Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 464: The Conditions

Chapter 464: The Conditions

2Silveria, who had finished negotiating with Lilith's spirit weapon, smiled pleased.     3

She had asked two things, the first one being to be sent to the Core Region, while the last one was to undo all restrictions put over Alex and others. She could have asked not to release the restrictions on their enemies as she was sure to encounter them but doing something like this it stop the group growth, because by doing it once, she was bound to do it again every time a little bit of trouble came up, Silveria judged this solution unwise, so she didn't voice out. The spirit was pleased; if Silveria had suggested something like that, she would have refused, saying if she accepted, then why would she not hand over the thing Lilith was after?      

Remembering how happy the spirit was talking about Lilith made Silveria chuckle. Just as she was about to go back to her world and rest, she noticed something; Silveria sighed and landed on the ground stopping before the entrance to Alex's tent, then she went in.      

Except for a simple futon like a bed, there was nothing else; Alex could be seen sitting crossed-legged on the bed.      

Silveria looked at her master for a moment before sighing; she summoned a chat and sat comfortably.      

In a voice, like she had given up, she asked.      

''Since when have you noticed?"      

Alex shrugged his shoulders and responded,     

''Well, for a while, my sixth sense kept tingling as if someone was watching me. At first, I didn't overthink it, but it kept bothering me. Tonight's accident and you secretly sneaking out proven that something was watching us and is behind tonight accident. So, I went to tell what this person's goal is and what you asked in return as knowing you would never accept suffering a loss.''      

Alex's eyes were so sharp that they made Silveria's body tense up; she sighed for the third time.      

''As you have noticed, something was indeed spying on you; it's Lilith's Gift spirit.''      

This declaration didn't surprise Alex, as he had also thought the same thing. He nodded and urged Silveria to continue as he believed that there was more than that.      

''As you might have guessed to some extent, she was doing some kind of test. I don't know how she knew about my ability, but she tried to experiment; result tonight accident happened, and by rescuing Lilith from her inner demon, you proved that her speculation was right.''      

''What speculation?" Alex asked with a frown; he had more or less guessed what the spirit goal was, just that he was not sure if it was right.      

Silveria chuckled and shouted, 'You want me to do all the work?' however, she restrained herself and patiently explained.     

''That with your unusual ability to erase magic, you might also erase possession as you did; more importantly, you could erase curse.''      

Alex's eyes lighted; his assumption wasn't wrong.      

''Well, I have also thought why. The spirit reason coincidence with Elseria and others wish, with my help they could lift the curse on this world, God would be born again.'' Alex declared with a shrug.      

Silveria chuckled because Alex had gotten half right, the spirit goal went beyond such simple goals, she wants Alex to lift the curse that would activate once Lilith gets back her power, at the same time help Elseria (Typhania), whose level fall due to the curse eating away her XP, if Alex could erase it then they would gain a God-level expert in no time, the problem is that it won't be easy as it was in Lilith's possession case.     

It was not that Silveria hadn't thought of such a solution when she noticed what state Elseria and Artemia were in; it's just that she was not sure, she needed a guinea pig, and the spirit provided her one, although the operation was a success, possession, and curse are two different things, the first is easy to deal with, with careful planning. In contrast, the second is harder, especially when the thing that placed the curse was something from that race, the accursed race, the most feared race in the universe.      

Silveria needed more time; she couldn't say with certainty if Alex would be able to get rid of the curse inside Elseria's heart with his current level; it might be fatal if handled poorly.      

''Your speculation isn't wrong, but what the spirit is after is what would happen after Lilith completely assimilates her power. The curse would activate, and she would be stuck at the Demi-God level forever if nothing was done. It's where you will help; you will need to erase the curse inside their heart like you did tonight; however, instead of erasing a possession, you will be erasing a curse, and I don't need to tell you how hard this will be.''      

At Silveria's words, Alex nodded, imagining how difficult this was going to be; just what he did was tough; almost all his MP was gone, so erasing a curse placed by a member of the Chaos race wasn't going to be an easy feat.      

''Sigh! Let hope I can. I need to prepare and deal with it when the time comes. For now, I must focus on the goal ahead. Tell me what you asked in return for this condition?" Alex asked while staring intensely at Silveria. The latter giggled and told him what she asked for.     

''I asked for us to be sent directly to the Core Region.''      

Alex nodded at the first condition; he looked at Silveria and said.     


Silveria giggled as her master seemed to know her more; he knew she wouldn't stop with just one condition.     

''The second and last condition is to have the restrictions on you lifted.''     

''I see, those two conditions are not bad. Let's depart tomorrow morning.'' Alex said before lying down; he wanted to sleep to be ready for tomorrow.      

Silveria nodded before disappearing, leaving Alex alone, who fell asleep soon after.     

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