Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 364: The Conclusion

Chapter 364: The Conclusion

4After Aleen remembered her dead mother's last words, the air around her changed. The playfulness she had been displaying vanished without a trace.      1

Alex gulped; he decided to get serious; the reason he had not ended the fight the right way by using the black gun was that he wanted to fight against a strong opponent without relying too much on a sure kill method. To taste hardships, to further hone his fighting capability, his skills, his instincts, above everything else to be prepared for his next fights as he was bound to face Saint Realm expert again, so he must use this opportunity to know how to face them, although, everyone has their own way of fighting, the experience Alex would gain here could come in handy.     

Suddenly, Alex's right eye throbbed; he immediately looked into the sky to see numerous red hands trying to approach him. Aleen used her Dominating Touch.      

Alex snorted before raising his two guns and fired.      


The red hands that tried to get close to Alex's head failed to achieve their purpose and shattered like broken glass in the air by the lightning imbued bullets.      

Aleen didn't expect her Dominating Touch to work on Alex; she had just used it to divert Alex's attention elsewhere as she prepared her next attack.      

Swoosh! Swoosh! Clangs! BANG!      

Alex blocked Aleen's sword strikes with a fake silver gun while with the real one, he diverted the blade to the side.      

[Hell Blaze]      

[Ice Bullet]      

Aleen, who was close to Alex, tried to use her Hell Blaze; however, Alex counterattacked the moment the black flame appeared with one of few remaining ice bullets.     


A big explosion sent the two flying back; Alex didn't miss out on the opportunity to seriously injure Aleen. Still in the air, he aimed Silveria at the flying Aleen and shot a crimson bullet at her.      

Aleen's pupils constricted; she could sense how dangerous this bullet was; without holding back, she shouted.      

''Wind Barriers"      

Eight wind shields were formed in front of Aleen; as if it was not enough, she put another shield before her; this one was made of Dark element, then she added another layer.      

''Spider Queen Embrace.''      

From Aleen's back, eight spider legs appeared and wrapped themselves around her as if to form a cocoon, then the crimson bullet struck.      

Screech! Crack! Kaboom!      

Whether it was Alex or Aleen, the two were sent flying; Alex vomited blood while all barriers summoned by Aleen were broken, even cracks appeared on the eight spider legs; Aleen grunted.     

''Ugh! Damn you, human; I will kill you.'' Aleen bellowed before disappearing; she had used instant dash; she must finish this human and absorb him; he possessed too unusual abilities.      

Aleen appeared above Alex, who was still struggling to stand up; three of the eight spider legs were thrust at Alex, two aimed at his heart while the last one was going straight toward his head, just as the spider legs were about to touch their target, Aleen head a clinking sound, Alex dropped a small vial, Aleen's instinct roared at that moment, it was then Aleen saw Alex that should be despairing smirk at her, she knew she had been fooled. It was already too late to turn back because the Death God had opened his mouth.      


Aleen froze with widened eyes; time stopped for the spider queen.      

Alex placed Silveria on her right chest and fired.      

[Phantom bullet]      


Because he was running low on MP, Alex could only use a Phantom bullet; using Freeze on a Saint Realm expert had drained most of his MP; if not, he would have used the crimson bullet to obliterated Aleen.      

A big hole appeared on Aleen's right chest; she fell to the ground.      

To fight against any unforeseen circumstances, Alex immediately drowned another Mana recovery potion, quickly half of his MP got filled.      

Suddenly, there was a big explosion, Alex puked blood.      

Eight spider legs pierced through his body, strangely his vitals were avoided. Blood splashed the ground, quickly dying it red.     

''Fufufu! Once again, you surprised me.''      

Aleen was back from the dead once again, the hole in her right chest was regenerating at fast speed, and soon it was back anew.      

''Seriously, I would have died if my heart was located at the right,'' Aleen commented.      

Alex almost shouted, where the hell is your heart then?; However, he controlled himself, now he must extricate himself from his current situation. Moving his right hand, Alex shot a Crimson bullet at the ground, at the place where the eight spider legs emerged from.      


There was a huge explosion that happened, breaking the eight spider bones and sending Alex flying.     

Aleen quickly protected herself against the explosion. While rolling on the ground, Alex used his last Mana recovery potion; his injuries were healing fast.      

''Wind Arrows.''      

Tuck! Tuck! Boom!!!     

Alex rolled on the ground to dodge the incoming arrows; at the same time, spider legs started coming out from the ground, trying to skewer him.      

[Shadow Shift]      

Alex shadow shifted with a broken tree to avoid the spider legs protruding from the ground; Alex's body momentarily stopped moving, his sixth sense ringed alarm bell, without thinking Alex aimed Silveria at the front, he widened his right eye, if he could see at the moment, he would be shocked to see something spin at fast speed inside his right eye. Thanks to this, Alex was able to see Aleen's blade that should have been invisible in normal circumstances. Her blade vanished; in reality, it elongated but using shadow to hide its presence.     

[Phantom Bullet]      


The invisible bullet and Aleen's blade tip were stuck in a temporary stalemate before Aleen widrawed her sword and vanished; she became multiple, striking Alex from all directions.      

Clangs !! Bang !!!      

Even if Alex had six arms, he couldn't dodge everything, and soon small injuries started appearing all over his body. Aleen was vicious, she specifically targeted areas where Loki couldn't cover, and she was wary of Alex's Freeze.     

Alex, who was suffering injury upon injury, entered a trance state, he questioned himself:      

Kael, why not think about a method to reduce the consumption of Freeze? Why not create a derivative skill with the same ability but not quite the same? This will use less MP.      

Then, it was born.      

[Time Acceleration]     

The sword coming toward Alex momentarily slowed down, Aleen widened her eyes. She tried to fall back, but Alex didn't give her the time.      

''Time Acceleration,'' Alex mumbled; Aleen slowed down.      

Time Acceleration is a skill that makes times flow quickly for Alex; everything except him will slow down.      

''Y you l-liltle s-shit.''      

Under the Time Acceleration, Aleen's words were slow, Alex ignored her, he let her sword pierce his chest to arrive before her, this time he placed Silveria neither on the left or right but in the middle; the moment he did this, he felt like he struck something, immediately he knew it was the right choice.      

[Phantom Bullet] × [Snatch]      


Aleen's crystal (heart) was instantly crushed; her ability sucked. With a plop, Alex fell to the ground gasping for breath. It was a tough fight.     

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