Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 522: Misfortune come in pair 1

Chapter 522: Misfortune come in pair 1

3The members of the Fallen Angel guild began their expedition to Lesa plain looked in the outskirt of the capital, it was called plain, but it was filled with forest and mountain range.      2

The quest area was located in the depth of the tallest mountain, almost equal to the Fuji mountain on earth.      

The two hundred members quickly arrived at the location in an orderly fashion. The moment they entered the mountain, a quest notification rang out announcing the beginning of the quest.     

Almost at the same time, the dozens of gargoyles attacked; however, the dozens of gargoyles that swooped down suddenly reflected in white.      

The light source was a dazzling and huge light      

ball. Wherever the light ball passed, the gargoyles turned into ashes and shattered. Seven light balls shot out like bullets.     

One after another, gargoyles fell to the ground. Rubbles were scattering everywhere. Sir Peaceful had made a move, shooting Holy beams at the approaching gargoyles.     

However, these deaths were nothing to the huge      

the number of gargoyles. Just as Sir Perceval blasted another Holy beam, more gargoyles rushed down from all directions at a fast speed. This made Sir Perceval didn't even have the time to control the directions of the Holy beams.     

A faint light lit up in Sir Perceval's hand. The      

countless black shadows that charged downward were blasted apart before they could get close.      

Then Qkil unsheathed his swords; his swords were like lightning. He fought while progressing forward. Along the way, there were shattered gargoyle corpses. He was still paying attention to that woman, staying away from her as much as possible.      

Although there were so many gargoyles in the sky, with perfect coordination, the group managed to eliminate them and progress forward quickly; soon, they arrived in an open space, it was eerily quiet before suddenly from the ground spikes shot out completely catching Lucifer and his men's off guard.      

''Fall back, use your shields!" Lucifer roared while dodging spikes coming from the ground; even he had a hard time dealing with those earth spikes, suddenly, Lucifer shot his head back as he finally remembered something important.      

''Where is Conor?"      

The others nearby shook their heads to indicate that they weren't aware of Conor's whereabouts. Upon hearing this, Lucifer's complexion sank; he feared the worse; if Conor died, the revival stone he brought to help them fight against the Boss would be lost if not shattered; this would be the worst outcome.      

Lucifer sliced apart the obstacles before him and rushed toward the back, to abruptly stop when he saw someone protecting Conor, but he was dying, a spear pierced his chest, and one skewed his left leg, and inside his hand was a broken gray stone.      

Lucifer's heart sank to the bottom when he saw the broken; he almost wailed but managed to calm down finally. Looking at Sera fighting against a horde of gargoyles on her own even while injured, Lucifer felt pity and was moved; he knew that Sera had done her best, so he ordered.     

''Shadow, let's go. You have done your best.''      

Sera nodded her head, but she smiled behind the mask as she followed after Lucifer.      

The group continued to advance in the ruins-filled mountain; more than half of the initial members who came died, leaving only sixty men remaining.     

The group finally stopped before a dilapidated panthéon like building; in the middle of this panthéon was an intact temple. The moment the group arrived, an ominous air enveloped them, making them frown. The strongest ones only felt a feeling of discomfort while the weakest ones shivered and stepped back.      


Suddenly, a huge magic circle flashed in the middle of the temple, and from it, a silhouette came out.     

''Information !" Lucifer shouted because he could feel the intense danger the person on the other side posed.      

When the other party's identity became clear, Lucifer and his men were dumbfounded because standing right before they were a pale-looking girl in her birthday suit. Because most of the survivors were men, their natural reaction was to stare at those beautiful assets offered for their eyes to feast upon; however, this soon proven to be a huge mistake because the naked woman flashed before the dumbfounded ones, the weakest ones with her arm in the form of sword chopped down.      

Pushi! Pushi!     

Five men were cut in half, and their bodies fell to the ground before disappearing.      

Finally, Lucifer regained his calm and launched an attack with Angel of salvation.      

The naked woman lowered to 180 degrees, almost causing men to nosebleed, but they quickly bit their lips and launched attacks in turn.      

Boom! Boom!      


Strangely, none of these attacks managed to land on the naked woman as her figure blurred, not even Sera, who sneaked behind her, succeeded in landing a blow, she fell like she had hit an iron instead of a hand, she immediately fell back because she believed that now was the moment, the homunculus would activate her special attack. It was information she earned through that holographic image where Lucifer could be seen torturing a woman to get information on this quest; that woman was one of the survivors of a small guild who chanced upon this Ancient civilization quest but got ultimately wiped out because of how difficult it was.     

Lucifer frowned and ordered a retreat; although he had not acquired much information when he tortured that woman, she told him about one of the unique homunculus abilities.     


The homunculus opened her mouth and emitted a sharp sound.      

From the ground, many golems spawn while the sky got instantly filled with gargoyles that swooped down to attack the group.     

Lucifer cursed because of misinformation; somehow, he was sure that the woman deliberately kept some information as revenge; if she had told him everything, he would not have lost so many men and wouldn't be in the current situation.      

However, crying over spilled milk would not resolve the situation; the only thing they could do was fight, so Lucifer moved.     

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