Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 498: My name is Grim, Alex Grim 1

Chapter 498: My name is Grim, Alex Grim 1

1Somewhere in Alkan's City Underworld, a meeting was currently taking place.      4

Several persons shrouded in dark light were talking.      

''So, how many new players did your guild register?" Someone with a hoarse voice asked although it was impossible to see this person's face, from his features it could be inferred that this person was a man.      

Another person responded; this time, it was a woman's voice.      

''My Dark Fang registered two hundred new players.''      

''Oh! That's a lot.'' The last person whistled. It was another man.      

The man, with a hoarse voice, went silent for a moment before declaring. ''We the Dark guild will recruit few promising seeds as for the remaining.''      

The man's eyes flashed viciously, and he made a cut-throat motion.     

''Hehehe! That's more like it. While Exodus is a game that advocates freedom, it doesn't necessarily force quests on players. To advance quickly, to gain Fame points as fast as possible, there is only one solution, slaughter new players. My blood is boiling in anticipation of cutting throats. Hehehehe! Let's the hunt begin.''      

The other two didn't say anything as they also shared this man's point of view. Everything is for the sake of climbing the Tower where you can gain anything; for this, they were ready to do anything.     

The night passed, the two moons in the sky disappeared and were replaced by the bright sun.      

Alex woke up and did his usual routine, and headed out. Just as Alex left his Inn, someone suddenly approached him.      

''Hello brother, you're a newcomer, aren't you?"      

Alex studied the man from head to toe in a flash; he wore a complete set of armor, the grade mustn't be low, compared to this man Alex who was dressed casually in simple black pants with a black coat, must appear as a poorly dressed newcomer. Alex chuckled inwardly before answering the man.      

''Indeed, I'm a newcomer. What can I do for you, Senior ?"      

Sensing a bit of sarcasm in Alex's tone, the man frowned, but like a professional salesman, he quickly hid it and scratched his head.     

''Hahaha! Good, it's good. I'm Ainz; my party is recruiting new players to raid The Great Maze. I would like you to participate as I see potential in you.''      

The Great Maze was located at the end of Alkan's City, at the west of the city. It's a good dungeon where most players would go farm XP after completing quests in the other regions. The only way you could skip the other regions and directly go into the Great Maze would be under invitation, like what is happening now.      

''Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll pass. I have already chosen a quest, and I can't cancel it.'' Alex instantly refused the offer.      

Ainz, who was already extending his hand for a handshake, stopped and smiled bitterly.      

''It is that so? What a shame, then. I shall take my leave then. I wish you success.'' Ainz said and disappeared into the crowd.      

Alex stood there for a moment before chuckling and heading outside of the city. On the road, Silveria asked.     

〖You must have sensed his hostility, even though he did his best to hide it. So, why did you let him go?〗     

'Indeed, I did notice the man's killing intent directed at me, but we are inside the city where a battle is prohibited, and even it was authorized, I couldn't kill him just because he showed a bit of hostility. If I start acting like that, then I'm no different from a beast. And believe me, a man like that they are patient. I'm sure we will see each other again, maybe soon, but whether he would leave after the encounter will depend on his action.'      

Alex then heads toward the East after leaving the city. In the East, there are Torel's mountains; the quest Alex wished to complete was inside these mountains.      

There was Great Maze in the West, Torel's mountains in the East, the flaming land in the south, and the Great frozen plains in the north.     

Countless players were heading in the forest directions after leaving the city.      

Heading to the West was a group of players; there were twenty-five in total; leading this group was Ainz, the same man that tried to recruit Alex earlier.      

Ainz had a gloomy face, one of his men approached him and whispered.      

''Leader, what bothering you?"      

''Ah! Nothing, I left one rat slip, so I'm depressed.'' Ainz said while looking at the fifteen men and women dressed rather poorly; they were new players who had just arrived in Exodus. Completely unaware that they were heading to their death, they followed Ainz.      

''I see; why not send five men to deal with this man? He must know that nobody mess with us. I'll gladly lead this group and bring back a souvenir.'' The man declared with a creepy smile.     

Ainz thought for a moment before nodding.     

''Sure, go and quickly come back. It seems that he was heading into the Torel's mountains. Be sure to be quick; if you encounter other new players, kill them all.'' Ainz ordered, and the man smiled before disappearing; four men followed him.     

Ainz grinned; that arrogant man with the eye patch would soon learn a terrible lesson; how dare he refuse his offer.      


One hour later, in another location, Alex threw a knife toward the big rabbit running away.      

[Congratulations, you have killed a hundred Kang Rabbit. You have earned 25000 XP and an additional 10 000 XP, Two gold coins, 100x Kang Rabbit furs, and 100 Fame points.]      

''Tch! I hunt like mad to barely earn 40k XP; how stingy.''      

〖Say the man who only took half of an hour to leisurely massacre those cute rabbits.〗Silveria echoed inside Alex's mind made his face twitch.      

'Cute my ass; they look like a mix between rabbit and kangaroo from Austria.' Alex shouted while suddenly he stopped and shouted.     

''Now it's time for you to come out, don't you think so?"     

There was a silence; Alex chuckled and continued.      

''You have been tailing for a while. Won't you come out and face me like a grown-up, Hans from Dark Fang.''      

All the hairs on Hans's back rose; he wondered how the hell did this man knew his name. Finally, he saw one of his comrades point above his head; there was his name. He had forgotten to hide it.     

''Fuck!" Hans swore, he decided to step out and teach this man whose name he had yet to know a lesson.     

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