Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 526: Infiltration 1

Chapter 526: Infiltration 1

4Fallen Angel guild headquarter.      0

Currently, Sera was sitting on the same throne Lucifer used to use; she was acting as a temporary guild master, the real guild master would soon arrive in the capital with the other, before then the guild rank must be increased, being the fifth among the seven guilds wouldn't work.      

Looking at the blue window floating before her, Sera sighed.     

{Fallen Angel guild ???     

Rank 5     

Current members: 50      

Fame points: 8000      

Current leader: Shadow of Death (Temporarily)}      

Suddenly another notification rang out.     

[Warning: Your guild is about to be attacked. Somehow, the others guilds learned about what happened and wished to swallow you.     

Goal: Survive for three days.     

Rewards: 2000 Fame points, +1 level for normal members, and + 2 levels for the Guild master.     

Failure: Guild dissolution]      

Upon reading the quest description, Sera's lips formed a beautiful smile, and she sneered.     

''I knew they would come but not this soon.''      

''What are we going to do?"      

A voice rang out beside Sera; she was not surprised by this voice as she knew she had been there since the beginning. Looking at Alice in the corner, Sera chuckled and declared.      

''The main instigator of the current situation must be the Fourth guild, Pandora. I believe that the upper guilds are too busy climbing the Tower to have time for something like this. Pandora's guild master must have instigated the sixth and seventh guild to strike, but I have anticipated something like this.''      

Alice nodded; if Sera hadn't anticipated even this, then she would be disappointed. Sera continued by giving the following order     

''Active the guild defense while attacking the intruders from time to time. I will go clean up while they are busy trying to force their way through. From the spies I have planted, I got the necessary information; while it would be impossible to take them down in a short period, the other two weren't tough to deal with if you are prepared sufficiently. I'll do what I'm best at.''      

Following her declaration, Sera's figure vanished after adorned an ominous-looking black mask, the slaughter goddess was about to be unleashed, and the two guilds who believed that the Shadow of death suffered a serious injury and could move would suffer a great.      

Tonight, the outer capital was about to be shaken like in the morning when they learned that Lucifer had been killed. Alice shook her head while thinking; Sera seemed to have become lively since her arrival in Exodus.     


Alkan's City Underworld.      

A meeting was taking place, the leaders of the dark guilds had reunited to find the culprit of their recent uneasiness.     


There was a sudden sound, and the table in the middle of the room was split into half under the man's punch.     

''Calm down, Jellal.'' Said the only woman in the room, the leader of the Dark Fang.     

The man named Jellal roared; he was the leader of the Blood Chalice Guild, the same guild Alex destroyed.      

''Fuck you, Selene. You can say that because it wasn't your guild that got destroyed and your storehouse emptied.''      

Selene stayed silent, but the smile on her face indicated that although she was trying to soothe Jellal, she was secretly enjoying his misfortune.      

The atmosphere turned tense, and finally, the last person who had not talked since the start opened his mouth and said.     

''You two should calm down, now is not the time for infighting. We should allocate more men to survey the portal; Alex is still inside the city, hiding somewhere, waiting for the situation to calm down before escaping. However, we must not let him escape. We will temporarily stop our activities. Jellal will work with me to check the northern part of the city while you, Selene, take care of the western part, which is also under your jurisdiction. I have bribed the officials so there will no trouble as long you control yourself.''      

Jellal snorted but didn't dare to say anything while Selene smiled like a maiden in love; she could act without restraint.      

After a few casual orders, the meeting came to an end.     

At the same time, in a tavern in the western part of the city, an intoxicated woman leaned against the counter seemingly drunk; her skirt was slightly rolled up, letting one glimpse at her peerless white tight, this made the man sitting beside him hormones rose, and his breathing quickened in as he glanced into her cleavage from above.      


Simpson gulped, not being able to momentarily hide the lust in his eyes, the desire to tear apart the clothes of the black beauty with icy blue eyes beside him. Still, he knew he must act hastily if not everything he had built up in a few days would be for naught. He chanced upon this beauty a few days ago and was immediately smitten. Unfortunately, her guard was too high, frustrating him, but slowly he cracked it, resulting in the current situation; he just had to wait for the medicine to kick in.      

''Ahhh! I'm feeling hot; please help me back to my inn.'' The black-haired beauty mumbled; her voice was too alluring, making even the bartender's body jolt.      

Simpson grinned while inwardly mumbling 'finally.'      

''Don't worry, Elaine, I, Simpson, will help you get back; you have my word.''      

Simpson's words sound like that of a gentleman without any ulterior motive. Still, most of those present knew well what would happen; they looked at the black-haired beauty with a look of pity, but they dared not to intervene because of Simpson status, he is the deputy leader of the Dark Fang, the ruler of the western part, so naturally, nobody would try to mess up with him.      

Looking at the men and women turning blind eyes on what he was about to do, Simpson grinned; feeling important, he smirked before lowering his body to help the black-haired beauty, and they left the tavern. The tavern regained its liveliness after the two were gone.      

Outside in a dark alley, Simpson, who could not control himself anymore, leaned forward to forcibly kiss the black-haired beauty when she suddenly lifted her head, and her icy blue eyes sent chill down Simpson's spine.      

''What?" He exclaimed and tried to fall back when suddenly a sickening sound was heard.      


Simpson's balls were crushed, and before he could cry, he received a chop in the neck and fell to the ground. Then the face of the black-haired beauty changed to that of Alex, who spat.     

''Fuck! Never again.''      

Switching back to a plain face, Alex placed Simpson on his shoulder before vanishing.     

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