Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 365: Rank 11 and New Abilities

Chapter 365: Rank 11 and New Abilities

1At the same time, when Alex just created a new technique, Nyx appeared near her sister and looked at Alex killed Aleen.     

''Our master is sure interesting, to think that he would create technique out of the blue.''      

''I agree, I used to look down on him at the start, but it was a grave mistake on my part. He is unique in his own way. This time I hope it will be the one; I'm tired, you know.'' Silveria said while looking at Alex sitting on the ground.     

''I know. Please continue supporting I'm almost free from the shackles.'' Nyx said with the same cold expression she had since the beginning, and like usual, after saying what needed to be said, she vanished, leaving Silveria alone. Silveria, who had become accustomed to her sister's habits, could only sigh and continue observing Alex.     

As for Alex, he was gasping for breath after successfully killing Aleen; if her heart were not located at the center of her chest, then he would have died; fortunately, her heart was right at the center of her chest; no wonder he had fallen the first two times.      

''I guess I-"      

Alex, who was trying to say something, immediately stopped and clutched his left eye, and grunted in pain.      


He felt a searing pain in his left eye, almost as if his iris was being removed and replaced by a new one; it was a pain beyond words.     

Alex closed his eyelids and, at the same time, bit his lower lip to endure the pain that lasted few seconds, but for Alex, it was like an eternity. Finally, the pain was gone as it had never existed; instead, there was a cooling sensation as if an ice cube had been put on his left eye.      

Alex blinked his eyes few times to see if there was no problem with his eyes; fortunately, there aren't any, on the contrary, his sight had become better, probably because he acquired Aleen's third eye, the world in front of Alex was a sight to behold, the world was colored, mostly in gray color, sometimes in this gray world there was a mix of green, yellow and red, Alex wondered what these colors mean.      

Just as he was wondering what those colors mean, Silveria's voice just happened to reach his ears, and she had the explanation of the phenomenon Alex was experiencing.     

''What you are seeing is a world made of mana and elements.''      

''World-made Mana and elements?" Alex was not surprised by Silveria's sudden entrance; he was well aware of her hobby to spectate everything from afar; what he was most interested in was her explanation about the phenomenon in front of him.     

''Indeed, the gray color is Mana, normally Mana is colorless; however, it has been altered to suit this sealed dimension needs.'' Silveria briefly explained.     

From Silveria's explanation, Alex learned a shocking truth; this is a sealed dimension; it didn't take a genius to understand who was the owner of this sealed dimension, as he started thinking recently, this is a prison for rearing monsters that would later serve as his sparring partners and booster at the same time. Alex had nothing to say about this; it is the fate of the defeated, strong will always eat the weak, to not suffer the same fate in the future, Alex ought to be stronger than anyone else, to stand at the top, to be the one to dictate the rules, only by doing this will he be exempt from the fate of becoming a slave.     

Silveria observed Alex for a moment; she had inadvertently let slip the origin of this world, and smart as he is, he must have understood the implications of Aleen's words and what she said; it was to let him know what befell those with weak strength. It seemed that Alex got the message.      

''Alright, I shall continue. Like I was saying, the gray color is Mana, while yellow goes for Earth element, green goes for the Wind element, and naturally Red goes for the Fire element.'' Silveria explained what the others colors except the gray color meant.      

''I see. I see this because I got Aleen's third eye, is that right?"      

Unaware that at the moment, his iris was glowing red instead of green, proof that the third eye was activated, Alex asked.     

''Fufufu! Yeah, like her mother, she also has this eye.'' Silveria let slip another shocking truth.     

''You fought her mother? In the final war?" Alex couldn't help but get curious after hearing Silveria's words.      

''No, before that. We fought many wars before that. Well, the spider queen for the demon realm had submitted to the dark side, so naturally, we were bound to clash; the result she lost, her child captured and sealed to serve as a booster. This is the fate of the weak, even some of us from Divine Race were enslaved, turning into playing thing by the enemy, thankfully we succeed freeing them from their suffering in the end.''      

Silveria was melancholic when she was telling Alex a part of their past; Alex could imagine how to feel falling from proud heaven race to mere playing; some must have gone crazy because of the humiliation.     

Pan! Pan!      

