Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 366: Toward Celesta

Chapter 366: Toward Celesta

4The following day, after freshening up, Alex stepped into the first floor for breakfast. There, Sakuya, disguised as Mio, and Lilith, disguised as Elsa, were sitting there waiting for him.      0

''Morning Leader.'' Mio greeted Sam (Alex) as soon he appeared; Elsa only nodded at him.     

''Morning, girls. Let's eat our breakfast and leave.'' Sam said and sat in front of the girls.     

Soon, the three finished their breakfast and left the Inn and board their magic carriage; Sam was the driver while the girls sat beside him.      

''You have become stronger, Alex.''     

As the carriage silently road toward Celesta, Lilith said, now there was no one beside them, she called him by his real name.      

Lilith's words brought Sakuya's attention to Alex; when she looked at him, it was confirmed that Alex had become more robust.      

''You are; he became stronger,'' Sakuya said.      

Alex smiled, ''Well, I'm still weak; this is nothing compared to those monsters inside the empires.''      

''You are right but compared to most people, you are strong enough. Well, that aside, I'm curious about how you suddenly became so strong. Yesterday, you were not that strong; what happened during the night for you to become so strong?'' Lilith tilted, Sakuya widened her eyes, like Lilith she was curious as well if she could learn what method Alex used this would significantly boost her strength, previously strength was not something she pursued; however, because surrounded by monsters, she couldn't help but want to gain strength not to be left behind.      

Alex only chuckled in response; he didn't answer the girls; he focused his gaze ahead.     

Seeing that Alex was unwilling to tell them how he had become so strong, the girls sighed and stopped asking him. Silence descended on the carriage; Alex continued to drive the carriage, and like this 4 four hours passed; they passed several small villages; however, because of their tight schedule, they didn't stop.     

After passing the last village, the group continued; however, soon, they were forced to stop because there was a monster blocking the road, a lone orc.      

''Let's me take care of it,'' Sakuya said before jumping out of the carriage.     

The moment Sakuya jumped, the Orc saw her, his eyes shined with lust. When Alex saw this lone orc stand in the middle of the road as if he owned it, he almost asked him if the world had gone nuts for monsters to start acting like bandits; when he checked his surrounding, he spotted few monsters hiding.      

''To think monsters would start acting like this,'' Alex mumbled while watching Sakuya move toward the orc.     

''They must be lead by Rare species; you know how smart rare species are,'' Lilith responded while looking at her surrounding to see if she could detect where the leader was.     

At the same time, the Orc moved, fluid flowed freely from its pig-nose, and it has sharpened teeth. His murderous aura toward Sakuya strengthened. At that moment, Sakuya increased her speed and ran toward it.     


The ground flowed like water, the landscape of the forest passing in an instant. The wind ripped.     

Sakuya had unsheathed her katana.     

''Iaï Giri.'' (Iaï Slash)     


Its heavy body collapsed, colliding with the ground and causing it to shake. The orc had been cut into two by Sakuya katana. This must be a new move she created; it was fast. If it weren't for his heightened senses, Alex wouldn't have been able to trace Sakuya's sword. He used his Eye of Truth the moment she unsheathed her katana; he could see green color and a bit of black; this could mean that Sakuya was about to awaken her second element, the person in question seemed unaware of this time.     

[Flying Slash !!]      

Immediately after killing the Orc, Sakuya continued by sending two flying slashes toward the bush, the area where the other monsters were hiding.      


The hiding orcs didn't get the time to scream before getting bisected; the lucky one only lost an arm while the unlucky one directly lost their lives.      

Before Sakuya could kick the ground and finish the injured orcs, a huge dark horizontal blade bisected the monsters into two spilling blood and entrails on the ground; the ground green was immediately tainted red.     

Sakuya stared at Lilith, the responsible for what happened; she smiled, Lilith smiled back. Alex chose not to comment as he could feel the explosive atmosphere around.     

Suddenly, Alex remembered something, so he decided to check it.      

''Eye of Truth.''      

Secretly muttering this, Alex stared at Lilith. Simultaneously, Lilith felt an intense gaze penetrate her back, giving her chill, automatically, she moved her fingers in the air to create a rune, her fingers were fast, the created rune flew up and sank into her forehead, Alex who was checking her status was shocked to see, the information getting blurred, only showing question marks.     

