Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 524: Misfortune come in pair 3

Chapter 524: Misfortune come in pair 3

3''Holy Saint Tree of Blessing!"       4

Sir Perceval shouted, and immediately following his shout, a humongous holy tree rose from the ground and grew at an alarming rate. Glowing spirits like angels chorused harmoniously around it. Then an altar rose from where Sir Perceval was standing. The apparition of the illusionary beings looking like gods resting in the Holy Saints' Tree slowly awakened and granted the paladin protection.     

Under the sanctuary of divine light, the frightening man pointed his sword at Alice and was about to release the most insane attack he had ever unleashed under the pressure of fear.      

With his blood as tempering, his bones as the structure, and a branch of the Holy Saints' Tree as a blessing, he gained an enormous strength for a short period.     

An golden sword appeared in front of him; looking at the impeccable sword, Sir Perceval felt invisible.      

'I can win this fight.'      

The birth of the Judgement' Sword convinced      

Sir Perceval of his victory in this fight. It was an unexpected product created from his fear of death, but the great power it harnessed was unstoppable. He didn't care about the side effects of forcibly using this ability as long he survived; everything else was secondary.     

"I don't know what kind of existence you are to make me afraid, but the results won't change. Disappear!"      

Sir Perceval tossed aside the sword he usually used and grabbed the glowing Judgement' Sword with fervor. The moment he came into contact with him, his body released blinding radiance.     

The blessings of the ancient gods allowed him to forget tiredness temporarily; his mana was amplified while his injuries healed almost as if he had reversed time. Then he swung the sword with great might, and a tidal wave of golden light rippled outward, destroying everything in its wake, the ground was erased, the ruins disappeared.      

A full golden armor appeared on Sir Perceval to protect when the golden light was wreaking havoc forward. Finally, it arrived before Alice, whose face remained impassive as if the incoming attack was just a joke.     

Upon seeing the calm expression on Alice's face, Sir Perceval felt a chill run down his spine.     


At the same time, Alice's lips also inched upward into a playful smile; if Alex or anybody who knew her were here, they would have been shocked by Alice making such human expression while at the same time they would've pitied the person whom she smiled at.     

All the hairs on Sir Perceval's body rose. He wanted to escape, but as if the fear he thought he had overcome came back and glued his feet against the ground, making him unable to leave.      


A silent sound echoed amidst the golden destruction; then everything came to stand; still, time got reversed, everything went back to when Alice first arrived.      


Fear greater than any he ever experienced coursed through Sir Perceval's body, jolting his blurred consciousness awake, and he blurted out.     

''N-no way, all was an illusion.'' Sir Perceval mumbled as his body staggered back, Alice smiled again, and Sir Perceval fell into despair.      

The moment Alice appeared, she immediately unleashed her domain: Dream Weaver!      

Since then, everything Sir Perceval had done was an illusion, not quite right, Perceval indeed used the Holy Saint Tree of Blessing, but unlike what would have happened normally upon summoning the Holy tree, Alice modified it to fuel her domain to show him what she wanted.      

''Y-you are a monster!" Sir Perceval said as he watched the girl, the thing before him who appeared to be a mix of evil things.     

Alice was unfazed by the paladin words; she flicked her fingers and all the mana she had observed gathered together and,     

''Primordial Fire!"      


All the mana was transformed into a blazing inferno that swept everything on its path, a white flame purer than anything erased Sir Perceval and the temple behind him.     

Alice coughed blood after killing the paladin, her face was pale, her breathing turned ragged, taking out a stamina potion she drank it before looking in a certain direction before her figure vanished, she didn't head in Sera's location as she believed that alone she could handle the situation, she headed to the Fallen Angel guild headquarter to finalize things.     


In another location, an intense fight was taking place. Lucifer frowned because he could not land a single blow on Sera since the beginning of their fight; she was too agile, nimbly dodging his sword at the last moment.      

Lucifer took a deep breath, mana coursed through his whole body before finally gathering under his feet, making to gain an explosive speed for a second.      


The ground under his feet cracked as his body launched forward like a rocket; in a flash, he arrived before Sera, and his sword suddenly glowed intending to make Sera blind; however, the expert assassin had seen this coming, she leaned backward, and one of her legs kicked Lucifer sword to the side.      


The sword left a huge gash on the ground as it struck; maneuvering her legs somehow, she wrapped them around Lucifer and launched him into the opposite direction while at the same time, her figure blurred and reappeared midair above the falling Lucifer with a black dagger ready to claim the latter life when suddenly a frown made it way on her face she twisted her body and positioned her dagger into a defensive posture.      


Somehow, Lucifer's sword followed him and almost pierced Sera's body from behind.      

Both distanced themselves from each other before staring at each other; Lucifer grinned and declared.      

''They said misfortune never come alone, I guess it's right. First, I have lost most of my men, and secondly, you betrayed me, but do you think you have won? Do you think that everything that I have built would become yours because you have killed some of us? A Guild that has three years of existence can't be changed like this, we have many trump cards, and you know none of-"      

Before Lucifer could finish his words, a notification suddenly rang out, making him unconsciously frown.     

[Warning: The Fallen Angel guild's stone has been discovered and the name of the original guild master erased.]     

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