''Enough with depressing stuff. Who's level 2? Do you like it? I mean, the surprise I left here?" Silveria clapped twice to change the subject; the mood was becoming depressing. To change this, she switched to another subject.     

''My honest opinion? I liked it, although it was a little hard; I died once; however, it was fun. I learned a lot and progressed a lot.'' Alex answered honestly.     

''That's good. More surprise awaits you ahead.'' Silveria said.     

Glancing at the tall tower in the distance, Alex asked.     

''You are talking about the tower in the distance?"     

Silveria nodded, and Alex raised another question.     

''How is it called?"      

Silveria's lips curved to form a beautiful smile.     

''Tower of Self, Tower of Reflection.'' She said.     

''I see.''     

That was all Alex said; he didn't raise another question like what is the tower goal. Silveria nodded, pleased with Alex's action, she said.     

''Time to check your status,'' Silveria suggested.     

Alex glanced at her for a moment before proceeding to call out his status.     


[Alexander Kael Touch]     

Class: Magic Gunslinger     

Age: 17     


Race: High Human     

「 Rank 11]     

Level 105     

Experience Value (XP): 0/65900     

Magic Power: 5700 (+70 (+30 BP) ➤ 5800/5800     

Magic: None     

Attack: 2100 (+ 70 (100 BP) ➤ 2270     

Defense: 1770 (+70) ➤ 1840     

Agility: 1910 (+70) ➤ 1980 (+200)     

Intelligence: 1920 (+70 (10 BP) ➤2000     

Luck: 1550 (+70) ➤1620     

BP: 0     

SP: 10     

Gift: Death Guns     

Skills: [Item box Level 4] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 5] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 4] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [High Regeneration Level 7] [Mana Recovery Level 7] [Synthesize Level 10 max] ➤ Crimson's Bullet [Shadow Shift Level 5] [Blade Dance Level 4]      

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] {Death Bullet (???)} [Time Stop] [Time Acceleration] (New) [Eye of Truth Level 1] (New)     

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] [The Destroyer] [Death Master]』     

Alex immediately used his BP while he didn't touch his SP for now. He remembered the previous state he was in; the result of this enlightenment was the skill of Time Acceleration.     

[Time Acceleration: Ability to makes time flow faster around the caster. Everything except the caster feels extremely slow.      

5 MP per second. The stronger the opponent is; the more MP is consumed.]      

''That is some nice ability,'' Alex muttered, happy to possess an ability that is almost like Time Stop but not quite likes it at the same time. What made Alex most happy is the low MP consumption; although this may change depends on the opponent, this is negligible.     

''I agree, it's a nice ability. Now time to check the Eye of Truth, also known as Third Eye.''      

Alex nodded at Silveria's words before reading the description of the Eye of Truth.     

[Eye of Truth: Eye that transcends the concept of a normal eye, already in the supernatural category. It can see past almost everything, its eye that discerns truth from lies, see the world as it is.     

Level 1: Can bypass most of the restrictions.     

Consume 10 MP per second.     

Special ability: Immune to illusion.]     

''Wow! What incredible eye.'' Alex said before turning to face Silveria and mumbled.     

''Eye of Truth.''      

Alex's left eye changed from green to red and looked at Silveria; however, the result was disastrous as expected.     


Alex grunted in pain and quickly shut his eyes.      

Silveria laughed while asking, ''Master, do you like what you have seen?"      

''Ugh! I didn't see anything. Only question marks and darkness when I looked at you.'' Alex answered while rubbing his eyes.      

''It was to be expected, your Eye of Truth level is still low, you can't see everything. Well, even if it was high, there are some exceptions.'' Silveria explained the truth behind Alex's failure to see her status; at the same time, she also warned him that there are some exceptions, meaning people are immune against the Eye of Truth.      

''I see. Also thought that. The reason behind my appraisal skill disappearance is related to the Eye of Truth, isn't it?" Alex understood Silveria's words; he then asked another question.     

''Yeah, with the Eye of Truth, there is no need for Appraisal skill anymore,'' Silveria explained.     

''I see, that is good. Ah!'' Alex stretched his body as he stood up, looking at the blue sky, he muttered.     

''Time to head back.''      

Silveria nodded before flicking her fingers; both disappeared at the same time.     

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