Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 486: Eris

Chapter 486: Eris

2Alex was shocked; he still couldn't believe it. However, the situation didn't change no matter how many times he closed and reopened his eyes. Sitting across from him was the first princess of the Wolfang Empire, Eris Wolfang, Ferris twin.      1

''Ah! How have you been, Eris?''     

Alex could more or less guess what she would say; at least he must hear her out.     

''Sigh! I'm not fine, as you can see.'' Eris responded, and she was right; her beautiful face, her beautiful hair had lost their luster, she became thinner, her eyes were a bit hollow, she must have cried a lot, Alex thought.      

''Sorry for the loss. You probably don't want to remember that tragedy, but can you please recount what exactly happened?"      

Eris heaved another sigh as if she had expected such a question; no, even if Alex didn't ask, she would have told him because he needed to understand to help her as she wished.     

''It was like this.''      

Eris's story was like this; she patiently waited for her brother's return with the other guards; Ferris came out after his fifth day, compared to the past emperors, even their father, he had surpassed them as most of them lasted seven days. Just as she was about to rush toward him, she stopped because she noticed a black aura surrounding his body, and he wore a kind of smile she had never seen, the smile that wanted nothing but destruction.     

Under her shocked eyes, Ferris cut into two the nearest guard; before the other could comprehend the situation, he had already moved onto another one and cut him into two as well. Finally, aware that the prince wasn't joking, all the guards rushed toward the prince, intending to subdue him, but the result it was a total massacre. Eris stood frozen, not comprehending the situation; she came back to her senses only when Ferris, covered in blood, assaulted her and tried to kill her. She fought, got injured, she had thought several times giving up but in the end didn't, although his eyes were filled with viciousness, wishing for destruction, through their special bond she could feel her brother's sorrows.     

''Eris, please kill me; I don't wish to hurt anyone anymore. This thing wouldn't let me go; only my death would stop it, please, Eris. This corrupted being is from the ch**** race. Please don't trust anyone, seek Alexander's help, he's the solution...''     

Finally, Eris killed her brother, then a black shadow came out from the dying body and winked at her before vanishing.     

''To sum up, it's what happened.'' Eris moistened her dry throat with cold water.      

''I see. He probably meant the shadow that controlled him was a member of the Chaos race. A race that wished for only one thing destruction. I don't know much about this race, but I know they are the enemy we must face and eliminate in order to ascend. They are probably behind the mysterious organization that kidnapped my sister.''      

'As expected, he knows something.' Eris thought inwardly while outwardly she said.     

''I see; I'm glad that you know them. I'll be straight; I want you to help me avenge my brother, course I will not ask this for free, you can do whatever you want with me, turn me into your slave, make me do dirty things, you can even ask me to give you Wolfang Empire I'll gladly give it to you, however, you must help my accomplish my revenge, I'll-"     


''Ouch! What was that for?" Eris held her burning forehead and glared at Alex, who had just flicked her forehead; he didn't go easy on her; he used a lot of strength if she hadn't unconsciously coated her forehead at the last moment with the wind element; Eris was pretty sure that the flick would have left a bump on her beautiful head.      

''Shut up, you damn retard.'' Alex's voice echoed through the meeting room; Eris froze, her eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe her eyes; Alex was currently angry, so angry that his body kept trembling, blood dripped from his clenched fist, his nails must have pierced through his palm for this to happen.     

Alex quickly concealed his aura and sat back; then, he breathed in and out before finally opening his mouth and asking a simple question.     

''Eris, what I'm to you?"      

This abrupt question shocked Eris; she was momentarily confused as to why he would ask such a question but ultimately couldn't find the answer; she decided to answer.     

''You are my friend, my brother friend.''      

Alex nodded before his heterochromia eyes looked at her; she felt tiny as if she was sitting before a giant pair of eyes that could crush her at any moment. Eris gulped audibly.     

''So, if you consider me as your friend would you have said what you said?''      

Finally, Eris understood what Alex's previous question meant; she opened her mouth but couldn't say anything; she could only lower her head.     

''As your friend, I'll help you without expecting anything in return as it is what friendship is supposed to be. At least true friendship, that is, your brother is dead. I shall help you avenge him because he's my friend. I don't need anything in return, no, I just need you to help me when I need you, understand?"      

Alex approached Eris and gently stroked her smooth hair, Eris's body trembled, and she couldn't control her emotions anymore; her shoulders started to shake, tears dropped on the carpet, drenching it.     

Crouching down, Alex embraced her small and gently caressed her back.      

''Cry to your heart content, I'll be here, I'm going nowhere. I want this to be the last time you cry, so cry as much you want, and once you wake up, you must be strong, not only for yourself but for those that are still alive, for your brother, for those guards that died, you must live on. And lastly, remember, revenge must never be the end goal, just a passing goal. So cry, I'll stand beside you until you end because I'm your friend.''      

''Wu! Wu!!"      

Eris felt warmth spread through her heart, and it beat faster; the ice surrounding it had started to melt away slowly. As she kept crying, more and more warmth filled her body; she still had someone apart from her family, she still had him, not only him but the others as well, she could see them smiling at her with wide-open arms. She didn't need to sacrifice her life; she needed nothing; she just needed to extend her hands and ask for help; her friends were waiting for her call, so finally, amidst the cry she shouted, it came from the heart.     

''Please help me.'' She said.      

''Very good, I shall help, no we will help, so it's time for you to take a rest. We will continue later. Sleep well.'' Alex said, and Eris finally closed her eyes; after a long time, she immediately fell asleep. Alex wiped away the tears on her cheeks before lifting her and carried outside.      

Just as he passed through the door, he saw Kuina and Maria standing opposite each other; strangely, the atmosphere was relatively peaceful.     

'I guess they know when to stop.' Alex thought before passing Eris to Maria.      


''I know, Kuina helps me,'' Maria said and left with Eris on his back. Kuina bowed to Alex before following Maria.     

''Sigh! Now what to do?" Alex mumbled before vanishing.     

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