Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 518: An Intense Fight: Phoenixes Awakening

Chapter 518: An Intense Fight: Phoenixes Awakening

2During her training under her teacher, the headmistress of the Imperial academy, Freya; Maria had created an escape technique, a sure evasion skill, but it was not complete yet, so she was hesitant to use it, however, having been cornered if she didn't use this technique then even if she didn't lose more than half if not all of her health would be gone.     

Maria slowed down her breathing, then she muttered.      

[Ice Soul]      

The Ice Empress's whole body seemed to have turned into cold energy that dissipated before Eri combined attacks could strike her body.      


Eri jumped back vigilantly, looking around her; she was shocked by Maria's move. To transform her whole into cold energy was a pretty dangerous move. It was like she deconstructed her body before reconstructing it.     

Maria appeared fifteen meters away from Eri. Her face was pale, and she was panting; she immediately took out a stamina potion and a mana recovery potion and drank them to replenish her stamina and mana.      

Eri felt like she could drag the fight further as the phoenix sleeping in the depth of her soul, her Gift's spirit was telling her to finish her nemesis.      

[Spirit Integration]      

Eri activated a familiar ability; however, it seemed that in her world, instead of Spirit Possession, it was called Spirit Integration.      


Flame exploded from Eri's body; she seemed to have become mature, she gained weight, and her breasts swelled while her crimson hair elongated until it reached her ass. Eri's eyes turned into a cross-shaped form. The ground melted, the temperature increased to a terrific degree, the surrounding seemed to be wrapped in heat.      

Maria, standing fifteen meters from Eri, could feel the heat burning her skin; it was irritating; being an ice user, she disliked fire users, Gracier seemed to be an exception.      

''Do it!"      

From the depth of Maria's soul, two extremely cold voices, so cold that even with their voices alone, they could alter reality, sounded.      

Maria calmly nodded before, in turn, she activated spirit possession.      


The area behind her instantly turned into ice wasteland while Maria's long hair turned pure white, and a phoenix tattoo appeared in the middle of her eyes.     

Although, shocked Eri kept her composure and declared.      

''So, you can use it too. Good, let's end it. I'm rather tired.''      

Maria nodded before both moved simultaneously; crystal white wings appeared behind her back while crimson wings appeared on Eri's back as the two clashed mid-air.      

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom!      

Every time they clashed, the sky would tremble while space twisted as two opposite elements clashed again and again.     

The fight in the air ended up in a stalemate forcing the two to bring it to the ground.      

Eri aimed her sword forward, the ground behind her melted and surged like a volcanic eruption wanting to swallow Maria; the latter tapped her feet twice on the ground and from her back ice wave appeared and clashed against the molten lava, the two girls disappeared before their attacks clashed.     


A terrible explosion rang out, and even Kuina and Ryder, who were fighting in the distance, felt it. The area turned into a wasteland; one part was frozen while the other part solidified into rock.      

Maria and Eri appeared in another location with their sword launched.      

Clang! Clang!      

It should have been another stalemate because they possessed the same level of swordsmanship; however, something unexpected happened; flame chains suddenly shot out from the ground and wrapped around Maria's feet, momentarily restraining her movement; Eri used the opportunity to slash at her. Even though Maria tried to dodge the sword, she was still cut, her left arm was almost sliced off when suddenly, her sword transformed into two daggers again before one of them broke before Maria, which should be restrained, vanished.     

''What?'' Eri exclaimed; however, before she could say anything, she felt a chill down her spine; she knew danger was coming from behind; however, before she could turn, another Maria appeared and plunged her dagger in her back.      

Cold instantly permeated in her body, a cold that froze one's soul. Eri roared, and flame burst out from her body, trying to fight against the cold invading her body; the Maria behind her was evaporated in an instant, but the bone-chilling cold refused to go.     

''Cough! Cough!"     

Eri coughed blood mixed with pieces of ice; at that moment, the injured Maria flashed next to her and kicked her flying.      


Eri's body was shot back like a cannonball; she rolled on the ground for a few meters, unable to get up, Maria who was about to give a chase, abruptly stopped as she felt a feeling of fear like never before assaulting her, it was a kind of primal fear, if she gets any closer to Eri who appeared defenseless she would die, it was not an illusion but a reality. Maria's instinct had saved her many times.      

She jumped back a few times, yet the feeling of fear kept increasing. Suddenly, a huge explosion, unlike nothing that had happened before, happened.      


Above the motionless Eri, a giant flame phoenix appeared and roared.      


The giant phoenix roar shook the whole plain; it even reached the faraway city alerting the strongest existence within. Maria was frozen with fear, then the phoenix disappeared, no it disappeared into Eri's body, and her body abruptly rose.     


Maria regained her focus; pupils dilated as, at the exact moment, Eri appeared before her and grabbed her head.     


The Ice Empress couldn't move as Eri thrashed her face into the ground, bursting it with pieces of stones and mud. Before she could release a cry, she pulled her out and tossed her into the air. She followed her in the air, her knee crashing into her belly.      

Maria's mouth fell open, and blood sprayed out.      

She tumbled to the ground, her body convulsing with pain. From the sky, Eri, who seemed possessed, created a small flame spear containing a terrible amount of heat and threw it toward Maria, who could not move despite everything she tried.     

The Ice Empress could only stare helplessly as the flame spear got closer and closer. Suddenly, everything came to a standstill; not even her heartbeat could be heard when suddenly a screech that froze one's soul escaped from Maria's mouth.      


Her body rose from the ground; her arm elongated, transforming into an ice claw; a majestic phoenix appeared on her back, followed by the image of Ice phoenix glaring at the possessed Eri with a Flame phoenix image behind her.      

Maria extended her claw and unexpectedly caught the flame spear.     


A terrible cry rang out, space twisted, and both Eri and Maria suddenly vanished.      

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