Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 342: The Emperor's Birthday 1

Chapter 342: The Emperor's Birthday 1

3One week later, in the enormous hall of Drexia imperial castle.     

Presently, many people were present to celebrate emperor Julius 108th birthday. Guests came from all over the world.      

The star of the show had not shown up; the hall doors were opened, and a group of people entered; all eyes were on them.      

Leading this group was a handsome man in a tuxedo. Holding the young man with heterochromia eyes hands were two beauties, the one in the left wore a gothic robe matching her red eyes, like the young man she had heterochromia eyes, one red while the other golden.     

As for the one on the right, she wore an all-sequined pink gown, which had major side cutouts connected by the silver trim detailing that crisscrossed at her midsection. The blonde beauty paired the backless dress with a long, braided ponytail with silver chains and sequins weaved through it. To perfectly match the dress and hair, she carried a silver star-shaped clutch as her purse.      

Behind the young man were another two beauties, one wore a silver robe while the other a traditional kimono; this kimono was a mix of pink (at the top) and red with flowers pattern (At the bottom).      

''Look, it's Alexander, the one that destroyed an entire organization just to rescue his sister.''      

A young master whispered, although they were a bit of admiration in his eyes as he looked at Alex, he couldn't help but become jealous seeing all adulations Alex was receiving from the young females; even some older women were staring at Alex with lustful eyes.      

''Tch! What's so great about.'' A jealous young master said, however, he was ignored by the others.      

''I heard that all three goddesses are his women?" Another one whispered as he kept looking at Alex's group move to their designated table.     

''Indeed, they are his women. Alexander is great; only a capable man can win the heart of exceptional women. The like of us are still far from that level.'' The young man who talked earlier said this. Some of the young men surrounding the table couldn't help but agree.      

Ignoring the incredulous looks they were receiving, Alex sighed.      

''I didn't want to come; if Artemia has not insisted, I wouldn't have come. I hate this type of event.''      

''Fufufu! Looks at those eyes that want nothing to snatch you, Alex. I want to crush them, to trample on them as they beg for me.'' Sakuya said, leaking a bit of killing intent, those women trying to approach retreated under Sakuya's killing intent.      

''Sakuya, stop. If you continue, most of them will faint.'' Alex rebuked Sakuya; she immediately retracted her killing intent.      

''Where are Leon and the others?" Luna couldn't help but ask as she didn't see them yet.      

''They are coming,'' Alex responded, and indeed they entered just after Alex talked.     

Leon wore a white tuxedo, whereas Ferris and Eris wore matching dresses, a blue tuxedo, and a short blue evening robe. As for Kuina, she wore a revealing dark kimono with a flowers pattern. The group sauntered toward Alex's table.      

''Good evening, my friend!''      

''Long time no see. Did you miss me, Alex?"      

When the others normally greeted Alex's group, Kuina decided to tease him; however, instead of Alex answering Kuina, Maria answered; she was not friendly.     

''He was busy with you know what, so, he didn't have the time to miss you.''      

''Oh? You said that, but you still a virgin, though, how strange.''      

Kuina being Kuina, she immediately counterattacked, spark fly between the two, Alex, Ferris and Leon looked at each other, the latter shrugged their shoulders as if to say, it is your problem, do take care of it.     

'You traitors.' Alex cursed at them.     

''Fufufu! I have never said he was busy taking care of me; all those training in illusion magic may have damaged your brain.'' Maria mocked.      

''I see, no wonder the temperature around was so cold, it smells I'm still, and I will die virgin air,'' Kuina responded while crossing her legs slowly as she could; this caused numerous men to get nosebleeds.      


''Virgin bitch.''     

''Say the bitch who are still virgin.''      

''You two enough, we don't come here tonight to make a spectacle. We are here as guests, so behave yourself.'' Alex chided the two, which wouldn't stop if he didn't intervene.      

Luna, Gracier, Sakuya, and Eris were already chatting; they completely ignored what was happening between Maria and Kuina; those two were always like this, acting as if they were archenemies.     

Suddenly, there was a sound; it was to announce the arrival of the emperors and Empress.      

''Please welcome the Emperors and Empresses from far away.''      

Everybody stood up to welcome the guests.     

The first to enter was the Far East empire emperor; he wore a blue kimono with a sword hanging at his waist; he looks like an ordinary mortal; however, this was an illusion. Rumor has it that this man almost reached Demi-God level. Following him was the Emperor of Sarz empire, a white-haired that didn't like thirty, then come to the Pope.      

The moment the Pope entered, he looked at Alex; briefly, it was only for a second, during this one second, Alex fell like he was stripped from all his secret, he couldn't do anything, it was then he understood the gap between them, he might be Rank 10, a Grandmaster, however, facing a true powerhouse such as the Pope said to be at Demi-God level, he was like an ant.      

Being spied on left a bad aftertaste inside Alex's mouth; he vowed to pay today's humiliation hundredfolds. What he didn't know was that the Pope was shocked; he received backlash when he was trying to check Alex, a pair of blue eyes in the void stared back at him, if he had not stopped trying to probe Alex to see if he could find a clue about the Holy son unusual death, the Pope eyes would have burst open.     

'We must be cautious when dealing with this boy.' The Pope secretly muttered.      

Leon's father and Ferris's father were the next to enter; the moment Alex saw them, he knew they were his friends' fathers; both men winked at Alex before taking a seat.      

A woman came; next, it was a beautiful elf wearing a green dress; the acting Empress of Elves since Typhania went missing.      

Just after the Empress of the Elves sat, another woman entered; however, when this person entered, be it was woman or man, both genders got mesmerized by the woman's beauty, a natural-born seductress, the femme fatale.      

Only the strong individuals still have their minds; Alex couldn't help but praise Kuina's mother for being beautiful and extremely seductive. Extremely pure white hair, dressed alluringly, behind her were nine tails     

''Oh? No wonder you catch that child's attention.''      

Somehow, an alluring voice reached Alex's ears, almost melting his bones, making him get a boner; he rapidly bit his tongue to control himself.      


The illusionary small fox on Alex's shoulders disappeared, and the Queen of Foxia smiled.      

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