Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 360: Nyx's Abilities 3 and the Unknown Ability

Chapter 360: Nyx's Abilities 3 and the Unknown Ability

3''You see, you have a special ability.'' Silveria declared.      2

''A special ability?" Alex asked confused, judging from Silveria's words, this ability is purely his, not from any of them.      

''Yeah, you have an ability which is unknown at the moment. I meant not much is known about it."      


Silveria's words were like a clap of thunder that struck Alex directly on the head; he was feeling happy to have a unique ability different than the girls; however, to end up hearing this ability is unknown.      

''Care to clarify, please?" Alex said as he believes that there was more than that.      

''You are calmer than I thought. Well, it's a good thing. My sister and I, it was her who first noticed it, though. You have ability; as I said, it's unknown what kind of ability you have; we can only speculate. Do you remember that recently, the title the one who can't use magic disappeared?" Silveria questioned.     

''Yes, I do? What does this have to do with my ability?" Alex answered before raising a question.     

''It has everything to do with it. Do you also remember that it became possible for you to kill undead creatures easily? Somehow, your bullets became special undead type?"      

''Yeah, I do remember. It happened after I got engaged with Luna, after spending the night with her. Wait, you are not saying that my ability is related to that?" Alex, who was able to make the connection between his steamy night and his ability, couldn't help but raise his voice; he could understand now why Nyx would suggest that.      

''Yeah, it is only speculation; maybe this unique ability enables you to produce a special type of bullet depending on the woman you sleep with or woman that loves you,'' Silveria explained.      

Alex could understand why his ability got the light property (Light Element is effective against undead creatures.); he probably acquired this after sleeping with Luna. Recently, his bullet became faster; at first, he thought he it because he had gotten stronger; however, now he thinks differently. His bullet becoming faster might be due to him having slept with Artemia; his bullet had not truly gained the lightning ability surely because Artemia did not love him as Luna do. It would be strange if she were to fall in love with him because of that accident.     

Shaking his head, Alex focused his attention on Silveria; there was still a lot of uncertainty about his ability; it was probably why Silveria says it is an unknown ability. Not much is known about it.     

''So, to understand more about it, you must conquer more. Is it why my sister suggested that.'' Silveria explained her sister's reasoning, and she also seemed to share the same feeling.      

''I see. So, what you mean to say that maybe with more women, my ability might fully awaken?" Alex asked; it was the only thing he could think of after listening to Silveria's explanation.     

''As expected of you. You quickly understand. Let's take it slowly. I suggest moving on to Sakuya during your travel quickly. Adding Lilith might not be a bad thing. Maybe after conquering Maria, Kuina, Eris, your ability might fully awaken.'' Silveria explained with a smile; it was the smile of someone wanting to enjoy a good show.     

''You seemed to be enjoying yourself too much, don't you think?" Alex glared at her; Silveria started whistling, playing the obvious.     

''Moi, do no know what you are talking about.'' She said and kept whistling.      

''Forget, it she even learned some French words. I won't ask where you learned it; however, can you please explain more about your sister's abilities to me? As for my ability, we will talk about it later; whether I conquer more women or not need to be discussed with the girls first; their opinions matters as well. They are not puppies that would follow all my instructions nor suffer silently." Alex said he believes that important stuff like that must be discussed with his girls; they must share their opinions if they wished or not. Taking into account your woman's opinion is the secret to a good and long-lasting relationship, so Alex believes.     

Silveria nodded her head, pleased with Alex's way of thinking; she decided to explain more about her sister's abilities; as he said, discussion about his ability should be postponed for later.      

''As you have heard it from the person herself. My sister has two abilities: Freeze and Rewind—it time-based ability. Time-related ability is scarce and stronger as well. The first ability, as you have read it, can stop time.''      

To Silveria's explanation, Alex nodded and remembered the description of Freeze.     

{Freeze: The ability to momentarily stop time for a second. Can stop anything; however, the stronger is the opponent, the more MP it will consume.     

Basic MP consumption: 2000 MP     

Note: It can evolve.}     

''The stronger your opponent is, the more MP will be consumed. Let's say if you wish to use your ability on Saint Realm expert, almost all of your MP will be used, and it will only last one second. At the moment, it impossible for you to stop Demi-God Realm expert.'' Silveria explained while giving some examples to help Alex understand more about Nyx's first ability.     

''I see; I understand more about Freeze; however, that note it can evolve is what I'm more interested in. Does mean the amount of second and MP needed to activate this skill might change in the future?" Alex asked; his eyes were filled with anticipation, anticipation for a positive response; this would mean he would become stronger.     

''Yeah, it's exactly as you have guessed. When you unlock the third seal, the amount of second will increase, less MP consumed. You should know that your right eye is closely related to time as well. In essence, it could be said that it is the right eye is the key to utilize my sister's abilities fully. It's probably why she gave it to you.''     

Silveria made a startling revelation.      

Alex was not surprised; he had come to the same conclusion after seeing Nyx's ability.      

''Try using your right eye more to force it to awaken fully,'' Silveria suggested.     

''I will.'' Alex nodded. Maybe using on stronger opponents. In that case, there will be some resistance; it might fail; however, this could be the key to awaken his right eye fully, Alex secretly thought.     

''The second ability is more strong; not even our previous master was able to master it fully. Maybe you will.'' Silveria said while looking at Alex in the eyes.      

The more time she spent with this man, the more special she feels he is. Maybe Alex can use Nyx's second ability; Silveria genuinely hopes so because it was godly-like ability.      

''The second ability, Rewind, is also called Time Manipulation. At his strongest state, our previous master could rewind time to one minute. My sister's real ability is more powerful than that. To tell the truth, there was one time she went back 24h to save me.''      

Alex's eyes widened to their limit; they almost burst out of their sockets. What kind of ridiculous ability is this? Imagine that you can rewind time to 24h? This is insane; it means you can save someone that dies less than 24h. It's truly a godly ability.     

Wait, suddenly Alex thought about something, and as if she could read his thoughts, Silveria said.     

''If you wish to ask why she didn't use her ability back then to correct that tragedy that happened, it can only say she couldn't simply because she had been broken by the time she learned about our father died, her abilities sealed themselves, it only restarts working after our mother's sacrifice, after she made us became contracted to other races. Let's not stop talking about it. As I said, I hope you can use my sister's second ability to its fullest.''      

After listening to Silveria's explanation, Alex understood, he was sensible enough not to force Silveria to remember sad events.      

''Your sister is really strong, so are her abilities. Even though she didn't use her eyes on me, just by looking at me, I have almost kneeled. Just remembering it, I got shivers.'' Alex said Nyx is powerful, so strong that Alex wondered if there exists someone stronger than her? However, the answer was obvious; of course, there are people stronger than her, Alex would face them one day as he wishes to stand at the top. Thinking about the number of challenges he would face, Alex couldn't help but smile, his blood boil, his heartbeat accelerated.      

''It's going to be thrilling.'' Alex blurt out.      

Silveria smiled. Nyx also smiles faintly. Fortunately, Alex was not alone; he got many women and friends to accompany him on this adventure.     

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