Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 346: Elesim

Chapter 346: Elesim

4After the little episode with Sarah, silence returned inside the carriage; nobody spoke as the carriage advanced along the road.      4

Suddenly, the healer, who had not talked since the beginning, spoke.      

''You have a pretty high amount of mana, Mr. Sam.'' The green-haired healer said.      

The others, her comrades, were astonished because she's known as someone who rarely takes the initiative to speak even to her teammates, not to say, stranger. So no wonder they were surprised for her to take the initiative to speak to a stranger.     

Sam, who had his eyes closed, opened them and glanced at the girl for a moment before saying.      

''Yeah, I heard that a lot. But it's rude to probe others, don't you often hear it?"      

''My bad, I was just curious. Your body emits a substantial amount of mana, more than anyone present, no more than anyone present on this mission.'' Ellen is the name of Fierce Storm's primary healer.     

''What? More than Karl?''      

One of the swordsmen said surprised, Karl is their primary mage, said to possess a considerable amount of MP.      

Even Garan made a surprised face, the way he looks at Sam changed, his evaluation of him increased, for him to catch Ellen's attention, he must be pretty awesome.      

'Sigh! I guess even though disguised. Everything can't be concealed.' Sam thought.      

''Are the two besides your wives?"      

It was unknown what gotten into Ellen, but she became all talkative, curious about Sam's group.      

''Not yet wives but fiancees,'' Sam responded with a tired sigh. At first sight, this frail girl looks like a recluse person; however, when she became curious, she turn into a whole other person.     

''I say girl. You are not making an identity card for you to ask so many questions, are you?" Mio couldn't take this girl's curiosity anymore, so she asked.      

Like a frightening rabbit, Ellen retreated.      

''Sorry, I-i was wrong.'' She said.     

For a moment, Mio felt terrible, as if she was bullying an innocent child.      

''Stop it, Ellen; you are causing trouble for others.'' Finally, Garan decided to intervene. From his tired expression, he didn't really want to step in because Ellen became teary eyes; outsiders would think that others were bullying her.     

Suddenly, they were commotion outside, and the carriage stopped.      

''Bandits attack.''      

Someone shouted, the group inside jumped out except for Ellen.      

Immediately, they were assailed by arrows.      

''Take a cover, those who can defend against the arrows,'' Garan shouted before stepping forward, unsheathing his great ax he spin; the shockwave produced blocked the incoming arrows.      

When Garan turned his head in the other direction, he was astonished by the sight of Sam repeatedly cutting arrows into two. As for his two fiancees, they were doing pretty well.      

Sarah burned to cinder the arrows coming in her direction.      

''Jie~ Jie~! Fresh meats. Kill all men, leave the women behind.''      

From the other side of the bush, a voice came, immediately another volley of arrows was shot toward the carriages; however, it was not only that; fireballs were shot, mixed with the arrows.      

''Careful, there is a magician on their side. Sarah, take care of it.'' Garan quickly instructed.     

''Roger, boss!" Sarah responded before dashing into a certain direction; her speed was pretty fast for a normal Fire Mage.      

''Ellen, George, you two come with me; we will assist others, especially protect Mr. Carlos and his daughter. Sam, I will leave this area under your supervision. Can you do it?"      

To Garan's question, Sam dodged an arrow before throwing a knife in the direction of one of the hidden archers.      

Puh! Thud!      

It was insta-kill.      

''Leave to me.'' Sam finally responded.      

Although surprised that Sam could also throw knives so accurately. Garan, George, and Ellen sprinted toward the merchant's carriage.      

Everywhere, the sounds of metal clashing and wails could be heard; on Sam's side, it was pretty good.     

''Charge, kill that Blondie; he is the one that killed Ash. Kill, take the women.''      

One of the bandits shouted before charging toward Sam's group with his sword, following him were seven men dressed in fine armors, something you never see on normal bandits, this couldn't only means one thing, this group of bandits is high ranked one with their leader being a former adventurer or mercenary.      

''I will leave the two at the back to you. Max's brothers should take care of the two coming from the left. I will take care of the rest.'' Sam instructed, and nobody questioned his decision, especially Max's brothers, the two swordsmen who had seen how easily Sam was able to dispatch the arrows and killed one of the hidden archers.      

Kicking off the ground, Mio launched herself forward; in a flash, she arrived under the bandit.      

''What?" The bandit was surprised; he tried to bring his sword down to break Mio's skull; however, to his dismay, his hands fell into the ground, cut off by Mio, he didn't even notice when.      

''Ahhh- You-"      

The bandit's voice was cut off because Mio appeared behind him and removed his head with her Katana; her Katana's movement was faster, almost godly.      

At the same time that Mio killed the bandit in front of her, Elsa also killed the one in front of her; however, her method was more vicious; she sliced the poor bandit into three pieces.      

The brothers were surprised by the violent scene; however, now wasn't the time to get emotional; they must focus on their enemies; it is what they did.     

On Sam's side, he had it better. The first bandit to attack him was blocked.      


Sam kicked the man's knee, making him falter; faster than the man could follow, he sliced his throat.      

Kicking the dead body toward the second bandit to temporally obstruct his sight, Sam appeared behind him; he blocked the man's sword before thrusting his knife into the man's neck, the bandit tried to dodge, but somehow, the knife elongated and pierced his neck.      

As for the last bandit, Sam killed him with a long-distance attack, four knives thrown at the bandit; however, it was disguised as two knives; when the bandit thought he blocked them, the two knives hiding in the other shadows struck him.     

Afterward, the battle didn't last for too long; the adventurers killed the bandits; unfortunately, their leader didn't show up, forcing the group to decide to let him go for now.      

After the battle, the carriages continued to advance toward Elesim; they arrived in the city in the evening; it was a beautiful city, not big as the outer capital but big enough to be called a medium-size city.      

The group reported to the Adventurer's branch inside the city before going to separate ways.     

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