Death Guns In Another World

Side Story: A Certain Saintess 2

Side Story: A Certain Saintess 2

3Armstrong asked his student to sit in front of him, and Luna did as she was told.      0

''Let's start with the lesson. Look closely and follow my instructions.''      

"Channel Mana through your body to first active the Instant Strengthening,'' Armstrong instructed, and Luna immediately abides by his words.      

''Instant Strengthening!"      

Luna felt her body becoming filled with strength after the white light covered her body. She waited for her master's following instructions.      

''I know you feel your whole body overwhelming with strength but to use this better and not to waste your mana because you don't have unlimited mana. Focus more Mana in one point to save up Mana.''      

Luna carefully listened to Armstrong's voice, not to miss anything.     

Armstrong stood up and activated Instant Strengthening.      

''If I want to be faster, I just focus mana in my legs to momentarily increase their speed like this.''      


Armstrong disappeared to reappear after traveling fifty meters in an instant. He was swift.      

 ''If I want to punch faster if I want my punch to be hard as the hardest metal, to be destructive as well. I will pour more mana in my hands.''      

Bang! Bang! Crack! Crack!      

Each punch broke two adults trees.      

''If I want to have a stronger defense focus your mana in one point.'' Armstrong lastly said.      

''I understand, master. Previously, I was only wasting my mana. If I follow your instructions, I will save up more mana.'' Luna said, immediately she followed Armstrong's instructions, and as she had said, she felt the Mana consumption decrease as she only focused mana in one point.      

''Great, I heard that you are also a Water mage?"      

''Indeed, I can use the water element. Why do you ask master?" Luna responded but immediately raised a question to know if there was any implication behind Armstrong's question.     

''Hohohoho! It's perfect. Although we can temporarily have a strong defense under instant strengthening, using the water magic, your defense will be doubled. A water armor above your body plus instant strengthening is like the perfect warrior. Starting from now on, you will try creating a thin water armor on your body and maintain it until the end of each training session. Understood?"      

''I understand,'' Luna responded and immediately tried to create a thin water armor on her body, but she failed; it was only on her eleven tries she succeeded.      

''Good, do you that the Light Element is the closest to the Time element?"      

It was a sudden question; Luna had never thought of it; she could only shake her head.      

''I knew you wouldn't know. Most people don't know. Our predecessor, the creator of our current skills, said Light is related to time. After analysis, I agreed to it. Healing is like we rewind time. She said at the highest level; we could heal even the world, rewind time to the past. So, I want you to one day be able to do as I don't believe that I can.'' Armstrong entrusted his dearest wish to Luna, and she accepted.     

''I will do, Master, you have my promise.''      

''Great. It's time to crack some skulls, no need to hold back. Light Element is about manliness; always remember this. Fight to your heart content.''      

After Armstrong's words, Luna was sent into the depth of the forest.      

Luna did not walk for even twenty meters, and she encountered her first monster; it was not a weak monster, a monster often seen in the deepest part of dungeons, a Minotaur.     

The Minotaur was around 5 meters tall.      

It is as big as a big Ogre.     

The battle-ax that the Minotaur was holding in its hands was dyed in blood.      


The Minotaur howls in anger, and with its battle ax overhead, it rushed towards Luna.      

''Instant Strengthening!"      

Luna immediately activated Instant Strengthening; she rushed forward after pouring mana into her legs; she had flashed next to the surprised minotaur, the battle-ax descended, Luna's fist was launched.      


A collision happened, and unexpectedly it was the minotaur who got pushed a couple of steps back and,      


The battle-ax made from the sturdiest rock found in the depth of the forest broke apart.      


Swoosh! Bang! Bang!      

Luna did not give the minotaur the chance to prepare before she punched its chest with her enhanced fists covered by thin water armor.      


The minotaur's ribs cracked, its chest caved in, and its heart ruptured; it was instant death.      

''Boring! I thought at least you could last few rounds.'' Luna was disappointed that the Rank 7 minotaur died with only one punch; she forgot that she was Rank 9. With the addition of the water armor, her punch had double their initial strength; no wonder the poor minotaur couldn't survive three punches.     

Luna wished to fight to her heart content, unleash everything she had, to satisfy that hunger she had, so she walked deeper into the forest; she encountered monsters, orcs, red goblins, ogres (normal ones), but none of them managed to survive more than five punches, it was then Luna understood why the water armor combined with the instant strengthening was too overwhelming; however, she couldn't stop using the water armor, then she got an idea? Why not heal the monster after a few beatings? It would also serve as training for her healing art.     

From that day onward, Luna would beat the monsters she encountered to the brink of death, heal them using her Gift, then beat them again; it was a bloody endless circle. Even Armstrong could only kneel in front of such beautiful art, he said. In the span of four days, no monsters wished to encounter Luna; they all hid, trembling in fear, nobody wanted to face the psycho healer.      

''Bunch of cowards!" Luna spat, and the monsters accepted, better be a coward to keep your life than act brave and suffer hell before dying.     

''I'm almost Rank 10. Time to fight the big boss of the forest. Maybe this boss won't be a coward and entertain me for a while.'' Luna decided to go into the core region.      

''Umu! She is turning into a fine healer.'' Armstrong complimented from the sky.      

''You succeed in turning her into another madman like you.''      

Unexpectedly, there was someone beside him; Freya stood floating; she observed Luna massacre then heal and massacre again. She wondered what Maria would say if she were to see her sister right now. Well, guess she will laugh as she knows Luna better than anybody.      

''Hohoho~ Thanks for the compliment. By the way, I heard that the elves became agitated recently. What happened?''      

''Don't ask me.'' Freya refused to answer.      

''Tch! Stingy Old ha-''     

Before Armstrong could finish cursing, a thin blade exuding extreme chillness was held against his throat; he hadn't even seen it coming, he gulped.     

''My bad, I had a slip of the tongue.''      

''That's more likely. Take care, do train her well. Time is about to change.''      

Leaving these words behind, Freya disappeared.     

''Indeed, time is changing.'' Armstrong sighed and watched his student head deeper into the forest; it was time for her to graduate from this dungeon; she was about to face the strongest and toughest opponent.     

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