Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 425: The Blackwater Bandits

Chapter 425: The Blackwater Bandits

2The following morning, Alex and the girls departed toward the Demon's continent. Alex drove the beautiful magic carriage forward; they had left Blake's City and passed through several small villages; as one got closer to the Dark Forest, the fewer cities and people one would see.     

''Come on, Lili, don't be a sore loser. It's my win again.'' Sakuya proudly declared as she showed her cards; it was a royal flush.      

''Tch! I get it. You win. I will spare with you later.'' Lilith said in a depressed tone. Vexing as it could be, when it comes to Poker, Sakuya was extremely good, but not good as Alex. To kill time, the group loves to play different types of games; poker is one of them. The first time Alex saw the cards, he was surprised, but when he remembered that before them, people from Earth had come, it made sense.      

''Let's join Alex outside,'' Sakuya suggested, and Lilith nodded, opening the carriage door; the two joined Alex.      

''Welcome, it seems that you have lost yet again,'' Alex said with a chuckle; Lilith shrugged her shoulders.      

''So, what did you say to the girls now that some people are targeting your sister. Should their stop their training to look after her?" Lilith inquired.     

Last night, Alex learned that some people tried to kidnap his sister; he was not worried that they could succeed as he had put a reliable bodyguard to look after her. Even so, he was furious that some Elves wished to take his sister back after they abandoned her, you discard the stone, and now that someone else picked it and polished it, turning it into a gem, you wish to take it back. As if it would be acceptable. Artemia had said she took care of the problem, that the Elves wouldn't try anything. Alex was happy; after giving his men some instructions, he told the girls what had happened.      

''No, they must continue their training. Don't worry; nothing will happen. Gracier is strong and has a strong bodyguard. Artemia will look after her.'' Alex said and focused his attention on the road.     

''I see. Don't worry; we are about to enter the demon continent; although it's a dangerous mission, we will succeed and quickly go back.'' Lilith said she was trying to comfort Alex because she was sure that he must be missing his loved ones, especially now that he learned someone tried to kidnap his sister.      

Alex smiled while Sakuya chuckled.      

''What was that for?" Lilith asked Sakuya.      

''Nothing, it is just that the Lilith of a few days ago wouldn't have reacted as you did. Say what you just said. Don't get me wrong; it's nothing bad; it's just that you are changing, becoming more human. Previously, you were too cold, as if the world was against you, except few persons, you never interacted with others, but now it's different. Remember, that woman you helped in Blake's City?"      

''Yeah, I do; she was having a hard time moving her luggage; she was too old, so I helped her,'' Lilith said as she remembered a confident old woman, thinking how many times the old woman thanked her brought a smile upon her Lilith's face, it was an unconscious gesture.     

''See, you are smiling. The previous you wouldn't have done it. Well, I can say that I'm a good teacher.'' Sakuya declared with a smile; Lilith rolled her eyes at her. Everything would have been perfect if she hadn't ruined it with that last remark.     

〖Indeed, she has changed. I thought that after losing her butler, she would have reverted to her old self, but I guess it was a needless worry. It's good, never let her. Do you hear me?〗     

Alex frowned; he didn't like what Silveria was implying under that suggestion.     

〖Don't get me wrong. I never say to make her yours, be her good friend, her confidant. I can't stop her if you wish to make her yours, though.〗     

Alex ignored Silveria's words. Suddenly, he heard Lilith's voice.     

''Alex, how long are you planning to ignore those people following us since a moment ago?"      

''Hehehehe! I just thought it's fun to have bodyguards escort us.'' Alex replied.      

''Humph! I bet these idiots can't wait and jump out to robe us.'' Sakuya harrumphed, like the other two, the moment she came out, she noticed people surrounding them. The eight at the back were using some concealment items; if not for his advanced Divine Sense, he couldn't have noticed them.      

''Let's them try if they seek death,'' Alex said and continued to drive the carriage; he acted as if he had not noticed the twelve people surrounding them, moving further back were another eight men, making a total of twenty men.     

''As the villager chief has said, thieves are indeed on this road. From his words, numerous carriages have been robbed, and women taken and sold to God knows where; it's why nobody likes to take this route anymore.'' Sakuya said while cracking her knuckles; she was ready for some action.     

As Sakuya said, the last village the group visited, the villager chief warned them not to pass through here even after learning they are Adventurers, it was said that even B group adventurers lost to this group of bandits, The Blackwater bandits they called themselves, and because this is a remote region under any supervision, adventurers rarely come here. Hence, the guild stopped caring for what happened after few unsuccessful attempts.     

The group had selected this route simply because it was shorter compared to other routes.     

Suddenly, Alex felt some movement from the group surrounding them; it seemed that they were getting impatient.      

Twelve people wearing black clothes appeared from the side of the highway in front of the carriage. The remaining eight kept hidden and were coming from behind.     

"The carriage there, stop!"     

It was unexpectedly a woman's voice. All of them held weapons in their hands.     

Upon hearing that voice, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up. Never would he have expected that woman would kidnap other women to sell. It was about to get interesting.     

"Hello, sisters, the two of you are the best articles we have seen in a while!"     

"Well, well ... Ho ho, they are going to be sold at a high price; I am pleased."     

The woman and a guy who seems to be a follower seem to be evaluating Lilith and Sakuya. Although disguised as Elsa and Mio, they were still beauties.     

''Are you so surprised that you lose your mouth, boy?" One of the men in the back asked Alex after seeing only foolishly stare at them; it mistook Alex's silence for being frightening; therefore, his ego skyrocketed.     

''You know, even B Rank adventurers couldn't do anything before us, so better behave; we are the Blackwater gang.'' The man added.     

''Boss, please let us entertain ourselves before we sell them." Another one of the men who was only thinking with his lower body said.     

"You guys, talking around, if you want rewards, show it with actions."     

The woman who seemed to be a leader reprimanded the minions that made the vulgar conversation.     

"You have no luck being targeted by the Blackwater gang. Even if you're a weak adventurer, it is boring, can't you resist a little. You guys pick them up, catch the women! Kill the man! "     

Five of their minions began to run toward the carriage. The eight people in the back are still hidden and didn't move.     

"Sakuya, I think it is unsatisfactory. Can you take care of them?" Alex didn't bother using their codenames as he knew that none of the men would live here today alive.     

"Okay, can I kill them?"     

''Suit yourself; however, they're too weak. So you're not authorized to use your sword.'' Alex ordered and leaned against the carriage; this attitude annoyed the woman, the group's boss.     

Sakuya jumped in front of the carriage; she seemed lazy and declared.     

"Oh, I will fight you alone!"     

"Beautiful girl, let me show you the joy to be a woman!"     

The thieves had a vulgar expression on their faces as they competed to see who would take Sakuya.     

"I refuse"     

A body blow was delivered by Sakuya, who approached the bosom of the thief in the blink of an eye. The person who was hit was the thief who had made vulgar remarks previously. The fist sank deeply into his body, and a cracking sound soon followed. The thief was launched in the air as he flew a few meters away, and he fell on the head.     

"Oh? I controlled fairly; was this useless?" Sakuya looked at her hand in bewilderment.     

"Instant death," Alex muttered; he had thought that at least the man could have lasted a few punches; he was Rank 6, for god sake.     


The remaining bandits widened their eyes in disbelief. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.     

"What's the matter? Didn't everyone look like they were having so much fun just now? You guys wanted to play with me. Umm... Softwater gang, was it?"     

The sadistic side of Sakuya awoke; she was smiling; however, her smile was extremely dangerous. The unlucky had finally met their match.     

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