Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 479: Clash 1: Blood Polis

Chapter 479: Clash 1: Blood Polis

3Let's rewind time to one day.      2

In Athens, Lucifer called his right-hand man and gave him some instructions, and after the man left, Lucifer grinned evilly; a woman was kneeling before him. Lucifer looked at the woman with blood hair reminiscent of Priscilla and chuckled; he would make good use of this woman; a person fueled by the feeling of vengeance could be easily controlled.     

''Lois, head towards the dungeon, there you will find several guards, use them and use that thing if necessary. Your sister would be proud of you if you succeed, and I can bring her back with your sacrifice.''      

The girl, the vampire called Lois nodded, her rank is a Count, Priscilla's only sister.      

''As you wish, your majesty.''      

Then her figure disappeared into countless bats. Lucifer chuckled and stared in the direction of the Demon's Goddess Dungeon.     

''You might succeed, but you will still die, and everything will become mine.''      


Thousand of demons surrounded the dungeon, tightly guarding it. Lois, who appeared was immediately appointed as the commander.     

Looking at the dungeon's entrance, Lois's red eyes shined intensely; she clenched her fist and muttered.     

''Don't worry, Big sister, I'll avenge you.''      

Losing her sister had been a great blow; she volunteered to be stationed here and avenge her sister murderer; she even prepared something if her sister was alive and knew it would admonish her; it was a forbidden art, something their ancestor forbade them from using, she wasn't well versed in this art but thanks to the emperor generosity she could now fully use it.      

Hours quickly passed, and night fell.     

A blue crescent moon floated as if a wound was carved in the night sky.      

Here and there, you could hear people whispering, laughing as they guarded the dungeon.     

Glancing at the thousand demons laughing and planning, Lois chuckled and smiled viciously, if only they knew; shaking her head, she went to sit in front of the entrance, and like this, the night passed, and a new day began.      

Suddenly, the dungeon started intensely shaking; this startled a thousand demons nearby; they clutched their weapons, and their bodies tensed up. The dungeon trembling had begun the moment Lilith accepted to inherent her past self-power.     

Lois grinned; her chance had arrived; she would avenge her sister.      

Meanwhile, inside the dungeon, Alex, who had joined Sakuya after his fight with Leonardo, frowned at the dungeon's unusual behavior.      

''What's going on?" Sakuya asked while dusting herself.      

Alex shrugged his shoulders. ''I don't know; I only hope that Lilith has succeeded or at least is about to succeed.''      

Shake! Shake!      

The shaking began more violently, almost as if someone was shaking the dungeon; it was so intense that the two fell on the ground and were forced to find something to hold or else they would be tossed away.      

Suddenly, the shaking stopped, and Sakuya heaved a sigh of relief.      

''Thank God it's stopped.''      

However, contrary to Sakuya, Alex's expression was ugly as he swore.     

''Shit! Grab into me!"      

''What?" Sakuya was confused; however, she immediately did as she was told after seeing the look in Alex's eyes, he was not joking.      

Just after she grabbed into him, the dungeon started to shake more violently; even Sakuya felt an ominous feeling, then there was a blinding light that covered them, and they were teleported away. On many other floors, situations such as this happened.     

When the couple opened their eyes again, the sun blinded their sight, forcing them to cover their eyes momentarily; it was when they heard the gaping sounds of thousand people. A shiver ran down their spines, especially after someone started laughing as if she had lost her mind.      

''Hehehehe~ Hihihi, hahaha, die.''      

Lois, who had lost her reasoning after seeing Alex and detected the faint scent of her sister's blood on him, declared and unleashed an attack on him, Alex accel-ed while holding the attack.      

Tuk! Tuk! Boom Boom!      

As if it was a signal, thousand of attacks were launched on the group.     

''Shit!" Alex cussed as he dodged the attack and counterattacked; Sakuya also did the same thing; however, a shield appeared and blocked their attacks, although it was only normal attacks, for them to be stopped so easily shocked the two, Alex frowned, especially when his sixth sense kept ringing telling him that he was in extreme danger. He quickly scanned his surrounding, except for that vampire, a Rank 10, the others were nothing exceptional.      

Suddenly, all the hairs on Alex's body rose. He knew that something bad was about to happen, so he grabbed Sakuya's hand and tried to escape; however, it was already too late.      

Loic, with a crazed smile, plunged her own nails in her chest and grasped her heart.      


Those standing next to her were shocked by her sudden action, and they questioned her; however, all they received were a crazed smile, a smile full of madness followed by words that forever sealed their fate.     

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba---------dump!     

[Ultimate Forbidden blood art: Blood Polis, City of Blood]      


A terrific explosion occurred; blood exploded and covered Alex, Sakuya, and the thousand demons, then something horrible soon followed.      

''Hiahhhhhh! Stop, it hurts.''      


''Please stop ittttttt!"      

Numerous cries could be heard, followed by people rolling on the ground, blood escaping from their bodies to form a giant blood dome. Those people's bodies were rapidly shrinking.      

Alex and Sakuya froze, facing this abnormal situation.     

As the name suggested, the technique used by Lois: Blood Polis, the City of Blood. It's the power to steal the life essence of the living and strengthen yourself and the area around you.     

Alex, who was the first to come back to himself, shouted at Sakuya.     

''We must hurry and kill it and escape. If not, we will die.''      

Sakuya nodded; simultaneously, from the center of the blood dome, a terrific roar echoed.     


It was a roar that shook heaven and earth; Alex and Sakuya rapidly closed their ears for them not to burst from the intense sound.     

It was then Sakuya shouted.      


A beast so huge but fast as well appeared behind Alex and brought down its terrible claw; Sakuya was about to unleash an attack when she stopped because Alex reacted faster and fired behind him.      

[Phantom bullet]      


On the contrary, Alex was flung away; then, the beast appeared before Sakuya.      


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