Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 516: Acquaintances meeting in Exodus

Chapter 516: Acquaintances meeting in Exodus

1A few kilometers away from Maria and Kuina, located was a big canyon, and currently, in the middle of this canyon, a fight was taking place.     

A group of players was fighting against a big scorpion; although they were heavily damaging this 2 Star Boss, the casualties on their side were big; out of the fifty men Ryder had brought, more than half was killed, he became frustrated.      

Lightning flashed from his hand and landed on the big scorpion stopping its movements momentarily.      

Ryder looked behind him; a girl was sitting nonchalantly on a boulder chewing something; this girl was beautiful, short bob hair, crimson eyes, her hair was also crimson like a flame. The only shortcoming you could point out on this girl's body was her small breasts, no there weren't small but literally flat like a flatboat. This girl called herself Riley, a temporary member of his guild. She is strong, perhaps stronger than him.      

Swallowing his pride, Ryder shouted. ''Ms. Riley, please help if not-"      

''I want half of the reward.'' Riley cut off Ryder and declared, even now, she was not looking at him, nor was she concerned about the ongoing fight.      

Ryder pushed back the curses he was about to shout and nodded.      

''Okay, I agree.''      

The moment Riley heard Ryder's confirmation, she jumped down from the boulder she was sitting on. Even though some of the members of the Crimson league wanted to complain, they dared not as they knew how overbearing this woman was. They quickly distanced themselves from the big scorpion; only Ryder stayed.      

The scorpion's crystal eyes glared at the small human girl; as the scorpion was about to attack Riley, he realized that the temperature was suddenly increasing, becoming hotter and hotter.      

Each step Riley took increased the temperature until the ground started melting; Ryder immediately wrapped lightning around his body to fight against the heat.      

The big scorpion had sustained some injury; he usually should not be afraid of this human girl. Still, he couldn't stop shivering because of the giant phoenix image behind Riley; others could not see it, but the big scorpion saw it, and his fighting spirit was dampened; he immediately tried to flee.      

''Want to run? It won't be easy.''      

Riley sneered and stretched one of her arms forward; immediately following her gesture, the ground that had turned into molten lava stretched like tentacles that bound the fleeing scorpion.      

Sii! Sii!      

-500 -400 -380 --!!!     

Red numbers kept floating above the restrained scorpion head as his body emitted a burnt scent.      

From above the scorpion head, all the heat in the canyon converged to form a giant flame spear; it was so huge that even outside of the canyon, it could be seen. Those from the other guilds hiding could not help but gulp; they knew as long this girl, this monster was with the Crimson League, they could not do anything against the Crimson League; she was like a mass destruction weapon.      

Back to the canyon, a chaotic scene could be seen; the members of the Crimson league were escaping the moment they saw the gigantic flame spear; they did not wish to be caught in the aftermath of the strike; even Ryder couldn't stay.      

''Fuck!" Ryder swore as lightning covered his feet and his figure vanished; he had thought he could stay and land the finishing blow to get some XP, but Riley doesn't want to share; he could have chosen to stay but whether he could survive or not was unknown.      

Riley smiled when she saw that Ryder finally left; during this time, the scorpion tried to free himself; he even tried to cut his limbs but froze when the phoenix image behind Riley became vivid.      


Riley declared and let lose the giant flame spear from the sky; like a meteor, it crashed on the restrained scorpion.     


A terrible explosion occurred, shaking the whole canyon; even those outside felt the tremors and saw giant mushroom clouds rise to the sky.      

Every one of them had this same question in their minds. 'Is this something a human could do?'      

Naturally, the answer was yes.      

When the cloud and the explosions calmed, Riley could be seen calmly standing without a single scratch; a huge crater of twenty of diameter was right before her; as for the big scorpion, he was utterly erased, not even leaving anything behind.      

[Ding! Congratulations to player Riley O'flame for completing the S Rank quest.      


While Riley was happily receiving her reward upon killing the 2 Stars Boss, Ryder outside was frowning; his completion was ugly; he had just received a message from his deputy leader.     

{SOS: P-party annihilated, your brother killed, p-please come at our- Boom}      

The sudden explosion abruptly cut off the communication. Ryder's blood pressure increased; he clenched his teeth and shouted in the direction of Riley.      

''I will let you have everything we get in this quest; please help me out with something.''     

The remaining members of the Crimson league were shocked by their leader's sudden declaration. Although they wished to voice out their dissatisfaction, they dared not because currently, they could see how angry Ryder was.      

Suddenly, Riley appeared before Ryder in a flash; she was like a dragon that smelled treasures. The two exchanged looks before they disappeared, leaving the others dumbfounded behind.     

In another location, the ground had been erased as if natural disasters happened here; one part seemed frozen while the other was showing signs of being melted.      

In the middle of this was a man in an extremely sorry state; his right leg was gone, his arms gone as well, his armor was destroyed, some pieces of this armor pierced his body, Ramos in the half-dead state chuckled bitterly, wondering how a simple mission turned into a complete massacre, he and his men could not last twenty minutes before getting completing destroyed.      

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind mixed with lightning; Ryder appeared behind him was Riley.      

Before Ramos and even Ryder could ask the typical question, 'It is you two who did this?',     

Maria's sword removed Ramos's head, and it rolled until it stopped before Ryder's feet.      

Kuina chuckled while Ryder felt like he was about to burst, suddenly he was shocked because Maria, who spun to face him finally, and Riley both shouted simultaneously.     



Two acquaintances dead but reincarnated into separate worlds finally meet in Exodus.     

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