Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 421: The Empress's Fury

Chapter 421: The Empress's Fury

4Somewhere in Elseria, in one of the highest trees of the Forest of Life, currently, a meeting was taking place, five male High Elves sat around an exquisite wooden table discussing.      0

''So you want to say that none of our sent have returned alive?" Asked a green-haired man, he had sharp features, naturally handsome as Elves are generally gifted when it comes to beauty, among the five, he had the most extended hair, reached till his waist, his hair was also the greenest. This man was the leader of this small gathering.      

''Yes, Elder Faranal, the life plates of our men are all broken, meaning they are all dead; the mission is a failure.'' One of the remaining four-man answered; this man goes by the name of Duriaal, the Seventh Elder. Elder Faranal is the second Elder, meaning he was above Duriaal; he possessed the highest grade in this room.      

''How come? From the information gathered, there shouldn't be anybody capable enough to deal with our men; after all, they have been carefully selected, not only for their strength but because of success rate when doing mission. If I do remember correctly, the weakest was Rank 8, while the strongest was Rank 11. How is such a group easily wiped out? Did the Eighth have some hidden Force we are unaware of?"      

The Eighth Elder Fareel asked, a short man with a beard which was unlike Elves as they are known for being handsome, slender, and tall; however, this man was the contrary of all of that; although handsome, he looks like a human piggy.      

''Sigh! I say we were too hasty. We should have waited for a while before acting. However, you didn't listen to my advice simply because I'm a coward, see, the result is total annihilation of our precious force.'' the last man said, he was the most handsome after Elder Faranal, short light green hair, eyes of the same hue, his hair was tied in a ponytail, the Fifth Elder Garil, known for being the most cautious of ten elders. How Elder succeeded in taking in this cautious man into his faction was unknown.      

''Tch! Stop acting so cowardly, Garil; everything is for the survival of our Holy race.'' The Eighth Elder Fareel admonished Garil, those two were known to like Fire and water, stopping at nothing to make fun of each other, and as expected, Garil glared at Fareel before snorting.     

''Stop the childish acts; we must think of an alternative. That thing, cough, I mean my daughter must be brought back. Everything is for the sake of the Elven race; we are-"     

''Oh? I'm more interested in knowing how your personal agenda have anything to do with the Eleven race wellbeing, dear Second Elder.''      

Suddenly, an unexpected voice echoed through the meeting room, startling the five men; color drained from their faces as they couldn't be more familiar with the owner of this voice even when sleeping; it is someone they fired yet dare to plot against as they firmly believe that she would be too busy taking care of stuff on the human's continent; unfortunately, fate seemed to be toying with them as their worst nightmare came true, even the always composed Second Elder which always appears to have everything under control was currently trembling.      

"We welcome the Eternal Empress!!"      

The Five men said in unison as they kneeled, instead of reverence, what was inside their eyes were none other than fear, extreme fear, like the children that did something he should have but got caught and was scared of getting punished.     

''Ohhh! So you lots do remember that I was still the empress and yet going behind my back plotting against me? You sure got a lot of guts; I wondered who gave you the courage to start this foolish little play?" Typhania asked she levitate in the air crosslegged; the moment she appeared, the always quiet gigantic tree started shaking like a child that just saw its mother after a long time, the tree of life leaves became greener, emitting a gentle fragrance that covered all the forest, gracing elves whenever they were a peace of mind, the strongest immediately knew that they empress was back, however, her mood was not the best. Hence, they wondered what made the always gentle empress angry? Those aware of the reason swallowed hard and waited for the empress to finish whatever she had planned.     

Back to Typhania's location.      

She waited for the five men to answer such a simple question, and yet none of them could answer; no, it wasn't that they couldn't, just that they didn't dare to answer for fear of engraving their already hopeless situation. If you knew that something was already beyond saving, would you still try to aggravate it? The answer is no.      

''I see, even when faced with such question you're unable to answer. I never thought my men were such coward.'' Typhania said in a sarcastic tone; however, none of the men said anything, their heads remained lowered.     

Typhania chuckled, not minding the five attitudes as even they said something, it wouldn't change anything; their fate wouldn't change, that is.     

''When you do something, be ready to pay the consequences,'' Typhania announced, and the five men's faces turned instantly pale; one they tried to say something, it was the Fifth Elder Garil.      

''My empress, please-"      

''Who allowed talking? So, shut up. As the most cautious and the smartest, I expected you to act like one, yet you got swayed by the reward and forget your true nature, so die.''      

Typhania ruthlessly declared before the fifth elder Garil exploded in a bloody mist that covered the other four, chills shot down their spines, and they started shaking.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!!      

Three elders exploded in turn; Typhania's cruelty knew no bounds as she killed them the most brutal way possible, only the second Elder was left alive. No colors could be seen on the once-proud man's face; all that was left was the will to live even though disgracefully.      

Finger against her mouth, with squinted eyes, Typhania wondered.      

"What should I do with you, little Faranal?"      

Typhania asked nobody in particular before her eyes suddenly brightened, and she smiled, seeing this smile Faranal knew he was done for.      

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