Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 507: Hell Mode 3

Chapter 507: Hell Mode 3

2Leon slept for two hours, and when he woke up, he felt refreshed. It was now time to check his gains; thanks to his abnormal regenerative ability, his wounds recovered at incredible speed, and even his severed arm had already regenerated.      3

As the quest rewards suggested, he indeed leveled up and received the other rewards; seeing this, Leon could not help but smile; however, suddenly, his smile died faster than it's arrived because as if it was waiting for him to wake up a system notification rang out.     

[Ding! Update finished player The proud Lion King will be sent to the next level.]      

''Wait for a fucking minute, will you?" Leon cursed, something he rarely does; however, nobody responded to his shout, a magic circle appeared under his feet and disappeared.     

Leon appeared inside a dim room not different from the previous one then another system notification rang out.     

[Ding! Welcome to the seventh floor of the S Rank dungeon.      

Condition: Beat the guardians to clear the fourth stage.      

Rewards: +2 Levels      

Failure: -4 Levels     

Difficulty: Hell mode]     

After the system announcement, the door behind Leon closed abruptly as on the previous floor.     

However, the beastman's attention was on the scene unfolding before his eyes at this very moment.     




Three magic circles lit up at the same time, exploding in a flash of light. After shining for a few seconds, the three magic circles disappeared and what replaced them were three monsters.     

The monsters looked like the fifth-floor Guardians, and their stats were the same as the guardian that Leon had already killed before.     

After appearing, the three guardian ghosts looked at Leon with fierce eyes, raised their heads, and roared.     




Immediately afterward, the three of them ran to him. Getting attacked by three 2 Stars Boss monsters should have put one under terrible pressure, and yet Leon smiled fiercely.      

Looking at the three monsters running toward him as if they were being possessed, smile never left Leon's face, he raised his hand, and a flame hammer appeared and greedily sucked his mana to grow to two meters before getting slammed on the ground.      


If a world-ending blast was happening, the ground trembled, the explosion turned into a gigantic mushroom cloud. Simultaneously, Leon slammed his left hand on the ground lightning rippled from his hand outwards as shockwaves.     

Chi! Chi! Boom!     

The three guardians staggered back, their eyes reflecting the incredible sight of Leon.      

He was rushing through the mushroom cloud, splitting the mushroom cloud! As he held a small flame hammer which he spun before.      


The flame hammer has brutally pounded onto the guardian in the middle chest.      

Its chest caved in, and its back arched out while its body slammed into the slit.      

Leon didn't pursue the guardian,; golden lightning appeared on his right hand in the form of a beastly claw which he used to grab the nearest guardian neck before abruptly lowering it to connect against his right knee, then a sickening sound was heard as the monster's nose was instantly crushed and his face carved in.      

Everything happened too fast, Leon still holding the monster's neck, changed tactics as the monster's neck was too thick for him to break; using the monster's body as the support, he spun and sent a devastating kick toward the last guardian, who was about to attack.      

Swoosh! Bang!      

The monster was sent flying while flame appeared under Leon's arm like a jet, and he was thrown into the air; just as he left, a huge ax passed by, it was the attack of the first guardian, he had recovered.     

Leon landed on the other side and smiled gleefully because, from his attacks, he had succeeded in shaving off more than 1000 HP points.      


Leon raised his sword he had just brought out and raised before bringing it down.      


The rushing guardian instinctively raised his arm to block because he didn't have a weapon; it was a fatal mistake, one if arm got cut with a red window floating above his head.     

Critical Hit -2000      

Although he was a little surprised by his luck, Leon did not stop his steps and started running towards the other two monsters. When he entered their attack range, he raised his sword in his left hand and attacked the same as he did with the previous guardian.     


Immediately after attacking, Leon took a somersault backward. Just a split second later, two fists hit the ground he was standing on just moments ago.     

Still in the air, before touching the ground, Leon pointed his right hand and fired a firebolt at the same guardian he was focusing on, draining another 500 life points.      

Three injured monsters, one had his arm chopped off while the other two received various degrees of injuries.      

Even so, the three guardians still rushed toward Leon as if they possessed endless stamina and were robots.      

The three guardians ran towards Leon, chasing him relentlessly. Just as the three began to run, he noticed that one of them, the one in the center, leaned forward a few millimeters. Thanks to his cool head, he constantly keeps if not, he would have missed such detail.      

Leon immediately remembered what this gesture meant. This slight, almost undetectable movement is the moment when the guardians activate their skill: Charge!     

Leon's eyes quickly scanned the room, and he saw out of the corner of his eye a nearby pillar and, without hesitation, ran towards it. The minotaur in the center exploded with clearly superior speed and moved away from the other two ghost guards.     

5 meters.     

4 meters.     

3 meters.     

2 meters.     

When the BOSS was only 1 meter away from hitting Leon, he made a sharp turn with his right foot and shot out to one side.     


The minotaur banged its horns hard against the spine, causing a loud sound before coming to an abrupt stop as its horns got stuck, and he could not retrieve them. Leon summoned his sword; flame and lightning covered it before he swung it; the trapped minotaur head was separated from the rest of its body and fell on the ground with a thud sound.     

'One down, two more to go.' Leon mumbled while retreating.     

After successfully eliminating one, Leon had no trouble dealing with the remaining two.      

[Ding! Congratulations to player The Proud Lion King for successfully clearing the fourth. The next level is temporarily unavailable due to the player location.      

Additional reward: Solon's Key.]      

Before Leon could check what this key was used for, he was transferred out of the dungeon; he could only mumble, 'I hope the others are doing fine. I wonder if I've succeeded in finally surpassing that friend of mine.'      

Leon's current level is Level 123.     

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