Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 384: In the Shadows

Chapter 384: In the Shadows

4''Rise.'' The woman with the butterfly mask, the Queen of Underworld said.     

Her subordinates rose, none of them said anything, they waited for their queen order.     

''Report the situation.'' In a cold town, the woman with the butterfly mask ordered.      

One of her subordinates, a man in his late thirty stepped forward; he wore glasses, gray hair tied up behind his back, black tuxedo with a glove, however, only one hand was covered. The other one was left uncovered to let the underworld tattoo be seen. This man's appearance looks more like a butler than an underworld member; however, nobody dared to point out, the queen wasn't bothered, she waited for the man to update her on the latest news.      

''My queen, recently some of our men are being targeted.'' the man said and pushed his glasses back.     

''Oh? Explain.''      

''Yes, My queen, seven groups have been destroyed. Even though they are scum among scums going after your policies (no forced prostitution, no illegal slave trading, no kidnapping, no drugs selling), they are still members of the underworld. Killing them without regard to us is completely disrespectful.'' The man was angry, so were the others, killing their men like they are nothing shouldn't be tolerated any longer, they should retaliate, if weren't for their queen order not to act recklessly, to inform her before acting, they would have killed those behind this.     

Feeling her subordinate's bloodlust, the woman with the mask sighed. Everything in this life needs a counterbalance, like when there's a day inadvertently, there will be night, light and dark, the clean society then underworld. When she conquered the underworld, it was in a complex mess with almost no rules, no bottom line; the emperor and officials were getting fed up and were searching for a way to control the underworld, they knew they couldn't erase it because a society without underworld isn't a real society, the underworld is where darkness resides, where dirty things are done; however, it shouldn't be in moderation, and this woman brought it, she quickly developed the underworld to the degree it could almost compete with the imperial family, they have cities under their control, the imperial let them do this because the almost absolute control the woman has over her subordinates, they never started something they shouldn't have, never provoke someone they shouldn't have, it was why she must know against whom she would be going before acting.     

''Judging from your reaction, you must know where this group is coming from. I'm listening.'' The Queen said and began to tap on her throne armrest rhythmically.      

''All we know is that it's a group of five, probably young, the base is somewhere around the eighth house, we didn't know the exact location.''      

The eyes behind the mask widened; the woman immediately understood something she immediately ordered.      

''Let's them do what they want.''      

''But?" The man in a butler suit tried to argue but was cut short.     

''Are you questioning my order?"     

The queen icily asked.     

Her voice was so cold that Hyde felt a chill crawling up his spine, and his face turned ashen; he immediately bowed his head.     

''I wouldn't dare. It just that-"      

''Sigh! Something I really wonder if you are smart or you try to play smart.'' The queen cut off Hyde and said. Her comment was like a burning arrow that pierced Hyde's heart.     


The others lowered their heads, doing their utmost not to laugh.     

''You know, what will you do when someone came out and did the job you have planned to do but couldn't at the moment because of other issues?" The queen questioned.     

''Obviously, I will gladly make use of this-"      

Suddenly, Hyde stopped talking; he had finally understood what his queen was hinting at.     

''My queen is sure wise.'' Hyde tried to bootlick his queen and what he received in return was another arrow in the heart.      

''Is more like you're dumb not to have immediately seen the importunity with this group appearance. There are pests we will have to take care of not to let the whole structure rot, so now that we got free workers, why not make use of them? So, as I said, let them continue. Just from time to time, play the rescue role; I mean, fake it, you will come only a few minutes after the massacre occurred.'' the queen ordered with a smile; her smile was beautiful mesmerizing everyone inside.     

''A-As you wish, my queen.'' Hyde stuttered, his heartbeat accelerated, his face flushed red. However, none had ever seen their queen face from the small visible part and the elegance her body exude; she would be without doubt a beauty, a country toppling beauty at that.     

As she said, they understood what should be done; leaving this unknown group takes out the rotten flesh shouldn't be a bad thing; they lost nothing, after all. Instead, they have gained, they didn't have to dirty their hands.     

''Tell me about the cities under our control, how things are going?'' the queen inquired, and Hyde happily complied.      

The queen patiently listened to her subordinates report; she was happy because more money was coming in, she was slowly building her force, they may come in handy when the time will come, thinking about it, her lips curved up, and she mumbled, ''It will be fun.''      

''What? Did you say something, my queen?" Hyde asked with a tilted head; the gesture looked girly, making the queen almost throw up.     

''Ugh! Nothing, continue.''     

The meeting continued.     


At the same time, in an unknown villa located in the noble area, a meeting was currently taking place.      

The big shots of the underworld, those from the lawless factions, the one Alex's young shadows were eliminating.      

''Damn it.''      


A plump middle-aged violently smashed the glass in his hand on the table, the glass broke, sending glass shards everywhere on the table; however, this didn't stop the woman shaking her hips atop of the man knee naked; she kept moaning with a fearful expression on her face, she wasn't the only one, this scene was everywhere, the other two gang bosses had women on top of them.      

''Calm down, Snake eye. We will crush them.'' Said a bald man with an owl tattoo on his head; he kept slapping the woman, shaking her hips making her move faster.      

''Shit, Kuh! I'm pissed off. That woman must be overjoyed right now; she would not help us just because we refused to follow her stupid policies. Underworld with such shitty policies, isn't it Underworld anymore. Shit! Women should only moan under men, nothing else.'' The third man said he had one eye blinded, blinded by the Queen.      

''Calm down, let's elaborate a plan to deal with this unknown group and later with that queen.'' The second man said, the other two nodded before smiling wickedly, they were sure that this location wouldn't be revealed because nobody would think that they would hide in the noble area, the only one that knows were present here and that fool, that subordinate that died in tonight massacre, burnt to cinder alongside the house, only if they knew.     

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