Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus chapter]Chapter 420: Old Acquaintances

[Bonus chapter]Chapter 420: Old Acquaintances

3Avalon, Adventurer Guild Headquarter, on the highest floor where only the guild master is allowed to live, currently, Elseria could be seen sitting cross-legged, and in front of her was a spinning green gem, it was the same crystal a certain man entrusted to Artemia during her trial to regain the second part of her Gift.      2

The spinning gem would emit green mist, which would later enter Elseria's body through her pores. It had been more than weeks since she started to assimilate this gem; she would have tried to swallow it whole to accelerate the process. Still, by doing such a thing, there was a risk of losing more than half of the essence condensed in the stone because of the curse on her body, the same curse that makes her power fall into the Demi-God level and maybe forever stuck there.      

''Hah! How troublesome!" Elseria sighed; how much did she wish to have her whole strength back? How much she wants to lift the curse on Mysthia? But alone, it's impossible, maybe Alex would be able to do. However, it's only if the enemy let him live for long, they must prepare, and for this purpose, even the smallest increase in strength couldn't be more welcomed.      

Elseria focused on refining the green stone in front of her when suddenly, her expression had changed; she had asked not to be disturbed; she even cut off all communication stones to be refined in peace. Still, now it seems that someone was trying to disturb her peaceful moment.     

Artemia suddenly appeared on the highest floor; Elseria glared at her, among her acquaintances, only someone bold as Artemia could be the only to disregard the restrictions she put on this floor just for the sake of not being disturbed.      

''What do you want, Eretria, for you to disturb me even when I purely made it intentional that I wish not to be disturbed? Even after reincarnated, your bad habits never change, do they?'' Elseria didn't hide her dissatisfaction; she caught the spinning gem and stored it away.     

''Annoying as always. Even having your strength reduced didn't make your face less annoying, Typhania.''      

Artemia said and sat across from Elseria; it was like she was sitting with an old friend. Indeed it was the case; those two are best friends, even reincarnation couldn't change this; they may love to bicker with each other, but they love each other as they went through a lot together, be it was during the happiest moments or the saddest moments, they stood together, so naturally their friends grew to the point where they could be considered sworn sisters.     

''Tch! Whatever, I'm more beautiful than you, and I'm stronger as well.'' Like a child, Elseria responded,  no Typhania, the disappeared Eleven Empress responded, and before that she changed, she became more beautiful, her beauty no ordinary gods could create it, heavy long white hair, eyes pure as gold, long sharp ears adorned with silver earrings, the moment Typhania reverted to her true self, the floor became more beautiful, flowers blossomed, trees turned greener.      

''Tch! Favored as always.'' Artemia commented, as a woman herself, she could say without a doubt that Typhania was one hell of beauty, she was a little bit jealous; however, she was not too underestimated either with the flick of her finger, her natural appearance appeared, the one in the painting at the Avalon's museum.      

The most beautiful blue hair in existence, blue eyes that shine like a perfect gem. Artemia was indeed a beauty. Not only was she beautiful, but she also possessed a body that could only be described as being sinful; devilish. Her satin-like robe, clinging tightly to her devilish body, was stretched so wide that it would burst any moment, not being able to hold the bombastic contents within and show the barely hidden spring sight in its full-blown glory. If Alex were here, he would whistle and pumped his fist into the air, shouting, 'I'm a winner.'      

''It's good to be back.''      

Muttered the two before suddenly Artemia reverted to her old appearance, Typhania smiled.      

''I guess with your current level, it will be hard to maintain your past self?" Typhania asked; she had no trouble keeping up her real appearance, unlike Artemia because of low rank.      

When Artemia momentarily switched to her real self made her body became close to the Demi-God level; however, because, with her current level, it would be too much of a burden, she didn't keep it for long.      

''Indeed, it's as you said. I just became Saint a few days ago. Only when I will step into Rank 13 closing to Rank 14 can I freely switch between appearances, but you and I know that I am not here for that.''      

From Artemia's words, Typhania could see that something wasn't right, instantly regretted to have cut off any communications, some people may have tried to contact her, well, there's no need to cry over a spilled milk.     

''Artemia tell me what happened?" Typhania immediately inquired; she had the feeling that whatever Artemia would say next, she wouldn't like it.      

''Your people are trying to kidnap Gracier because she got a pure bloodline like yours. I-"      

And as Typhania expected, Artemia's words turned her furious, so she stopped her.      

''Are have they gone mad?'' Typhania asked with a smile; however, underneath such a charming smile hid a terrific rage. Those who know her would stay far away from her, especially when they caused such a state.      

''Calm down, Typhy, they must be a reason for Gracier's blood to suddenly became pure. As a half-elf, it's impossible without external assistance.'' Artemia tried to reason Typhania before she went to do something rash.     

''Don't worry, I'm pretty calm right now. To answer your question, indeed, without external assistance, it's impossible, but have you forgotten who her brother is? Because of Alex's race, their blood mixed, increasing Gracier's elven blood.'' Typhania explained, the moment she heard that Gracier had a pure bloodline, she immediately connected the dots when remembering the ritual between Alex and Gracier when he adopted her.      

''I see, we should-"      

Artemia was stopped to stop as Typhania was gone.      

''She's gone, huh!? Someone is going to suffer aiy!" She said before also leaving.     

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