Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 399: Sakuya's Struggles

Chapter 399: Sakuya's Struggles

3While Alex was cleaning Eight, Nine, and their men, the girls appeared in different islands other than Alex. Lilith appeared on a small island, while Sakuya appeared on a giant floating island.     


The moment Sakuya appeared, the sensation of extreme danger assaulted her; it was coming from behind; immediately, Sakuya summoned Kaze no Yoroichï and defended against the incoming attack.      


Sakuya was sent flying in the air, controlling her body mid-air; she saw two men; one had a mask on his face, long blond hair while the last man had his finger pointed in Sakuya's previous direction. The man had a creepy smile on his face; it was Seven, and the one with a mask was Cain, Leonardo disguised.      

The moment Leonardo saw Sakuya, he smiled behind his mask; Sakuya's presence here meant Alex was probably here, inside the dungeon as well. Leonardo smiled wickedly.     

Suddenly, both Leonardo disguised as Cain and Seven's expression turned dark Sakuya still midair she trying to use her strongest attack.     

[Yami Maho Jigen Giri: Dark Magic Dimensional Slash]      

The world turned white and black; Sakuya's slash seemed to split this world into two, like a ying-yang diagram.      


Seven clicked his tongue and moved. He caught Leonardo, who couldn't wholly dodge Sakuya Jigen Giri, and disappeared. After their disappearance, that part of the big island where they were standing got sliced apart, falling into the hellish purple abyss.      

''Huff! Hah! Hah!"      

Sakuya panted heavily as she landed on the ground; with all the training she did, it was still hard to use that ability; hopefully, those two had left. She was not delusional enough to think she killed them; this move was only to scar them as she ran away.      

However, things were not to go as she expected. Sakuya hadn't taken her second step before she got frozen on the spot, unable to move, then she heard Seven's voice.      

''Hihihihi! Not bad at all, Sakuya Hishimiya, to think I would lose one arm because of that attack. It takes too much energy to regenerate an arm.''      

While saying this, Seven presented his newly regenerated right arm; it was paler than the other one; Leonardo was behind Seven with half of his mask gone, it became possible to see his face.      

Sakuya was shocked, speechless; who would have thought that Leonardo that everyone was searching for would end up with the unknown organization.     

''I see, it's because of revenge,'' Sakuya mumbled; however, her voice was audible enough for the other two to hear it.     

Leonardo showed no emotions while Seven was pissed; he disappeared to reappear before Sakuya and slapped her flying; although she saw it coming, she couldn't dodge, so she was sent spiraling into the air, Seven appeared above her and punched her to the ground.      


Seven stepped on Sakuya's body that felt like all the bones inside her body were broken; she puked blood again and again.      

''I shall use as a sacrifice.'' Seven declared before lifting Sakuya by the neck as he vanished.      

''Go investigate on the other islands. More sacrifice, better is the chance for us to have access to the main island where what we want is.''      

The disappearing Seven ordered; Leonardo sighed before replacing his broken mask; afterward, he also disappeared.      


When Seven reappeared again, it was above an ocean; under this ocean was a terrible vortex that went to suck everything into it.      

Standing atop a small floating board was a group of people dressed in black robes with the same mask as Leonardo; these people tossed monsters, sometimes people, inside the terrible vortex. This made the vortex shine and expand.      

Looking at the vortex, Sakuya was terrified; sensing her fear, Seven grinned.      

''You are right to be afraid; that thing is too terrible. Well, go experience it yourself.''      

Then with a wicked smile, Seven dropped Sakuya.      


Sakuya saw her life flashed before her, her life on her life before it came to an end, her beginning here, the time spent with her sisters, their promise, that new feeling she started to recently feel, she didn't really wish to die, however, she wished to be able to do something, in a moment like this one would want people dear to you to come to save you but Sakuya, on the contrary, felt ashamed of her current self, she couldn't do anything, only expect help for her man? It's fine; if it is now, then what about the future? One day dependant, always dependant, she must do something.      

''Comeeeeee to me, Yoroichï!" Sakuya shouted with all her strength. Although her strength was sealed, she managed to call out her Gift.      

The green katana appeared with a terrible wind tornado.      

''Spirit po-"      

Seven didn't let Sakuya finish what she was about to say before skin threads pierced her body, forcing her to stop her incantation; her body began to plummet at fast speed it was then.      

BANG BANG!!      

Two blue bullets appeared and curved like in a certain famous movie on Earth before they clashed, producing an explosion.      


This explosion sent Sakuya's body flying in the sky, enough for an arm to wrap around her waist.      


Sakuya asked with half-closed eyes, she was tired, but she was fighting against the drowsiness, to firmly engrave the current in the deepest part of her mind, although ashamed to be rescued, Sakuya knew she had tried, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.      

''It is you who did this?"      

Alex asked with an impassive face, although surprised by the sudden intruder, especially that unusual phenomenon, two condensed mana bullets exploding to generate enough force to send Sakuya into the sky, she who was halfway to the vortex. Seven chuckled when it finally dawned on him who the new intruder was.     

''Hihihihihihi! So you're the famous Eighth, Alexander Kael Touch, the Irregular.''      

This announcement came as a slap to others; they look at each other, how could they not know the man, everyone inside the organization was after, if weren't because of Lord Thanos, lot of them would have come for his head, now seeing him so close, they couldn't be more shocked.      

Ignoring the murderous stare he was receiving, Alex watched Sakuya, whose body was drenched, one of her arms was dislocated, thankfully Alex had appeared and fed her a healing potion. If not, she might have a problem holding katana in the future, just a little bit for Alex to put the dislocated arm back; he was waiting for the potion's effect to kick before performing that action.      

''I asked you a question. Who did this?" Alex asked in a plain tone.      

''Hihihi~ It's me. What are you going to do about it? There's nothing you can do about it." Seven answered with crossed arms; he was not afraid of Alex at all, even if he was said to be irregular.      

''It's that so?"     


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