Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 374: Alex Vs Leonardo

Chapter 374: Alex Vs Leonardo

1Alex and Leonardo disappeared and clashed.     


Their weapons clashed, creating a shriek that sent sparks flying into the air. Alex tried to kick Leonardo, but the latter stopped the blow with his knee before trying to headbutt Alex in retaliation; Alex dodged before putting some distance between them.      

They both stared at each other as if to see through each other before they vanished again.      

Leonardo appeared behind Alex and slashed downwards with the sword. Alex spun around and parried with one arm; using his free arm, he summoned Silveria and fired point-blank range.     


One should have expected Leonardo to be caught off guard by this sudden attack; however, it wasn't what happened; somehow, he spun his sword to block the bullet.      

Alex smiled before silently muttered Time Acceleration; he saw his speed increase while Leonardo slowed.     

Instinctively, Leonardo noticed that something was not right; however, he didn't have the time to ponder about this as Alex had already before him; somehow, his speed was godly; unknown to Leonardo, it was because he was under the effect of Alex's Time Acceleration.      

Alex created another weapon using Xerox; he aimed the two silver guns that shined under the sun against Leonardo's chest; the latter could see the dire situation he was in, he tried to summon lightning armor; however, even this seemed almost impossible as the activation of this shield seemed extraordinarily long and Alex wasn't going to wait for him.      

Bullets struck Leonardo in the chest; the lightning was halfway formed when the bullets struck; at the last moment, Leonardo managed to bring his arm forward.      


The impact sent Leon crashing against the building behind him; he passed through it, destroying another one behind this one. The floor caved in, and the glass panels exploded into tinkling shards.     



Leonardo coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and hand (the one he used to defend against those bullets) ripped open, and hot blood splashed out.      

He ignored the pain, and he put his feet on the ground forcefully and stopped himself from dragging back any further.     

"This is so much fun; I expect no more from you!" Leonardo grinned as blood trickled down his lips, his expression was twisted, whatever he experienced during those few days he disappeared had wholly changed on into a battle crazy.     

"But now is the time we bring this to an end!"      

He lifted his bloody hand towards the crevice in the sky before abruptly bringing it down.      

"Lightning Descent!"      


The sky above them darkened, black lightning appeared and struck Leonardo, his body shuddered; usually, he should have been burnt to a cinder; however, it wasn't what happened, on the contrary, he had an ecstatic expression on his face as if he had taken a hot bath during winter.      

Leonardo took a quick-draw stance bending a little, legs spread wide, one hand holding the sword sheath and the other on the guard of the sword he said [DOOM], instantly an another Leonardo made of black lightning appeared having the same attacking stance as him.      

When the real Leonardo unsheathed his sword, the lightning clone also did the same; they disappeared simultaneously.     

Alex heightened his senses to the limit, his Divine Sense fully activated; he waited until the last moment before unleashing his attacks. His arms aimed left and right, he fired.      


Two gunshots, however, six bullets tore through the air and arrived before the two Leonardo; the two had a calm expression on their faces as they moved their sword, choosing the same stance.      


Calmly they split the bullets into two; the splits bullets continued on their destination, striking two pillars.      


Two large appeared on these pillars, almost destroying the structure of the building, making tilt forward.      

Alex did a backflip to succeed in dodging two horizontal lightning slashes barely sent his way. He was still in the air when he aimed his two guns at the lightning clone and fired.      


Three bullets left the guns, one a millisecond less than the other, the first one speed through the air before the second arrived and struck him in the butt increased its speed to an astonishing level, and as if it wasn't enough, the third bullet struck the same support as the second bringing the first bullet speed close to March 2, lightning clone or not, he couldn't react in time before the super bullet struck him in the head, there was no sound only the lightning clone head behind pushed to an almost ridiculous degree before,     


Like a firecracker, it blossomed, creating a beautiful black and blue contrast.     

Leonardo's expression didn't even change when his lightning clone was destroyed; on the contrary, he smiled, somehow; his speed doubled as if the destruction of his lightning clone boosted his speed.      

Seeing this, Alex's eyes widened, Leonardo flashed next to him, his black sword moved, just some casual moves, yet the speed of his sword was dramatically increased to an astonishing level. Even so, Alex was not a pushover; he grinned, battle intent flashed through his heterochromia eyes accompanied by a crazy smile that seemed to indicate that he was enjoying this fight, a fight where the slightest lack of focus would result in a grave injury or worse a death, in a fight like these that you break your limit to grow stronger.     

Alex surpassed his limit; he had to, green light covered his limit, his MP decreased at fast speed; even so, he didn't care, he moved his arms and fired.      

Bang! Clangs!      

Leonardo was shocked to see Alex being able to parry his sword using a bullet; he smiled, increased his speed to the limit that his body could handle. At this stage, it became impossible for naked eyes to follow them; the only thing visible was two lights moving, one black while the other blue followed these sounds.     

Bang! Clangs! Bang! Clangs!      

None of Leonardo's attacks managed to land on Alex as he could parry them at the last moment using his bullets; it was a godly move only he could accomplish.     

Seeing none of them managed to have the ascendant on the other, they silently agreed to put a distance between them; they stared at each other, forgot about others, forgot about their goals, the only that remained was to trample on the other.     

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