Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 376: Ignorance is Bliss

Chapter 376: Ignorance is Bliss

1When Alex and Leonardo were fighting, and the fight was about to end, Sakuya and Lilith arrived at the location where the Duke and Silver were fighting against Camilla, the vampire. They watched the ongoing fight with enchanted eyes.      0

Long white hair curled at the end, crimson eyes, white skin coupled with a beautiful face, and this beauty named Camilla, the vampire duchess, was effortlessly fighting two Rank 11 (almost Rank 12).     

Suddenly, Camilla dodged Silver spear even when she was being locked inside the Duke's gravity cage. She disappeared into a mist before reappearing before the Duke; the latter increased his gravity cage to a hundredfold; Camilla's feet sank into the concrete; it should have been at that moment Silver would attack because Camilla was trapped; unfortunately, this didn't happen, Camilla smiled.      

''Darkness Rise.''     

Then, the entire world before the Duke changed instantly!     

The sky, earth, and everything from before disappeared. All of it was enveloped in pitch-black darkness, and only dots of starlight flickered around them. It seemed as though Camilla had thrown the Duke into outer space at this very instant. Upon realizing it, the Duke revealed a flustered and stunned expression. He realized that the power he counted on the most was slowly vanishing! he couldn't use his gravity properly, nor could he feel Silver's presence.     

It was a moment, Camilla flashed next to him and smacked the Duke across the cheek, sending them spiraling across the air like twirling ballerinas. The Duke broke several buildings before coming to a stop; he wiped the blood falling from his mouth; he felt like all the bones inside his bones were broken.     

Camilla didn't give chase; she became vigilant all of a sudden; she possessed extremely sharp sense, she had a bad feeling. Or maybe that should be called conviction. She felt a chill as if the hair on her back stood on end; this feeling originated from neither Silver nor the Duke, not from the two girls hiding.      

Suddenly, Camilla raised her left arm; sharp nails appeared; she doesn't like to use weapons that often as she believes that the greatest weapon is one body; however, for the first time since her apparition, Camilla's frowned and looked at her arm on the ground, unexpectedly, it had been cut off, she didn't even notice it, staring at the man that somehow appeared not far from her, she signed and picked her severed arm.     

''So, it's one of the Emperor Shadow, no wonder. I guess I should get serious.'' She said before huge amount of magic burst out from her body; it was crimson in color, the Duke was sent flying.     

Sakuya and Lilith clutched a stone pillar not to be sent flying while one of the Emperor's Shadows, the one Alex encountered in Elesim, shielded Silver; his expression was calm, he yawned before glancing in Sakuya direction, his gaze lingered on her for a second, their eyes locked, Sakuya felt naked under the man gaze, so unconsciously she gulped, the man chuckled and silently moved his lips, reading it Sakuya was able to understand what the man meant to convey.     

'Just watch.'     

Then he moved, he simply lowered his center of gravity, putting one leg in front of the other, lowered his katana he unsheathed, and Sakuya saw it, the image got imprinted forever inside her brain, Camilla was cut into million pieces, it was the ultimate sword skill.      

However, something even more astonishing happened, Camilla was back even after getting cut into million pieces, almost as if she could rewind time, there was no injury on her body, the only thing worth noticing was the fact that she became paler, she was panting, she glared at the man with katana and mumbled.     

''Even that wasn't enough. I should use my weapon. Come forth I-"      

Camilla stopped calling out her Gift; she stared in a specific direction before looking at the man with katana and smiled.      

''We won.''      

Following this announcement, there was a massive explosion in the Duke's mansion. A tremendous amount of magic exploded, soared, and bloomed in the sky like a firecracker; the Duke, Silver, had an ugly expression on their face.      

''No good!"      

They shouted before disappearing; they were going back to the Duke's mansion. They ignored Camilla, who became expressive suddenly, just because they succeeded in completing their goal.      

''Hahahaha! I shall take my leave; we succeed in our goal. Until next time stay safe.'' Camilla said before transforming into countless small bats and disappeared.      

Until the end, the man with the katana, who goes by the name of Kamishiro's expression, remained unchanged even after feeling the huge protect shield protecting Celesta vanish entirely after Leonardo broke the magic core. Camilla attributed this to the fact that the Emperor Shadows being formed not to have any emotions no matter the situation. If only she knew the truth; as one said, ignorance is bliss.      

Kamihiro turned into Sakuya and Lilith's direction; the two came out, knowing better than anybody what was happening.     

''You know, my previous emperor once said: Ignorance was actually a kind of happiness, just like how some people believed that they weren't brainwashed, but in fact, they were always accepting the intelligence of the brainwashing. Some people believed that they were the ones who controlled their fate but weren't aware that everything they did was predetermined in their lives. The more one knew, the more pain one would suffer from. But the problem was that almost no one knew whether they truly understood the truth of fate in this world. You know, just like who was standing at this place a moment ago, she thought that everything was under their control, that they were the ones playing the tune unaware that they are dancing on someone's else tune.'' Kamishiro said while staring at the sky; he stayed silent for a while before turning to face Sakuya.     

''Lady Sakuya should one day visit the Far East, the Miko shine, I believe there is something worth there. Well, I wouldn't waste more of your time here I have to go. Good evening Demon princess. Please pass my thank to your man for having come up with such an interesting plan. See you.''     

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