Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 537: Inside the Nightmare Fog

Chapter 537: Inside the Nightmare Fog

3Two men died in an instant since the Nightmare Fog appeared. The remaining people in Sakuya's group felt that something was not right and tried various methods to not fall under the nightmare fog abilities but soon found that it was impossible. Only Sakuya seemed fine as she possessed a strong mental strength.      1



The girl that killed Marcus regained sanity; her hands started trembling; she couldn't even form a coherent sentence. She might like Marcus too much, but when a dog followed you for some time, it wasn't weird if you began to get attached to it. If only Marcus knew what status he had in Stina's heart, maybe he might have died because of shock.      

Suddenly, Stina's pupils dilated as, at the exact moment, someone wearing a mask appeared before her and grabbed her head.     


This person thrashed her face into the ground. Before Stina could release a cry, that person pulled her out and tossed her into the air.     

Immediately following this person's action, a voice echoed inside the fog.      

''Look up!"      


Everyone except for Sakuya looked up, but because of the fog, they couldn't identify the person flying in the air gender, but this was more than enough as they believed that it must be the culprit; he was using the sky to conceal his presence, immediately they unleashed a torrent of attacks into the sky, toward the cheeky enemy that thought that he could fool.      

Boom! Boom!      

Attack after attack crashed into Stina, who had not recovered from the hard blow in her stomach; she soon died with her mangled body falling in the middle of those who attacked her.      

To their horror, it was someone they knew well as most of them tried once hitting on her, but unfortunately, none of them managed to shake their heads.      


They staggered back, and some even dropped their weapons as they made a clinging sound upon touching the ground.      


Suddenly because of the momentarily pause after they became aware of their sin, they dropped their guards down,  the nightmare fog penetrated deeper into their subconscious.      


They immediately lost their minds and jumped on each other; they began to tear each other apart using their teeth; it was a gruesome sight.      

Sakuya sighed as she watched the rest of her team lose their minds turning into beasts tearing each other apart; although the time she spent with them was amount to nothing, she couldn't continue to look at them turn into cannibals, she moved and unsheathed her katana before sheathing it again, it was so fast that you could have mistaken it as she had only moved her katana.      

Plop! Plop!      

In a single slash, she killed four men. In the end, she could only sigh before her expression behind the mask turned into a playful one; she altered her voice using the wind element.      

''So, Mr. Mysterious, isn't the time for you to come out?''      

Nobody appeared after Sakuya said those words. However, the silence didn't last long before there was a whooshing sound, two shinning knives cut through the air and arrived before Sakuya in an instant, she titled her head to the side, and before she could further think of something, she felt an impact in her stomach, and she was sent flying, at the last moment she executed a secret skill.      

The culprit that attacked her didn't continue and vanished after that attack; the fog disappeared after the man was gone.     

''Hehehe! Dear Alex, did you think you could escape from me just because you retreated? How naive I'm coming after you.''      

Sakuya vanished; she followed the thin wind thread she left on Alex's body when he punched her.      

In another location, Alex, who was running toward another group, immediately activated the nightmare fog; however, he was distracted because of his earlier fight.      

''Who is this weirdo?" Alex mumbled, and Silveria smiled before muttering.      

〖Who knows, maybe it's someone you know.〗     

Alex frowned; although he was unable to appraise the girl, she gave him a dangerous vibe which Alex did not want anything to do with her; he had the feeling that she was not really after his life like others; it seemed that she had come just to play around.      

''Sigh! I hope I won't be meeting her soon.'' Alex said before heading deeper into the fog and started killing those who had fallen under the nightmare fog effect.      

Meanwhile, Sakuya was running in his direction; she killed those she encountered on her way, reducing the number of enemies. Silveria knew that she was approaching but said nothing; she wanted to know what Sakuya would do; her sadistic side seemed to be on a full mode.      

Half of an hour passed in flash, Alex managed to eliminate half of the people that came to take his life thanks to the nightmare fog; although he felt pain because of the amount of gold he spent to buy those alchemy potions, the result could be said not to be half bad, he gained more than he had lost.      

''It will be hard to continue using the same tactic again and again because the enemy must have by now identified how I operate and prepared a countermeasure. They must have chosen to group together. Let's see where are they?"      

Alex used his Divine Sense to scan his surrounding, searching for the biggest group of people, and soon, he found it. Two kilometers east of his current position was the biggest group of people; the others were coming towards this group. Upon seeing this, Alex grinned because he knew the enemy was doing exactly what he wanted. When he provoked them openly, he knew they would accept the challenge because if they didn't, they would lose all face, and big guilds such as them would not like to lose face even if they were from the dark side; reputation was everything in their line of work.      

Alex's first goal was to draw them deeper into the Torel's mountains before executing the first part of his plan; this would force them to group thinking maybe they could fight him this way, however, it was then the last part of his plan for this stage would be executed.      

''Let's move out and perform the last act of this piece.'' Alex declared before his figure vanished, and soon as he left, another one came, a woman with a fox mask; she didn't linger there for long before heading toward Alex's direction, wondering what he had planned, she could not wait to see it.     

The final curtain was about to fall.     

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