Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 500: My Name is Grim, Alex Grim 3

Chapter 500: My Name is Grim, Alex Grim 3

4A/N: Yay! Congratulations! 500th chapter. Please continue to support this author.      3


'What is his name again?' Hans tried to remember Alex's name; however, he never stopped running.      

'Yes! It's Grim, Alex Grim.' Hans mumbled.     

A name so ominous that it sent a chill running down his spine. Hans ran; he ran so fast that his stamina was depleting at a visible rate.      

Finally, he stopped as he could feel that nobody was following him, he decided to take a break, it was unknown how many kilometers he had run for, but he was sure that he had escaped that monster. He felt no remorse for sacrificing the other two; he was their leader; after all, it was a normal thing for them to sacrifice their lives for him to escape, like that he would report what happened to the three guilds and let them handle the situation as hey saw fit.      

''Pant! Pant! Hah! I hope that fucker got at least injured.''      

''Oh? Is that what you wished?''      

The grim reaper voice echoed behind him, making all Hans' hair rose, and he froze.      

Alex, who appeared not too far from him, leisurely walked toward him; Hans's body reacted, he stepped backward every time Alex took a step forward.      

''Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still alive, and I'm doing fine; as for your two comrades, I have sent them to meet their maker; you're the only one left.''      

Hans Gretel didn't immediately reply; he took a deep breath before asking a question he had been burning to ask since the beginning.      

''What the hell are you?"      

Alex chuckled and replied, it was an answer like him.      

''Me? I'm Grim, Alex Grim!''      


''I see.'' Those were Hans's last words as the invisible bullet tore through the air and pierced his head; his head was knocked back before bursting apart like a watermelon.      

The last man died, Alex deactivated his Time ability, time became normal again. At the same time, a notification resounded in Alex's ears.     

[Congratulations to Player Alex for completing the First quest: Slaughter party 1.     

Reward: + 1 Level, Kohl's necklace, and 200 Fame points. Due to Player Alex's outstanding performance an additional reward has been added. + 50 MP]      

'Wow! What a generous game. Well, time to check what I got.' Alex mumbled, but first, he should collect the equipment dropped by Hans; unlike the others, he had killed, Hans dropped a piece of equipment.     

After Alex picked the equipment, its description was shown before his eyes.     

[Kirin's Dagger: A dagger forged by the Mad Blacksmith, Thousand days.      

Grade: Legendary.     

Additional effect: Drain, Continuous bleeding. + 100 HP.]      

''Not bad,'' Alex commented.      

By the way, equipments are classed by grade or Tier:      

Common; Normal; Heroic, Legendary, Saint, and finally Godly.      

So, for the dagger Alex just acquired to be Legendary, he was indeed lucky.      

After storing away the black dagger, Alex summoned his status.      

[Alex Grim]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 18     


Race: High Human ????     

Level 120     

Experience Value (XP): 0/200700     

HP: 4100/4100     

MP: 8100/8100     

STA: 3100     

Magic: None     

ATK: 2560     

DEF: 2160     

AGI: 2150 (+200)      

INT: 2190     

LUK: 1770     

BP: 10     

SP: 10     

Fame: 300     

Gift: Death Guns [???????]     

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 5] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Synchronisation Level 10 Max] [Crimson's Bullet] [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4] [Aurora Bullet Level 1] [Drifter Level 1] [Meteor Bullet Level 1]      

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Abilities ] [Eye of Truth Level 5] [Asura Form] [Mana's Body] (Sealed due to current Level)      

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master] [The Irregular] [Child of Mana] [Vampire Slayer] 』     

''Only two levels, and I'll become Rank 13. Hehehe! Exodus is indeed such exceptional place.'' Alex commented before heading deeper into the Torel's mountains; as far he could see, he was surrounded by mountains and mountains.     

〖Completing quests will help you level up faster. Especially hidden quests, they offered generous rewards but aren't easy to find.〗     

Alex nodded his head; he also thinks that hidden quests offer generous rewards compared to normal quests. Talking about normal quest, the one that he was currently about to complete was a normal grade one. He received this quest from the owner of the Inn he had stayed in. The owner had asked if Alex was an adventurer the first time he saw him, and Alex's answer was a yes as they existed such a profession in Exodus, he was far from thinking that the NPC would give him a quest depending on his answer.      

The quest content was the following:      

[Normal Quest: Investigate the whereabout of the Dawn Inn's owner's daughter. She disappeared two weeks ago in the depth of Torel's mountains. She was after a rare herb to cure her sick mother.      

Quest Difficulty: High.     

Reward: 50 000 XP, 100 Fame points, Free pass to Starfall 1st Floor Library.     

Failure: Banned from using the Dawn's Inn - 150 Fame points.]      

Alex immediately accepted the quest as he was feeling bored, and more importantly, his intuition was telling him that this quest might be a chain quest, and the rewards from a chain quest were very generous. There was also another reason Alex accepted this quest; the Inn owner looked desperate; he said that as long Alex accepted, he could stay for one week without paying anything, meals included. Alex, who heard this, could not accept, not because of the reward but because he was compassionate, so he tried to fool himself.     

'Sil, do you know what Fame points are? I have 300 of them.' Alex raised a question as he walked deeper into the mountains.     

Unbeknownst to him, just as he passed a certain mountain, a small skeleton rose from the ground, and its eerie blue eyes glowed before it disappeared.     

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