Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 528: Simpson, the Butcher

Chapter 528: Simpson, the Butcher

4Alex disguised as Simpson didn't have the time to check everybody before someone called his name.     

''Darling~ You are finally here. Come sit beside me.''      

The owner of this voice was a frail-looking woman, her lower body could be considered not bad, but the upper body made one almost puke, she had a big head like a watermelon, she had adam temple and the most disturbing thing was that she had a beard, even though it was thin it was disturbing coupled with the thick make up she put on, even gorilla with makeup looked beautiful than this woman.      

Alex felt the urge blow up her head, but he knew he must not act on impulse here. Calming down his impulse, he coldly snorted.      

''Fuck off, Elecktra. I'm not in the mood, and how many do I need to tell you that I'm not interested in pig? You are even worse than a pig.''      

Upon hearing Simpson's harsh words, Elecktra's body trembled; looking from afar, you could have thought that she was angry and was about to burst, but those familiar with her could only shake their heads and pity Simpson who had caught this female beast eyes.      

Alex felt a chill run down his spine, his body unconsciously trembled; he had heard from Simpson and saw his memories about this weird woman, but seeing and experiencing are two different things.      

Selene frowned upon seeing Alex's reaction, but she attributed it to his pale-looking face.      

'He must have enjoyed himself last night.' Selene thought before looking at Elecktra, still trembling; there was a disturbing light inside her eyes; they resembled heart-shaped light, and the look of ecstasy on her face as if she was having an orgasm was quite disturbing.      

Selene shook her head, feeling Elecktra's behavior truly disturbing, but she couldn't say anything as she was strong even while being a weirdo.      

'I truly pity Simpson; I don't want to be in his place.'     

Alex noticed the look of pity the guild master sitting on the highest seat was giving him and sighed in relief.     

〖You almost blow up your cover.〗Silveria said with a chuckle.      

'Yeah! I know, but if you were in my shoes, you'd done the same thing. That woman is too much. On top of being extremely ugly that the word ugly seemed to be lacking, she is an extreme Masochist. Just looking at her expression makes me want to vomit. Ugh!'      

Silveria nodded, sitting on her bed; she didn't dare to look at Elecktra; she put a mosaic on her face; the first time was already enough.      

Suddenly, Selene clapped her hands twice to gather everyone's attention, and after making sure she got them, she opened her mouth to explain the purpose of this emergency meeting.      

''As you know, a rat is challenging us.''      

'I wonder if a rat could destroy an entire guild?' Alex inwardly sneered but kept listening to Selene's words.      

''It has been decided that we will patrol the whole western part searching for this rat; he must be hiding somewhere. This is our home, and we know most of the face here, so we only have to target the newcomer. Have any of you heard of someone unusual entering this part of the city?''      

Nobody said anything as they thought if there was something like that in their area but soon found out that there was none.      

Suddenly, Alex raised his hand.      

''Oh? Simpson, do you have something to say?" Selene asked, a bit curious.      

Alex coughed and started to tell a lie he had prepared beforehand.      

''Cough! Cough! The ice beauty, cough! The woman I slept with last night told me something unusual happened around Gobi's store; the abandoned house there seemed to be occupied, and those that got closer would disappear never seen again. That woman's brother disappeared because he was curious. She tried to go there but got scared before getting closer; she said she said a silhouette of a man with an eye patch, I-"      

''What? Is that true?" Selene rose abruptly from her seat, forgetting about manners. Screw that; if those words were true, they struck gold; the description of the rat stated that he likes to wear an eye patch, and nobody here wears something like that.      

Alex slammed his right hand onto his chest and vouched that the female words were true.      

''At first, I thought it was a trap, so beat her up and torture her, yet her words never changed; even when she lost her life, she still insisted that she was not lying. You know my torture methods?''      

Everybody nodded; the reason why he got the deputy leader seat was because of how ruthless Simpson is when it comes to torturing someone, nobody among them could do well as he does.      

Remembering his ruthless method made them shudder; even the intoxicated expression on Elecktra's face disappeared when she remembered how bloody Simpson's torture sessions were. And because of this special of his, Simpson got a nickname that made even the members of the others guilds tremble; there's a saying that better be dead than end up in the Butcher's hands as if this were to happen then even death would be salvation.      

''Very good. This information is worth checking. I guess you didn't have the time to personally go check since you got called here, but at least you sent some men?"      

Alex nodded to indicate that he indeed did that. Selene nodded, pleased; she stayed silent for a moment before suddenly deciding.      

''We will bring half our men are encircle the abandoned house and apprehend the rat, Simpson you will-"      

Selene stopped and glared at Simpson as he stopped her.     

''What is it?''     

''Eh! I suggest that only a few of you go there while I'll stay behind, Elecktra as well with Carmel, Joshua, and Jackson to look after the headquarter while you, the guild master, is gone. This might be a trap, so in order not get done in like the Blood Chalice Guild, I thought about this plan.''      

Selene went silent for a moment to muse over Alex's words before finally deciding to follow Alex's plan.      

''Very good, we will follow the plan. Lend one of your men to lead the way.'' Selene ordered while Alex acting as Simpson nodded while secretly grinning.      

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