It was her first time hearing this, even Sakuya was surprised. Although surprised, the other decided to hear the full story.      

''When we died and got another chance, I was glad because I will have a chance in this new world where polygamy is legal. Back on Earth, we three used to joke saying we would have the same man; it was a joke because our society was a monogamous one. However w upon arriving here, it became possible, and sometimes when talking with them, I'd often suggest that we three have the same man to stay united, all of this to have the chance to be beside him.''      

Luna and Sakuya nodded their heads, recalling that Maria often suggested that.      

''And when Alex was confused, I panicked a little, I'm not really good at expressing myself, I gave him that suggestion hoping that he would accept and he did if he had not I would have felt guilty because I'll get something my best friend always wished to have. If it was another girl, I couldn't care less even she was there before me, but Luna was different, Sakuya as well. Well, w that's my story.''      

Most of those present were surprised by Maria's story; even Kuina showed a rare moment of silence.      

''Let's continue with the introduction, and by the way, I'm planning to be head of the harem, whoever can challenge me, I'm sure that I would win.''      

''Oh? That's some confidence you have there? I shall crush this dream of your.'' Kuina immediately answered Maria's provocation, but with less hostility; the others shook their heads and decided not to bother with those two who were like cat and mouse.      

''You, I don't like you one bit.'' Maria declared while Kuina's response was instantaneous.      

''Me too, one those days I'll crush with my power.''      


''I'm looking forward to such a day.'' Maria declared before taking out something; it was like old parchment on which an oath was written.      

''This is a pledge—an oath. Carefully crafted by me. You need to read it and sign it with your blood. I believe three days would be enough to read everything and decide what you would do."     

At the end of the day, words were cheap. Maria knew this. Only an excellent old contract that could bring death if breached could calm her heart as she knew that Alex had been betrayed by his loved ones, not to repeat the same thing this was necessary. Tonight's goal was to show them this.     

Before the others, Maria, Luna, and Sakuya immediately sighed the contract, which shone red, and a mark was engraved somewhere on their bodies.      

Artemia and Pandora sighed immediately while the others decided to take a few days to think about it; the first meeting between Alex ended up without too much issues.     

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