[Lilith ???? Asmodeus]     

Class: ????????     

Age: 19     


Race: Fallen Angel     

「 Rank 11]     

Level 106     

Experience Value (XP): 56000/66000     

Magic Power: ??????     

Magic: Dark ??????????????     

Attack: 2100     

Defense: 2000     

Agility: 2000     

Intelligence: 2200     

Luck: 1400     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: ????? (Incomplete)     

Skills: ???????????     

Special Abilities: ????????????????     

Titles: ?????????????????????』     

Lilith spun around and smirked at Alex as if to say, too bad, almost there. Alex became frustrated; he almost spent his SP on the Eye of Truth to see if he could bypass Lilith's restrictions on her status; however, considering what might happen, he decided to save up his SP for now.     

At the current Sakuya level, it's 81; she was almost Rank 9.     

[Sakuya Hishimiya]     

Class: Magic Samurai     

Age: 17     


Level 81     

Experience Value:5600/37400     

Magic Power: 3000     

Magic: Wind, Dark (Not fully Awakened)     

Attack: 1400     

Defense: 900     

Agility: 1200     

Intelligence: 1100     

Luck: 1070     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: Katana Kaze no Yoroichï     

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 8] [Language Comprehension] [Item box Level 6] [Kendo Level Max] [Swordsmanship Level Max] [Wind Slash] [Iaido Level 8] [Wind tornado Level 5] [Gale Slash Level 8] [Flying Slash Level 5]     

Titles: [Otherworlder] [Kendo Master] [ Yamato Nadeshiko ] [Kendo Fanatic] [S Queen] [Slayer]     

The moment Alex saw the S Queen title, he acted like he had not seen anything. The two girls joined Alex on the carriage after collecting the materials from the dead monsters.      

''Not only you became stronger, you even acquired a strange skill that let you bypass items used to block peeping eyes. You almost got me.'' Lilith stared into Alex's eyes.      

''Hahaha! Too bad, I still failed in the end.'' Alex responded while scratching his head.      

''I must prepare some countermeasures against you. Because you will try again once your ability level becomes higher.'' Lilith commented; Alex could only sigh, to think she could even speculate to such extent.      

Sakuya didn't participate in the conversation, she closed her eyes, she seemed immersed in her world, almost as if she got enlightenment, she could see a world made of two colors, one was vivid green, filled the majority of this world while the second color was a faint black, it was this black color Sakuya was trying to grab, to get connected to this color. Having seen this green color since the beginning of her journey (Since her reincarnation), Sakuya knew this color is related to the wind element, her principal element. It was just recently that she came into contact with this second color, meaning she was about to awaken her second element, and judging by the color, she could guess which element this color is, the Dark element.      

Sakuya tried to get connected to the faint dark color; however, no matter how many she tried, it failed; she could only sigh, which means it was not the time, this left her frustrated.      

Alex, who was observing her, passed a water bottle the moment she woke up and said.     

''Don't be too hasty; take your time. Eventually, you will unlock it.''      

Sakuya nodded; Lilith seemed to be sleeping as her eyes were closed. Sakuya didn't ask Alex how he knew that she was about to awaken a second element; this must be probably because of his new ability, the one Lilith talked about; although she was in meditation, she was still able to hear what her surrounding what saying.     

''Let's me take over from here.'' Sakuya offered her help, and Alex didn't refuse; after leaving the magic carriage to Sakuya, Alex leaned back and closed his eyes to rest; it had been one day he was driving the carriage.      

Looking at the sleeping Alex, Sakuya found him cute; something bubbled inside her. If it weren't because she controlled this urge at the last moment, she would have acted upon her instinct and probably regret it because Alex would dislike her if he knew this side of her; this is her biggest worry. What if Alex decided to throw her away after learning who she is? This would break her heart.      


''Don't worry, we are what we are. If he loves you, he will accept you no matter what you are.'' Lilith said. Sakuya almost jumped from the carriage; she was too surprised by Lilith's voice; looking at her, she saw Lilith still had her eyes closed.      

''You are an odd one,'' Sakuya commented.     

''Say the girl with extreme sadistic tendencies,'' Lilith commented in turn.      

''Ugh! Forget it.'' Sakuya decided not to comment further as she continued to drive the carriage through the night, like this the group their first night on the road toward Celesta.     

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