Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 373: That Night

Chapter 373: That Night

1While Conrad and Seven were fighting their first round, back on Lilith's and Sakuya's side, they successfully cleared the monsters; it became easier to kill them after the vampires were killed.     

Sakuya had already woke up; she was drinking water and was looking at her status window.     

[Sakuya Hishimiya]     

Class: Magic Samurai     

Age: 17     


Rank 9     

Level 85     

Experience Value: 35600/37800     

Magic Power: 3040 (+80 BP) ➤ 3120/3120     

Magic: Wind, Dark      

Attack: 1440      

Defense: 940     

Agility: 1240     

Intelligence: 1140     

Luck: 1110     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: Katana Kaze no Yoroichï     

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 8] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 6] [Kendo Level Max] [Swordsmanship Level Max] [Wind Slash] [Iaido Level 8] [Wind tornado Level 5] [Gale Slash Level 8] [Flying Slash Level 5]     

Special Ability: [Dimensional Slash]     

Titles: [Otherworlder] [Kendo Master] [ Yamato Nadeshiko ] [Kendo Fanatic] [S Queen] [Slayer]     

'I'm now Rank 9. This Dimensional Slash must be the one I used before passing out.' Sakuya thought, just as she was about to read about this ability, she was called.      

''Mio, let's go.''      

It was Lilith, Sakuya sighed before standing up and followed her; the two left, going inside the city at fast speed; they could hear the sound of battle from afar. The girls accelerated; suddenly, there was a voice that reached their ears.      

''Go to the northern side see the situation. I have something to do here.''     

It was Alex's voice; the girls didn't question Alex's order; they headed to the north, where the Duke and Silver were.     

Back to Alex's location, he was inside the alleyway leading to the back of the Duke mansion; in front of him was the man with the white mask.      

''Hahahaha! I never thought that I would encounter you here.'' Alex said and looked at the man in front of him.      

''Me neither. Long time no see, Alexander.'' The man with the mask said before removing it, a young man with a handsome face, blonde hair, golden eyes appeared, astonishingly it was Leonardo under the mask.      

''You look fine,'' Alex said while he undid his disguise, long black hair, handsome face coupled with heterochromia eyes.      

When Leonardo heard that he looked fine, he unconsciously released killing intent; he clutched his right arm, he could feel it trembling. This brought him back to that night, the night everything changed.      

~Flashback Begin     

Leonardo was imprisoned after his participation in Gracier's kidnapping got revealed; he spent few days inside a prison when suddenly, one night, Alex visited him.      

''Yo! Comfortable there?" Alex asked as he pushed the cell door open. Leonardo was chained against the wall.      

''Fuck off. What do you want?" Leonardo spat, seeing his enemy; the reason for his presence in this cell made his blood boil. He had forgotten that he could only blame himself for what happened; Alex never provoked him; it was him that turned Alex into his enemy.      

Ignoring the look of hatred Leonardo was giving him, Alex flicked his fingers; instantly, the chains binding Leonardo were removed.      

Having regained his freedom after few days, Leonardo stood up and rubbed his sore wrists, he glared at Alex, eyes full of caution.     

''What do you want?" He asked again.      

Alex didn't immediately answer; he crushed a stone inside his hand, the seal put on his body, making him unable to call out his Gift was removed. Leonardo became more cautious; he didn't know what goal want to achieve by doing this; however, soon, he got the answer.     

''Summon your sword and fight me with all you got. If you win, I will let you go.'' Alex declared, his voice was cold.      

Leonardo summoned Excalibur. A majestic aura enveloped the prison, shaking it.      


Leonardo unleashed his strongest attack; however, Alex was faster; before the sword could descend, he was already behind Leonardo; he didn't even summon his gun; he only used Reaper, the knife Elseria (Leena at that time) gifted him.      

Shaking the blood of the knife, Alex announced,     

''You lost.''     

At the same time, Leonardo dropped to the ground.      

''Giahhhh! My arm, my arm, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"      

He clutched his right elbow; his arm got cut off, Excalibur dropped on the ground, still inside his right arm, twitching on the ground, splashing blood on the ground.      

Alex mercilessly fired an ice bullet on the sliced arm, instantly freezing it, and as if it wasn't enough, he walked toward it and raised his foot; seeing this, Leonardo shouted.     

''What are you trying to do? Ugh! Stop it.''      

Alex's eyes were cold as he let his leg down and instantly reduced the frozen arm to piece; Leonardo's heart momentarily stopped moved, his eyes widened to their limit; he couldn't believe what just happened.      

Not paying attention to him, Alex crouched down to pick Excalibur; the sword tried moving out of his hand. However, Alex snorted and tightly gripped the sword hilt; the sword vibrated and shone; even so, Alex refused to let go of it; one minute passed until the golden longsword lost its glow and stopped resisting, almost as if it had become a normal sword.      

Leonardo came back at that moment; he was shocked not to sense any aura coming from his sword.      

''Y-you bastard, what have you done?" He ignored the pain he was feeling; he used lightning to cauterize his injury; dragging his feet against the ground, he moved closer to Excalibur and picked it; even inside his hand, he couldn't feel any; it was like when the spirit inhabiting your weapon dies, you can't feel any.      

''You bastard.''      

Full of rage, Leonardo swung his sword with any skill behind it; it was easy to avoid it. Alex sidestepped to dodge the sword; he then moved forward and caught the remaining arm; he clutched it making Leonardo feel intense pain.      

Alex leaned forward and whispered something into Leonardo's ears. First, Leonardo's eyes widened before his face turned red, veins popping out.     

''You b-"     

Alex didn't let Leonardo finish cursing at him before punched him hard in the stomach.      

The punch tore through the air and struck Leonardo in the stomach, giving him no time to dodge. He was bent into a funny shape.     


The impact sent him crashing on the other side of the prison cell. The wall caved in; he was embedded in it.     


Leonardo coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and hand ripped open, and hot blood splashed out.      

Alex left the cell, only closing the cell door; the next day, he left to search for his sister, while a few days later, Leonardo mysteriously escaped.     

~End of Flashback.      

The present Leonardo glared at Alex; the latter smiled before they disappeared at the same time. For Leonardo, it is to get his revenge, while for Alex, well, beat the shit out of this asshole.     

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