Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 535: Unforeseen Situation

Chapter 535: Unforeseen Situation

1While Artemia experienced her first death inside the tower simultaneously, Sakuya fought for her life. Just now, she had almost died under Set's attack; she only succeeded in keeping her life because she sacrificed one of her arms to escape.      3

''Huff! Huff!'' Sakuya panted heavily while clutching her severed arm; she did her best not to let the pain overwhelm her; if not, she would lose more of her already reduced battle capacity.      

Set didn't attack the weak Sakuya; he stood with his arms crossed, his head tilted to the side.      

''Although you fought bravely for a mortal, there is a limit, and you have reached yours. You can go back to train some more and come back challenge me; I shall give you a special token. Until you're back, I promise you not to go down.''      

Sakuya was dumbfounded; she was momentarily frozen before she burst into laughter; if it were someone else who had talked as Set did, Sakuya would have sneered; however, during their fight, Sakuya did notice something which was that Set might like to use mortal in every sentence to talk about her, but he had never looked down on her, he respected her, so what he said must be his way of acknowledging Sakuya who had succeeded injuring him, Sakuya did not take Set's words as joke, and she knew that she would die, there was something that penetrated her injury, slowly making her lose her senses, her vision was becoming more and more blurry making Sakuya see double.      

''Thanks for the special treatment; I promise to come back soon and get my revenge,'' Sakuya promised before letting go of her katana, which produced a clangs sound upon touching the ground. Sakuya's body began to fall toward the ground; her consciousness slowly left her body.      

Set knew that the lethal venom in his claws had finally kicked in; he sighed and tossed a golden coin in the air, it spun before entering Sakuya's body.      

Set vanished to reappear before Sakuya and was about to give her the finishing blow when suddenly he felt an ominous feeling, immediately Set deployed his strongest defensive ability.      

"Golden Barrier''      

Immediately a golden barrier was formed around Set's body before Sakuya, who should have been unconscious, suddenly opened those black eyes which were like the abyss themselves and muttered.      


Following her words, her body enlarged like a balloon before exploding.      


Set, covered by a golden light, was thrown into the air; he immediately controlled his body to reduce the damage. When the terrible explosion died down, there was a huge crater in place of Sakuya. Strangely, Sakuya had used the same move as Artemia, but unlike the princess, she could not take down the enemy with her sacrifice.      

Looking at the crater in the middle of the arena, Set shook his head while mumbling.      

''I thought that I was cautious enough, but I ended up falling in her trap. Fortunately, I was faster enough and didn't hesitate to use the golden barrier; if not, I would have gotten seriously injured. Ah! What a cunning girl.''      

Thinking about Sakuya last gift before leaving, Set couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. He couldn't wait for her revenge, wondering what she would prepare next. With the flick of his fingers, Set vanished, and at the same time, the entrance to his pyramid was sealed.      


When Sakuya opened her eyes again, she was inside a temple; stepping out of the temple was greeted her was a crowded street filled with stalls, shops, NPCs, players selling their wares.      

Today, Alkan's northern part was most noisy than usual because there was a big event.      

Sakuya, who appeared in this unknown city, decided to collect information first, and the easiest way to accomplish this was to listen to gossip. Sakuya happened to be in the perfect area; perking her ears, she started to listen to what people were saying.     

''Did you head it?" A muscular man whispered while buying a kebab.     

''No, I haven't heard anything. Tell me; I'll get you another kebab.'' His friend, too eager to know more, proposed, and the man grinned.      

''Hehehe! Thank you. Do you remember the recent commotion?"      

''I do; you are talking about the guy who singlehandedly eliminated two guilds?"      

The muscular man nodded while eating his kebab; after taking a mouthful, he continued.      

''Indeed, it's the same man, the murderer of the Dark Fang guild, the man with the eye patch have been spotted running into the Torel's mountains.''      

Upon hearing the muscular man's words, Sakuya body trembled, but she calmed down, thinking maybe it was a coincidence; she needed more information; however, the second man following words made her involuntary take a step forward.      

''Ah! That man who goes by the name of Alex Grim is sure daring. Even if I have nine lives, I won't dare to go against the dark guilds.''      

Nearby players and even some NPCs nodded as they knew how terrific those guilds were; however, Alex must be crazy to go against them; well, he was a madman who had already eliminated two out of the three guilds; he even succeeded in killing one of the guild masters, however, now that his whereabouts became known he was doomed.      

It took Sakuya a lot of control not to catch one of the players nearby and question him. She heaved a sigh and decided to head outside of the city as she assumed that there must be people gathered there to hunt the man named Alex Grim.      

This assumption was not wrong because as soon the muscular man who was also a player finished eating his kebab, he turned to face his friend.     

''Maxon, let's go; many players and even NPCs have gathered outside of the city gate, ready to hunt that man. The reward is pretty good; we won't lose anything if we try; it's safe, I said.     

Sakuya smiled when suddenly she got an idea; she approached a shop that sells masks and brought one before putting it on and followed the crowd outside the city.     

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