Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 540: Date at Night

Chapter 540: Date at Night

1Back to Torel's mountains.      0

Two people were facing each other, and the atmosphere was tense.     

''Tell me, Alex, do you know what you have done wrong?" Sakuya asked; her voice was chilly.      

Alex sighed; he had never expected to see Sakuya here and not in this condition.      

''I'm sorry, but the situation asked for it. I'm happy to see you here. How have you been?" Alex apologized while at the same time trying to switch the subject.      

Sakuya ignored him and shouted.     


〖Do you think it would be that easy?〗Silveria chuckled.      

'I thought so.' Alex replied dejectedly before moving; he appeared before Sakuya and mumbled.      

''Time Stop''     


Sakuya, who was about to unsheath her katana froze, on her frozen face, you could see her disappointment, disappointed because she could not play with Alex as she had intended.      

''Stop playing. Let's leave here first.'' Alex muttered and immediately canceled his ability.      

Sakuya pouted but still decided to follow Alex's advice, and the two left the Torel's mountains.      

Inside Alex's room in another Inn, the two sat across from each other while there was only silence for a moment before Alex decided to break the silence by asking.      

''Can you please tell me what you went through?"      

Sakuya didn't answer the first; she observed Alex quietly before finally opening her mouth.      

''Well, it was pretty intense, when I appeared I was inside some mountain, I fought monsters and advanced until a desert where there were other players, a pyramid in the distance, it looked like the Egyptian pyramid. I went inside fought a terrible guy; I lost, and I was sent here. There was something interesting ongoing when I appeared, some kind of hunt, and I decided to participate, you know the rest.''      

Alex's lips twitched when he heard Sakuya saying that hunting him was interesting, so she decided to play. He felt compelled to massage his forehead.      

''Sigh! My story goes like this.''      

Alex recounted what happened since the beginning, and the more she heard about it, the more surprised she was, to think he would think of something like this? Alex, you're full of surprise. Sakuya thought.      

Not everyone can go against three guilds, to be hunted down and yet still deal them a severe blow; one should know that Alex did all of this alone without anyone assisting him. Sakuya's eyes shone; she wondered what kind of damage Alex could have caused if he had Maria, her, or Alice with him? The three guilds would have been crushed a long ago.      

''Fufufu! I thought my adventure was exciting, but yours is more exciting, and now that I'm here, don't think about playing without me, understood?"      

Alex could only give in as he knew pretty well that she couldn't stop pestering him if he were ever to refuse and who knows what she would do.     

''I know, don't worry, I have never planned to play without you. It will be more fun this way.''      

Looking outside, the sun was about to set, so Alex proposed.     

''Why not sleep here tonight?"      


Sakuya made a confused sound before she began to smile.      

''Oya, Oya! Are you maybe hinting at something? I never expected that you're the fast type; I thought you were the-"      

''Stop it, please.'' Alex cut Sakuya mid-sentence as he couldn't take anymore; his face had almost turned green because of frustration. Especially that part of being the fast type, he vowed to teach her the literal meaning of hell in bed in the future, she would beg, but he couldn't stop.     

''You know pretty well what I wanted to say, so stop playing with the words. I'm not in the mood.''      

Sakuya chuckled and decided to stop teasing Alex; if only she knew what kind of thought Alex had at the moment, she wouldn't have stopped.      

''Well, sorry, I have already rented a small mansion not too far from here; I'll be staying over there.''      

''Ah?" Alex was shocked to hear that she rented a small mansion; what a spendthrift, he thought, forgetting that he also spent all his gold coins on Nightmare Fog potion.      

''I see that is good then. I'll take a shower; feel free to do as you wish.'' Alex said before heading to the bathroom.      

''Alex, I'll be waiting for you to come after you are done. I left the address of the mansion on the bed.'' Sakuya shouted from the bedroom before leaving.      

Alex sighed and decided to go after finishing; he was curious about what she was planning.      

''I will know once I'm there,'' Alex mumbled.     

Two hours passed in a flash.     


At night, the two pales moons hung high in the starry sky, revealing hazy and soft radiance in the clouds.      

In the quiet courtyard below, there was a thin mist. The source of the mist was a pot on a small stove. Next to the small stove was a low table. A set of delicate utensils was placed on the small bamboo stand of the table.      

A pair of jade-like slender hands skillfully poured the water from the pot into the teapot and small cups on the table. After rewashing, she poured it into the small bamboo table with a water absorption function. The water was gone instantly.      

Dozens of pale green dried leaves were put into a small purple teapot and washed with boiling water. After draining, she added water again to soak the leaves. A faint fragrance began to diffuse into the air.      

The jade-like hands poured the tea from the small teapot into the small green cup with the cup holder in front of the man, who was none other than Alex, then she poured another cup for herself.      

Alex picked up the cup, looked at the amber tea, and inhaled before drinking it.      

''It's great, it's soothing.'' Alex gave an honest praise, and Sakuya smiled; she was proud of her skills in making tea; even her late father often praised her skill, saying the man that would marry her would be happy if he were a tea drinker.      

Alex likes black coffee, but this doesn't mean he doesn't like tea, he likes it as well, but the first place will remain black coffee.      

''Two moons? Huh! They are really beautiful.'' Sakuya commented as she looked at the two moons in the sky.      

''Well, it's true, but they are not comparable to your beauty which especially shines tonight.'' Alex complimented.     

This compliment made Sakuya froze; she stared into those heterochromia eyes but found that Alex was serious; he didn't do this to earn some points in their relationship but said those words genuinely because he felt like she was more beautiful.      

Sakuya's heartbeat accelerated, and she showed a rare moment of panic; her ears became red, there was a smile on her face.      

''Thank you.'' While saying this, Sakuya moved a strand of hair behind her ear; this casual gesture was filled with an inexplicable charm that Alex had charmed.      

Sakuya dressed in a simple white robe with her hair loose and a normal expression was beautiful. She made his heart quicken.      

''Let's not talk about anything but just enjoy this instant.'' Alex proposed, and naturally, Sakuya nodded.     

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